Privacy Policy

The protection and privacy of your personal data is of utmost importance to us at A Very Normal Company. We respect the privacy of all personal information and data we receive and will ensure compliance to the personal data protection laws of Singapore and the strictest of security and confidentiality standards.


Collection of Personal Data

We collect personal data and confidential information (“Personal Data”) from our employees and candidates upon their engagement of our manpower outsourcing services. This Personal Data will include, but may not be limited to the following information:

  • their name;
  • their NRIC/Passport No.;
  • their email address;
  • their contact details;
  • their date of birth;
  • their citizenship;
  • their academic qualifications;
  • their resume; and
  • their photograph/image

Purpose of Collection of Data

Any Personal Data is collected for the following purposes:

  • To verify your identity and/or for contact purposes;
  • To profile your skills and assist us in accessing your suitability for employment opportunities with partners, and your career development;
  • To obtain statistics so that we may improve, further develop our business and marketing processes through learning;
  • Consent to the Collection, Use & Disclosure of your Personal Data for the purpose of your employment with A Very Normal Company and/or its clients, business partners and with sister companies under Omnibridge Holdings

Your Personal Data

The provision of your Personal Data to us will be deemed as consent to BGC Group of Companies’ (consisting A Very Normal Company Pte Ltd and BGC Group Pte Ltd) collection, use and disclosure of your Personal Data for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy statement.

Others’ Personal Data

Please ensure that you seek consent with your references, referrals, and your next-of-kin before providing their Personal Data to us. Kindly inform them that our collection, use and disclosure of their Personal Data is solely for the purposes in our PURPOSE OF COLLECTION OF PERSONAL DATA paragraph

You are responsible for ensuring that your reference and your next-of-kin consents to our collection, use and disclosure of Personal Data for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy statement.

Disclosure or Transfer of Data

A Very Normal Company strives to keep all Personal Data private and confidential. We may, however, with your prior consent, disclose and/or transfer Personal Data to our subsidiaries, 3rd parties for the purposes set out in our PURPOSE OF COLLECTION OF PERSONAL DATA paragraph

These 3rd parties include, but will not be limited to:

  • Our employers who are our corporate clients;
  • Our strategic partners that work with BGC to provide services and manage the BGC websites;
  • Educational institutes or professional qualifying bodies where you obtained your qualifications and accreditation;
  • Regulatory bodies, governmental bodies or other authorities (if required or authorized to do so under law);
  • Any party involved in or related to a legal proceeding (or prospective legal proceeding), for purposes of the legal proceedings;
  • Otherwise permitted under any data protection legislation.

Access to Personal Data

BGC is dedicated to ensuring that our handling of your Personal Data is transparent. If you have any queries concerning how your Personal Data has been or may be used or disclosed (an “Access Request”), please drop us an email at [email protected], copying your existing main contact point in the email address, with the subject title “ACCESS REQUEST”, stating the following details:

  • your full name;
  • your email address; and
  • the name of your Sales Consultant
  • Please note that there will be an administrative fee of S$ 10 for each Access Request.

Correction of Personal Data

In the event that you wish to correct and/or update your Personal Data in our records, please drop us an email at [email protected], , copying your existing main contact point in the email address, with the subject title, stating the following details:

  • your full name;
  • your email address; and
  • the information you wish to correct; and
  • the name of your Sales Consultant


Protection of Personal Data

Your Personal Data (both in physical and electronic forms) are maintained securely in BGC Group of Companies’ system and protected against unauthorised access. A Very Normal Company has implemented physical, electronic and managerial measures which are appropriate and proportionate to safeguard, protect and secure your Personal Data.

These measures ensure that:

  • Only authorised staff under BGC Group of companies will have access to your Personal Data; and
  • Any disclosure and/or transfer of your Personal Data will be done in accordance with our DISCLOSURE OR TRANSFER OF DATA paragraph.


Withdrawal of Consent to Use of Personal Data

In the event that you wish to withdraw consent to our use of your Personal Data, please drop us an email at [email protected] stating the following details:

  • your full name;
  • your email address; and
  • the name of your key contact point

Alternatively, you may simply express your intention to withdraw your consent to your current main contact point

Retention of Personal Data

We will retain your Personal Data for different periods of time (a “Time Period”) according to the classification set out below.

In the event that you are no longer interested in, or consent to the provision of our manpower outsourcing services and/or the retention of your Personal Data during the Time Period, kindly inform us of the withdrawal of your consent in the manner highlighted in our WITHDRAWAL OF CONSENT TO USE OF PERSONAL DATA paragraph.


Candidates interested in positions as our outsourced contractor

We strive to build a long-term relationship with our contractors regarding their employment with us while based at our clients’ premises. If you have engaged us in this capacity, we will retain your Personal Data for the purposes of providing our due diligence to you as an employer so long as you are interested and agree to consent to provision of manpower outsourcing services.


Disposal of Personal Data

We will dispose of your Personal Data in the following manner after the Time Period required by PDPA laws. This means

Shredding, destroying physical copies of your Personal Data;

Removing, deleting the following details from our databases and software systems containing:

  • your full name;
  • your NRIC/Passport No.;
  • your email address;
  • your contact details;
  • your date of birth;
  • your Citizenship;
  • your resume

Anonymisation of your Personal Data will mean that you, as an individual, will no longer be identifiable from the information.

We will carry out our removal of your Personal Data within a month of your withdrawal of consent. As such, we will not be contacting you or providing you with our services within a month of your withdrawal of consent.


A Very Normal Company’s Data Protection Feedback Channels

Our data protection officers (“DPOs”) are responsible for ensuring that our Personal Data protection policies are properly implemented and comply with that of the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (No. 26 of 2012). Our DPO can be contacted in the following manner:


Contacting our DPO

DID: 6602 9777

Email address: [email protected]

If you have any input, feedback or queries on how A Very Normal Company uses and handles Personal Data, please contact our DPO.