
  • The Importance of Upskilling in Singapore

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    The Importance of Upskilling in Singapore

    Some might say that your twenties are an important time in your life. There is a universal belief that your twenties are the best time to experiment and figure out all the things you want to do in your life.

    However, here at BGC Singapore, a manpower outsourcing agency, we believe job seekers of all ages should learn the crucial art of upskilling. 


    The Importance of Upskilling in Singapore 


    ​The recent COVID-19 pandemic has changed the very nature of our jobs as well as our everyday tasks. With more companies adopting new forms of technology, AI and automated roles in an effort to digitize.

    Upskilling grants employees the ability to stay relevant within their desired industry. It is the key to success for both the employer and the employee. However, it is important to recognize that more skills other than digital skills are needed to survive Singapore’s workplace.

    There are two ways that can help decide what skills you’ll need in order to survive Singapore’s workplace:

    • Finding out the different job industries that are on the rise in Singapore. This way, employees will be able to figure out the different skills that are currently in high demand.

    • Plan an outline of your career trajectory, for the next few decades. That way, you'll be constantly aware of the different skills needed to stay relevant in the field.

    The Importance of Upskilling Post COVID-19


    ​The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a staggering number of job loss. Especially for employees in industries such as international tourism and retail to name a few. On top of that, mature employees are also reportedly vulnerable to retrenchment during these uncertain times. Truth be told, employees are at the most risk for retrenchment when they lack the hard and soft skills in demand. It's also important to keep in mind that as more and more spaces and roles go digital, more tech savvy skills are required in order to survive a fast-paced workplace.

    There are many ways for employees in Singapore to upskill. Some commonly tried and tested ways to improve one's skills is by attending company or self-sponsored courses and training programs. Or even networking within the industry. However, the key to upskilling properly is to first be aware of the career route you're planning to pursue. In order to do this, it is essential for employees both young and old to outline and plan the future of their career. ​


    Now that you're aware of how to plan your future career direction. Here are three ways to upskill in Singapore:

    1. Experiment with Different Roles 


    Fellow employees above the age of 30! Are you aware of how important it is to experiment with your career? There used to be a stigma amongst working adults that the search for one’s career can only be done in their twenties. However, with job-hopping being no longer a huge stigma - mature employees now have the opportunity to experiment around with the different roles available out there.

    In a study conducted by Channel News Asia, more than 34% of professionals in Singapore have little to no intention of staying with their current employee long-term. Furthermore, there are multiple benefits to job-hopping. They include:

    • Diverse skills: Different roles will bring in different and more diverse skills. This is why employers are more likely to hire candidates with a variety of skills - so long as it’s useful and relevant to their role.

    • Better pay: With access to more roles, comes a more varied experience. And candidates with relevant experience in several industries prove to be useful to employers. The result? Better and more competitive pay. 

    • Larger network: Strategic networking is the key to increased salaries and career advancement. Job hopping allows you to meet and connect with a variety of colleagues from different backgrounds. Take the time to invest in creating meaningful connections. It could help you out in your career.

    2. Be Open to Workforce Upskilling


    The term workforce upskilling refers to training courses and programs offered by an organization. Employers who choose to invest in upskilling their workforce can reap benefits such as:  

    • Satisfied employees: Constant upskilling creates happier employees. Employees who have training and development opportunities are happier in their roles. Having happier employees also leads to happier customers and clients - helping to boost the rate of customer satisfaction.

    • Improves retention rate: Giving employees more opportunities to upskill themselves shows your workers that you care about the future of their career. Everyone wants to work at a company that invests in their career development.  

    • Attract new talents: A successful organization filled with happy employees is bound to attract new talent. When an employee is satisfied with their workplace and employer - they become brand advocates. This means that they’re advocating and spreading your brand to everyone they know - including their friends, family members, neighbours, and even barista. Who wouldn’t want to work at an organization that creates satisfied employees? Learn more about the benefits and different methods of upskilling your workforce here

    The great part about workforce upskilling is that it benefits both the employees and the organization involved. Employees who choose to embark on an upskilling journey with their current organization can experience benefits such as improved knowledge, better promotion and salary opportunities, as well as a boost in self-confidence and morale.

    3. Consider Attending Training Programmes  


    Training programs and courses are some of the best ways for both employees and jobseekers to upskill with. These programs are no longer just mandatory for new employees and interns.

    The more skills and knowledge you have, the better you are at surviving in your chosen job industry. Fortunately, in Singapore, upskilling is fairly accessible as we're spoilt with an array of training programs and institutions to choose from.

    Some training programs and institutions to consider include:

    Of course, this list is by no means exhaustive. ​Bookmark this page and we'll continue to update this article with some of the best training programs and institutions jobseekers and employees in Singapore should consider.

    Do you believe in the importance of upskilling yourself? Let us know your reasons in the comments section below! Visit the BGC Group blog for more upskilling related articles.

    Read More: Which is Better – Soft Skills or Hard Skills? The Eternal Debate

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