
  • I can't find a permanent job (But do I need one?)

    by Jue Ping Ling

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    Sep'17   Can't Find A Job But Do I Actually Need One

    Fact: Job vacancies in Singapore have been falling since 2015 to make way for the gig economy.

    In any other generation, several years of declining job vacancies would be a worrying trend because any sign of an economic downturn would mean that:

    There’s more than just permanent employment

    The good news is, we’re in 2017 – and full-time permanent jobs are only one income stream for you to pay the bills.

    The reality now is that businesses worldwide are finding ways to become leaner, meaner, and more results-oriented.

    With the convenience of always-connected mobile devices, your office might well be either at a Starbucks, a public library or even right at home.

    Plus, your boss will be just a Skype video call away.
    Given this job crunch situation, there appears to be a growing interest in temporary, contract and freelance work as it gives companies the flexibility to downsize according to short-term needs.

    A different, more exciting perspective on careers

    fresh grad taking on temp jobs.jpeg

    Image: The Straits Times “

    The mentality of the candidates has also changed over the last eight years … as companies offer better flexibility and benefits such as bonuses, more annual leave and even higher pay compared to permanent positions.” – South China Morning Post on The Global workforce

    Mindsets are changing and we believe that there’s much for workers (especially millennials ones) to cheer about.

    After all, this freedom gives adventurous individuals just what they want in a job – flexibility, work-life balance, and the ability to figure out what they want to do next

    With the pressure of being classified as a “job hopper” (a label our predecessors used to shamefully carry around in their resumes with a few job changes) lifted, short term jobs are increasingly becoming a viable alternative to long-term, permanent ones.

    Not to forget – part-time, temporary or freelance positions are opportunities to try out new things and grow your networks fast.


    ​What goals are graduates expecting out of their career?

    Image: Human Resources Online

    Best of all, this trend of hiring freelance and contract staff, doesn’t only apply to junior positions.

    At all levels of seniority, organisations are looking for new blood who are able to inject a fresh perspectives of reality into businesses.

    Yes, even at senior levels, consultants are engaged to go into an organisation, get crucial projects completed, and then move on. Let’s note that they are being very well-compensated for their time and expertise.

    What does this mean for you?

    These are exciting times, with more opportunities than ever for you to jump into your first career, or switch to one with better prospects.

    All it takes, is a switch in mindset to embrace change.

    In 2017, a career can really be anything that earns you a financial reward.

    It doesn’t matter whether you pack yourself into an MRT every morning to get to office, or if you’re getting your best work done at a chill cafe with coffee in hand.

    Remember, permanent jobs are still around (and won’t be going anywhere soon).

    So if climbing the corporate ladder is your preferred way to build your career, keep sending out resumes!

    However, if flexibility and maneuverability are on your cards… you’re living in the perfect time to chart your invigorating path.

    Consider speaking with a trustworthy employment agency who cares about bridging your career today!

    You’ll find a job that’s right for you soon.

    Good luck!

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