
  • Let this be your most productive holiday ever!

    by Jue Ping Ling

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    Dec'17   M Ost Productive Holiday

    The Christmas holidays are so close, we can almost smell the snow and hear Santa’s sleigh flying over us!

    (Or at least, we should… if Singapore was closer to the North Pole.)

    Has 2017 been as fantastic as you’d hoped?

    Whether your year has been an absolute hoot, or a painfully slow chug, we’re here to help you sign off the year with a blast – with our guide to make this your most productive holiday ever!


    Check stuff off that bucket list!

     Do you have a bucket list?

    That’s the list of things that you want to do, and experience, while you’re still alive.

    (i.e. Before you’ve “kicked the bucket”.)

    You don’t need to wait till your golden years to go on an African safari, or an adventure to the Alps.

    And you certainly shouldn’t wait any longer if you’ve been dreaming about getting those washboard abs, learning to play the piano, or dance.

    Now fish out that bucket list and commit to experiencing and checking off at least one of those items this holiday.

    Don’t have a bucket list? Here's an example of what one looks like. 


    Customise it for your next age milestone!

    There are lots to do in Singapore

    Prefer to keep your feet planted locally? That’s great to hear, because there’s lots that you can do in Singapore to make this holiday a fabulous one.

    For starters, you could volunteer at a local charity, help out at an old folks’ home, or make some four-legged friends at the SPCA.

    You can also choose to attend any of the dozens of free events and courses available island-wide to broaden your horizons and add to your collection of life experiences.

    Here are some good places to start browsing for ideas:

    Perhaps you’d like to improve yourself professionally in a new role or field?

    Why not consider reaching out to someone (or a company) who’s willing to let you job shadow them?


    The experience can be as straightforward as hanging back and observing how this person handles certain areas of their job, or professional life – perhaps for a couple of hours a week, or whatever works for both parties.

    Don’t like stepping out of home?

    Try taking some online courses for self-improvement.

    Make money from seasonal employment 


    There’s more than one way to make money, and seasonal gigs are a fantastic way of learning that a monthly paycheque doesn’t have to be your only source of income.

    Caught that #wanderlust bug?

    Now you need money to fund your adventures so you can live to tell the tale.


    Working for cash doesn’t always need to be in a stuffy office setting.

    There are cool seasonal jobs that don't require you –

    1. stepping into an office (or wearing a monkey suit),
    2. selling any health supplements, or
    3. pushing insurance policies to make money happen.

    Most seasonal employment are looking for help in numbers. Which means there is a high chance you get to work with friends.

    In fact, we have a cool referral bonus programme that pays you in cash vouchers for helping your friends land short-term job assignments.

    Here’s how it works -

    1. Refer 5 or more job-seeking friends to us
    2. Each time a friend is successfully hired with us, you’ll earn $5

    For example, if 20 friends of yours get hired, you’ll make $100.

    It is that simple, and a win-win for everyone!

    Learn more about BGC’s referral programs here, and check out our available positions here.

    So what now?

    There’s absolutely nothing stopping you from making this holiday –

    Your. Most. Productive. One. EVER.


    Be it turning your lifelong dreams and aspirations into reality, learning new skills, making new friends, gaining life-changing experiences, or making more money.

    Just get started with that one step forward.

    The rest will take care of itself.

    Enjoy the holidays, and get ready to bring on 2018!

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