
  • 5 Major Mistakes Slowing Down HR Productivity

    by BGC HR

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    A company’s road to success is based on its employees. But when someone leaves, the rapid growth of the organization takes a hit and slows down. Or worse, it’s put on pause.

    Recruiting is a tough gig. Up to 60% of employers find that it took longer than usual to hire and fill job positions because of how difficult it is to attract the right talent. And these mistakes are slowing down the productivity of your company. Think about it, the team which your employee used to work with is now down one person. Furthermore, your HR team will be engaged in sourcing and recruiting, neglecting their responsibilities, just so they can find the right talent as a replacement.

    As a manpower agency in Singapore, we’d like to think that we understand a thing or two about recruitment. In this article, we’ll talk about the 5 recruitment mistakes slowing down HR productivity: 

    1. Long Hiring Process  

    Disorganization, lengthy stretches of time between the interviews, will cause both employers and organizations to lose out on top talent. Studies find that up to 82% of job applicants need a clear timeline to remain interested.

    HR staff will tell you that one way to help manage your resume pool is to let technology do it for you. Most Applicant Tracking System (ATS) have different pricing levels and services to help you get the most bang for your buck, within budget. 

    One major benefit of having and ATS system is that it allows the user to sift through the hundreds of resumes collected utilizing certain keywords. This helps speed up the candidate elimination process. Which in turn, speeds up the hiring process.

    You can learn more about why candidates drop out of tedious hiring process with A Very Normal Company, an IT manpower agency in Singapore.

    2. Forgetting Boundaries  

    HR staffing and internal recruiters can sometimes take things a little too far. They forget that candidates and job seekers have boundaries. Some might choose not to pick up the recruiter’s phone calls during working hours - out of respect for their current employer. Or maybe, they spend their days sitting next to their supervisor. 

    Others might choose not to attend multiple interviews for the same position, with the same company. Keep in mind that unless you work for big name organizations like Amazon, Google, and Apple, your candidates will attend two in-person interviews with your companies. No more. 

    Video and telephone interviews, online quizzes, and using recruitment agencies are just some ways to assess the candidate without having them to travel down to your office.

    Remember that interviews are a two way thing. Candidates are also evaluating your organization based on your recruiter’s demeanor. When it comes to wooing your ideal candidate, keep in mind to tailor your communication to their needs. That way, you won’t scare them off with your keeness. And most importantly, you won’t have to repeat the process all over again. 

    3. Not Using an External Recruitment Agency 

    It takes approximately 37 days for an HR team to fill one position. The breakdown is as follows:

    • Posting on multiple job boards: The average time to post on job boards is 1 hour and 30 minutes.

    • Reviewing applicants: The total time spent reviewing applicants averages around 23.5 hours.

    • Pre-screening candidates: It can take the HR team up to 4 hours to pre-screen candidates.

    • Interview preparation: Depending on how well prepared your HR team or hiring manager is, interview preparation can take up to 4 hours for some teams.

    • Wrapping up and hiring: Once you find the right candidates, it could take up to 7 hours to wrap things up and get the hiring process started.

    Keep in mind that the cost to hire goes up as the days go by. The main role of a recruitment agency is to reduce the workload (not compete) with your internal HR team. For instance, BGC Singapore’s role is to take over your sourcing headache. Instead of focusing on other important HR tasks, your team is losing precious daylight to just look for the right candidate. 

    4. Not Utilizing HR Tech Software  

    Before you go, “why would I want to replace my workload with a system? It’ll put my out of my job!” Just hear us out first! HR staff spend a lot of time working on menial and repetitive tasks that is just unneccesary.

    Which is why HR tech software is extremely important - it helps you cut down on the amount of useless tasks you’ll need. Examples of HR tech software include WECARE™ is a workforce management system - that aids with the tedious task of payroll outsourcing. 

    (Learn more about our payroll processing system and other HR tech software here)

    It’s important to keep in mind that multitasking is not for everyone. In fact, it’s a no brainer that it is better to focus on one task at a time. Focusing on just one task allows you to produce high quality work that also gives you a sense of completion.  

    5. Multi tasking 

    Working at a job that requires you to do more than just your job scope can be daunting. It also limits you from completing other more important tasks. Unfortunately, if you don’t have the option to outsource your tasks to the other departments, we’ve got a list of multi tasking tips for you.

    Game-changing multi-tasking tips to increase HR productivity: 

    • Automate repetitive tasks: Softwares, learning to use Excel, and outsourcing repetitive and menial tasks (e.g. Payroll) will be a large time saver. There are also programs available online that can help simplify your tasks.

      (Learn more about how to automate repetitive work with this Glassdoor article)

    • Tackle the hard ones first: No one likes coming in to work early in the morning and dive into the tough bits first. But doing this helps free the later work hours (i.e. afternoon and evening). During your free time, you can research on value added services for your company. Alternatively, you can also spend time learning more about the changing and diversifying workplace (e.g. through our blog articles)!

    • Create a to-do list: As a distracted INFP, I find that creating a to-do list for the day helps me narrow down the scope of tasks I’m supposed to do for the day. It also allows me to focus on some of the more pressing duties I have on hand. Those looking to create a to-do list should do one early in the morning, in order of most urgent tasks to the least.

    What are some other major mistakes slowing down HR productivity? Let us know in the comments section below! 

    Read More: 7 Misconceptions Clients Have About Recruitment Agencies

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