HR Professionals: Here’s What Your IT Hiring Manager is Trying to Tell You

Hiring for the IT, tech, and cyber security industry is tough. Not only is there a limited pool of talent to fish from, but it is also incredibly hard to find a cyber security talent that is suitable enough for your organization.

And it’ll continue to be tough to hire for cyber security talents in the near future. The future predictions for the cyber security industry are:

  • By 2021, there will be unfilled 3.5 million cyber security positions globally
  • Cyber security jobs sit unfilled for at least 6 months
  • As of 2019, there is a global shortage of 2 million cyber security professionals globally. The largest cyber security skills gap is in Asia Pacific. A 2018 survey revealed that there is a shortage of 3 million cyber security talents just in Asia Pacific. 

Your IT hiring manager is aware that it takes more than just the appropriate training and qualifications to find the ideal cyber security candidate. Here are the 5 things your IT hiring manager is trying to tell you:

1. They Want Someone Fluent in IT Jargon

It seems reasonable to want to hire someone fluent in IT jargon for a job in cyber security right? But really, hiring managers want to find people who understand the minute nuances between cyber security and information security.

Why? Well, it’s simple. Someone who is trained in the cyber security and information security field will possess different skills. For instance, a trained cyber security professional should have skills such as intrusion detection, malware analysis, and reversal, or even the simple ability to think like a black hat hacker. Of course, there are other more specific skills that distinguish a cyber security professional from an information security talent.

Learn more about the specific differences in our article that breaks down the differences between a cyber security professional and an information security professional hereIn short, hiring managers are looking for people who can do more than speak geek. 


2. Soft Skills Are A Must

As a recruiter, you must be busy trying to find the ideal candidate with the hard skills needed to survive the cyber security industry. But don’t risk neglecting the soft skills a long term employee needs. It’s quite easy to find a trained cybersec professional with advanced tech skills locked in their toolbox. But finding someone trained in soft-skills can be tough. In fact, Linkedin ranks communication skills as one of the most in-demand skills to have amongst employers.

So why are communication skills valued amongst IT and/or tech hiring managers? Well, in case of emergencies, you’ll need someone with great communication skills to help break down the root of the cause. Additionally, a candidate with great communication skills would be able to provide direct and concrete advice to contain the hack and/or cyber issue.

Other useful soft skills that hiring managers want recruiters to consider include networking, research and problem solving skills, as well as the ability to collaborate and be adaptable.


3. Updated With the Latest News and Trends

With a growing number of cyber intrusions making the news, especially in Singapore. An IT hiring manager would want someone who is updated with the latest threats and news that’s taking the world of cyber security by storm.

It’s hard to find a professional in any field that’s open to constant learning and upskilling opportunities. An easy way to find out how in touch your candidate is with the latest news and trends is by checking their Linkedin. Is the candidate:

  • Sharing the latest news on Linkedin along with their own thoughts? 
  • Is the candidate respectful in the thoughts and ideas that they share? 
  • Does the individual share the ability to communicate openly and honestly?

Learn more about the different traits of the perfect employee on Linkedin here


4. A Candidate Who Knows How to Lead 

As a recruiter or HR executive with little to no experience in the IT industry. It might be tough to find an experienced candidate with leadership qualities, who knows how to lead. Hiring someone with loads of experience within the cyber security industry does not necessarily mean that the individual has the skills it takes to be a leader.

It’s best to hire a candidate with both the expertise, experience, and soft skills needed to become a leader within the cyber security industry. Like most industries, cyber security is an industry that needs different expertise and insight for different roles.

Learn more about the different cyber security certification and qualifications for various roles here


5. Someone Who is Mission Motivated

An ideal cyber security candidate is someone who understands the weight of their responsibilities, in addition to their duty. If your IT hiring manager says that they’re looking out for someone who is mission motivated, it could also mean that the ideal candidate is a professional who is willing to take your IT manager’s opinions seriously.

Here are some qualities of a mission motivated cyber security specialist:

  • Views cyber security as more than just technology 
  • Invests time in learning the latest emerging cyber security technology 
  • Invests time in taking up different forms of training and certification for cyber security employees 

Learn more about what ISC2 classifies as an ideal cyber security candidate here. 


Outsource your cyber security headache to trained tech recruiters with Cyberstein. At Cyberstein, we offer the best manpower available to act as your first line of defense. Find out more about Cyberstein’s services here. Or contact Victor at ([email protected]) for more information on how outsourcing and recruiting temporary cybersecurity talents is a great option to consider when it comes to protecting your company, its resources, and reputation online.

Stay informed, follow A Very Normal Company on Linkedin for more news and updates on Cyber Security outsourcing and recruitment in Singapore.