
  • 5 Myths About Working in Singapore's IT Sector

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    If there is one sector in Singapore that is developing at a steady rate. If you’ve considered a career in tech but you hesitate to do so because of all the scary myths that you’ve heard, let us alleviate your fears! 

    Myth One: You Need an Advanced Degree in Computer Science to Succeed in Tech and IT 

    This couldn’t be further from the truth. A degree is not necessary in order to succeed in Singapore’s IT and the Tech industry. However, you’ll still need to have the job-ready skills potential employers are looking out for.

    Other qualities that help you stand out from the crowd to include your personal enthusiasm, how you apply yourself, and your ability to learn and grow in the role. In addition, you will still need to take on the relevant courses to develop your computer skills (e.g. cyber security, programming, web development).

    Learn more about how to kickstart your career in Singapore’s tech industry with our article here


    Myth Two: There’s Nothing But Coding in the Tech Industry 

    Of course, this is a popular misconception amongst individuals outside of the Tech and the IT industry. People seem to think that jobs within the IT and Tech industry are devoid of creativity and captivating challenges. However, there is a wide range of positions available within the industry. They range from:

    • Front End Web Developer: If you’re driven both by creativity and design, front web development might just be the job for you. These are the people responsible for crafting and implementing visual elements that users can see and interact with within the webpage or application.

    • Python Web Developer: Being a Python Web Developer means working with one of the most popular (and adaptable) programming languages. This type of web developer often work with back-end development and support Front End Web Developers with their work.

    • Cyber Security Consultant: A Cyber Security Consultant is an individual responsible for maintaining the safety of various online systems and networks. Additionally, these consultants are required to break down their research and knowledge down into bite-sized pieces for your layman clients to understand! 


    Myth Three: There is Little Room in Singapore to Succeed 

    Contrary to what your disappointed dad is always saying, you do not need to land a job in the great Silicon Valley in order to succeed. In reality, landing a position in Singapore’s IT and Tech industry is also an impressive feat.

    This is an industry that is booming at a steady pace. Those who keep up with the local news will know that recently, the industry has received tenders worth $2.2 million SGD. In fact, more than 20,000 IT jobs are available. Additionally, prospective employees and job seekers should be aware that more than 50,000 job openings within the IT and Tech sector, can be expected within the next few years


    Myth Four: Mature Employees Cannot Break into the IT and Tech Industry 

    It should come as no surprise that there are always misconceptions when it comes to mature and aging employees. However, these misconceptions couldn’t be further from the truth. To date, there are more than 170,000 mature employees working in the IT and the Tech industry.

    If you’re an older employee looking to break into the IT and Tech industry, consider following the steps outlined below:

    • Advertise relevant skills explicitly: This helps to nip the bud on potential stereotypes an employer might have against a mature worker. You can make yourself more marketable by highlighting the skills, knowledge, and certifications you have acquired over time.

    • Look for companies that respect experience: As an older employee, you can eliminate disappointment quickly by looking out for positions that actively seek for mature workers.

      Don’t forget to keep an eye out for positions that require solid experience. This will help you get closer to the job of your choice.

    • Consider temporary and contract positions: Don’t shy away from temporary and contract positions. It helps employees and job seekers of any age bridge resume gaps as well as ensures a consistent flow of money coming in.

      Employers also tend to favour temporary and contract positions as it allows them to “test” new employees out. If the company appreciates the hard work and contributions you provide, it could mean a full-time conversion for you. 


    Myth Five: Employees in the IT and Tech Sector Only Work in Startups  

    When we think of working within the IT and Tech industry, most of us tend to think about working in small startups. Of course, this is only a stereotype. In a world powered by technology and the internet, there is no shortage of large organizations, constantly on the lookout for new employees.

    Whether you’re out searching for a job within the IT and Tech sector alone or with the help of a recruitment agency in Singapore. You best bet that you’ll be able to stay connected with large organizations in the field such as Apple and Google to name a few. The only problem would be to find a reputable recruitment agency to help you out.

    Curious to see what the industry has to offer? Browse our job portal or bookmark BGC Singapore job search for upcoming positions in the IT and Tech field. 


    What are some common myths about Singapore’s IT and Tech field that you’re aware of? Let us know in the comments section below! 

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