
  • 5 Important Generation Z Characteristics You Need to Know About

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    Move over Millennials, Generation Z is the latest group of youths, set to take over your workplace. Not sure what to expect? 

    In this article, Singapore manpower agency BGC Group lists 5 important Gen Z characteristics you need to know about.  

    1. They want quality over ads


    A study conducted by Millward Brown reports that 69% of Generation Z members hate traditional ads. Instead, the generation prefers to base their product assumptions on the quality of the product and/or service. Instead of standard ads, consider using both social media and celebrity influencers to vouch for your product and/or service. 

    Think about it. This is a generation that grew up with social media in the palm of their hands. They spend a large amount of their time watching their favourite influencers on YouTube, Snapchat, and Instagram. 

    If you're relying on traditional forms of advertising such as web banners, mobile pop-up ads, and YouTube video ads, you'll need to step up your advertising game. It's a new era, and whether you like it or not, influencers talk - at least to these Gen Z youths. 



    2. Culture, political correctness, and values matter

    Credit: Forbes

    Political correctness is a term close to the Gen Z consumer's heart. The generation puts an emphasis on corporate social responsibility. According to Forbes, members from this generation dislike company who don't think of their consumer and other notable worldly issues. A study found that 76% of Gen Z consumers are concerned about the planet and conscious about the human impact. These consumers are interested in racial, gender, the wealth gap, and the environment. 

    If you're looking to rebrand your company culture, and personal brand story to appeal to the younger generation, some great examples to look at include: Nike, TOMS, and Adidas. 

    Additionally, when quizzed about their workplace values, Gen Z members, 76% of those surveyed said that the diversity of the company and its values matter. Be warned though! Before you jump into politics to attract the younger generation, you should always do your research or face a backlash (like Pepsi did with its Kendall Jenner ad). 

    3. They love creativity 

    According to Hootsuite, Gen Z members are more open to newer, more creative concepts like virtual reality. Other concepts that appeal to this tech-savvy generation including voice-activated ordering.

    Additionally, Gen Z consumers have a shorter attention span of about 8 seconds. Videos, GIFS, and images are some of the visual materials that help capture and hold their attention. Similarly, Billy Williams, the founder, and CEO of Archegos Coaching recommends crafting experience-based posts. "People want to witness experiences that inspire and move," says the CEO

    Don't forget the cool factor! A study conducted by Google concludes that boys from the Z Generation are more likely to be persuaded by something that is deemed cool by their peers, whilst girls, are more likely to decide if something is cool or not by the way it makes them feel. 

    4. Mobile, please 

    Credit: Think With Google

    Desktop screens are blasé; at least to members of the Z Generation. Thanks to the multitude of apps available, consumers in this generation depend on their cell phones for a large number of tasks; including paying the bills, banking, to window shopping. It's not surprising that 78% of teens from this generation uses smartphones. As a bonus of making your content, videos, products, and services mobile-friendly, you'll also be able to reach millennials - with 87% of the group relying on smartphones. 


    5. The lines between childhood and adulthood are blurred

    Credit: Criteo

    Compared to the baby boomer generation the line between childhood and adulthood will be slightly different. Unlike baby boomers who were able to work and fight in World War II before they were 21, Generation Z adults will continue their studies until they're between the ages of 18 to their mid-20s. 

    Sources claim that this a generation of adults that is less likely to own a car or a house, as well as have children in early adulthood. 

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