21 Feb The Best Introverted Personality Types Suited for Tech and Cybersecurity
For years, human resources have relied on personality metrics such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) tests for insights into the ideal candidates for specific industries. In this article, we will be discussing the best, introverted personality types suited for tech and cybersecurity.
INTJ – The Architect
Funny enough, the INTJ is one of the rarest personalities out there. Being rare does have its perks though, it means that these “architects” are in high demand. Especially since these personality types have a natural affinity to both the theoretical and applied sciences. Hence, it’s a no brainer that the INTJ is suitable to work in industries such as tech and cybersecurity.
INTJ Strengths
Some major strengths that the INTJ can bring to a tech and cybersecurity industry include:
- Quick and analytical mind: If there is one thing that an INTJ is confident about, it is their analytical mind and quick wit. These are curious individuals by nature and they’re always up for anything that challenges their intellect.
- Confident: Despite being introverts, the INTJ is a personality that is highly confident. This is an individual that prioritizes their own rationale above everything else, so it will be hard to convince the architect that they’re wrong.
- Open-minded: The INTJ can be an open-minded personality….as long as the counterpoints are argued well. Remember, this is a personality that relies a lot on logic and the rational. Which makes them a good fit in the tech and cybersecurity industry.
Workplace Habits
Like most introverts, the INTJ thrives in an environment where they are left to work independently without external distractions. These are individuals who work hard in order to realize their goals. As such, they’ll need to have colleagues, superiors, or subordinates with similar values at the workplace.
Despite their intense dedication, this is a personality type that finds it troubling to work in a team. However, thanks to their skills in planning and their ability to stick to long term goals, the INTJ has a natural affinity for roles such as information security.
2. INTP – The Logician
Much like the INTJ personality type, the INTP is an individual that values intellect and rationale. These analytical observers can often be found trying to understand deeper concepts and making abstract connections. Perhaps that is one of the many reasons why INTP personalities thrive in the world of tech and cybersecurity.
INTP Strengths
Some major strengths that the INTP can bring to a tech and cybersecurity industry include:
- Divergent thinkers: People with this personality type view the world as a complex machine. And like any logician, the INTP’s wants to break apart and analyze these connections. They want to understand these connections no matter how seemingly unrelated things are.
- Open-minded: Unlike the INTJ, the INTP has a fairly liberal mind. They’re open to accepting new ideas, especially when it comes to alternate theories, as long as they’re supported by theory and facts.
- Straightforward: In an industry that relies on honest and straightforward communication (i.e. tech and cybersecurity), the INTP is fully equipped to thrive in it.
Workplace Habits
Like any other introvert, the INTP thrives in a workplace that provides them with ample solitude and privacy. However, these individuals also work well in teams with complementary personalities. The INTP is sure to be a great fit in any workplace.
They’re ready to provide both their team and supervisors innovative ideas, are resourceful and also hard working on the job. As such, these traits make the INTP a great fit for positions within the tech and cybersecurity industry.
3. ISTJ – The Inspector
When it comes to organization and systems, there is no other personality interested in tackling such problems as the ISTJ. These are individuals devoted to upholding the organization’s regulations and preserving traditions. Their interest in the world of organization and systems is what makes the ISTJ invaluable in the field of tech and cybersecurity.
ISTJ Strengths
Some major strengths that the ISTJ can bring to a tech and cybersecurity industry include:
- Detail-oriented: These individuals are blessed with the ability to notice holes, gaps, and errors that other personality types don’t usually pick up on. Their meticulous nature comes in handy when working with different codes or even penetration testing.
- Planning: Organization is important to the ISTJ. As such, people with this personality type are skilled when it comes to planning. These individuals are great with time management, punctual, and often meet their deadlines.
Workplace Habits
Organized and traditional, the ISTJs have no trouble prioritizing the different tasks to complete at work each day. Despite their introversion, employees with these personality types get along very well with their colleagues. Some websites have even dubbed ISTJs as reliable people, which many can often find in times of need.
Not only are they reliable, but traditional ISTJs are conscious about time, regulations, and systems. Which is why they make the ideal employee for the strict field of tech and cybersecurity.
4. ISTP – The Craftsman
When compared to the ISTJ, ISTPs can seem a little more enigmatic and outgoing. However, employees with this personality type want to approach and decipher the world with both logic and practical solutions.
Despite being a reserved personality type, ISTP employees will take action when needed. They’re also adaptable and independent workers. Additionally, these individuals are spontaneous, which makes these individuals, reliable during emergencies such as cyber breaches and unauthorized hacks.
ISTP Strengths
Some major strengths that the ISTP can bring to a tech and cybersecurity industry include:
- Creative and logical: ISTP employees have the best of both worlds. They’re able to approach the most technical of problems with creative solutions.
- Problem solvers: Since they’re able to absorb a large amount of sensory information and organize it accordingly. These individuals are also confident in their knowledge and ability to dive and take action during any emergencies.
- Flexible: Unlike the ISTJ, people with the ISTP personality type are adaptable when faced with the unexpected. Maybe that’s why they thrive in industries such as tech and cybersecurity.
Workplace Habits
As expert craftsmen, the ISTP enjoys manipulating and experimenting with the tools available, whatever it may be. Which makes them the ideal candidate for industries that require constant experimentation such as cybersecurity.
Additionally, the ISTP is also a team player, although a majority are reserved and prefer to stand back and observe quietly before jumping in to help.
Try holding a personality test for your cybersecurity and tech employees to see if our theories check out! Stay tuned for our upcoming article, the best, extroverted personality types suited for tech and cybersecurity.
What’s your personality type? Share them with us in the comments section below!