
  • The Key Benefits of Hiring Through a Trusted Recruitment Agency

    by BGC HR

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    Recruitment agencies provide a range of benefits for job seekers. However, companies out there do not realize the benefits that job recruitment agencies provide for them. In a competitive world, finding the right candidate can be quite hard. In fact, 9 out of 10 employers in Singapore face challenges when it comes to hiring and training candidates. 

    Many companies turn to recruitment agencies to help them recruit the right crowd for their open positions. There are many benefits when it comes that comes with using the services of a manpower outsourcing agency. They include: 

    1. Recruit Better Candidates 


    Some candidates might be hard to find. Others are flaky, or some might be passive and on the fence about the job. These might seem like minute problems, however, they all add up and will cost your organization’s in-house HR team a lot of distress and wasted time. 

    On the other hand, manpower agencies have many networks. Think about it, recruitment agencies have access to a slew of people (i.e. consultant, candidate, or clients) which a hiring manager might not have access to. 

    Additionally, recruitment agencies also have an established network to:

    • Job Boards: Recruitment agencies often have access to multiple job boards across Singapore. It allows them to source and find a range of talented candidates for your organization.

    • Talent Pipeline: Candidates will actually track down and register for agencies with a trustworthy reputation. Which means that a good recruitment agency will already have a network of engaged, skilled, and candidates to help fill your vacancy.

    • Passive Candidates: It takes someone with a lot of skill and tact to approach passive candidates to try and persuade them for a role. 

    With a number of options available to recruitment agencies, it is easier for agencies to scour the internet for the perfect candidate. Conversely, it will be a lot pricier for you to find the right candidate using the same methods! 

    2. Retain Your Hires  


    Most companies don’t realise that recruitment agencies provide one major benefit that in-house recruiters do not: security. Recruitment agencies offer additional security when it comes to retaining your new hire. Hiring through a recruitment agency usually comes with a guarantee.

    If the worst happens and your new hire is terminated or chooses to leave before their time is up. But even if that happens, recruitment agencies will find a new replacement candidate at no extra charge. This way, it’s a lot less risky if a candidate chooses to leave. And you won’t have to return back to square one in order to find another candidate. 

    3. Find Skilled or Unique Hires Immediately 


    It is easy to find a candidate - if you have the time to spare. But consider having to source for the right talent for a temp position (e.g. to cover maternity leave). Remember, 93% of employers in Singapore already find it hard to source and train candidates. Imagine having to do this in such a short amount of time.

    Another major problem that many HR personnel face is: being ill-equipped to find the right skilled hire. A survey by Gallup finds that companies fail to choose the candidate with the right talent for the job 82% of the time. HR teams are trained to hire candidates that best fit the description in the job ad. This means that some might miss or fail to appreciate the hidden skills and talent some candidates have. It could also lead to the hiring of an underqualified candidate. 

    By outsourcing the first leg of your recruitment process operation, you’ll be passing on this burden to skilled recruiters. 

    4. Save Time, Money, and Employee Bandwith 


    Unless you’re a hiring manager or work in HR, you might not realise how expensive and exhausting it is to interview a mass number of candidates to hire. The best part? Your core HR team will be able to focus their efforts on their core duties.

    The recruitment process is not a quick one. When your organization outsources its services to a recruitment agency, you are saving time from:

    • Crafting job advertisements 

    • Marketing your open positions  

    • Marketing your company and/or organization

    • Screening potential candidates 

    • Communicating with candidates (i.e. including follow up) 

    • Administrative duties 

    • First interview 

    • Salary negotiations 

    Don’t you think you’d have better and more important things to do with your time? 

    5. Recruiter Knowledge  


    One thing good recruitment companies have that most in-house recruiters don’t is insider knowledge. Top recruitment agencies are just better at recruitment because it’s what they do.

    Recruiter knowledge refers to:

    • Utilizing the right keywords and phrases, in order to make the job advert rank higher. A highly ranked job ad = more potential candidates will actually see your vacancy. 

    • Screen CVs and resumes for potential red flags quickly and effectively. This means that weaker candidates will be eliminated earlier on in the process. It sounds simple, but time and resource-poor job organizations might not be able to run through a thorough matching process. 

    Have we convinced you to try out the services of a trusted recruitment agency? To learn more about BGC Group’s services, visit this page. 

    BGC Group, established since 2005, is dedicated to working with candidates and clients from all walks of life no matter race, ethnicity, age and many more, staying true to our vision of Bridging & Growing Careers Because We Care. 

    To find out how to work with BGC, contact us at: 


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