
  • Best Part Time Jobs While Waiting for Poly to Start

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    Part-time jobs are some of the best ways for Poly, A-level, and ITE students to gain experience that prepares them for the working world. They’re a good way to help you kickstart your resume and learn new soft skills that might come in handy.

    In this article, we’ll be talking about the best part-time jobs in Singapore that you can do, whilst waiting for Poly to start. 

    1. Retail and F&B Staff 


    The mark of a true blue Singaporean millennial is time spent working either in retail or F&B. Despite the pathetic salary, they’re a common choice amongst young students. The good thing about working in retail or f&b is that there is a high chance that your colleagues will be in the same age group. It’s a chance to meet other students - right before school starts. And knowing how small Singapore is, you could be meeting some potential school and/or coursemates as well! 

    Skills You’ll Learn


    Here are some soft and hard skills you’ll learn: 

    • Good customer relations

    • Organizational skills

    • The ability to work with changing technology (i.e. POS systems) 

    • The ability to be hospitable

    • Dealing with customer enquiries and service eloquently 

    • The ability to be adaptable in a fast-paced environment

    Learn more about the skills you’ll learn in F&B here


    Why You Should Try It 


    If you’re looking to break into the Business and F&B scene, this could be a good start to your career. As a student, you’ll learn valuable transferable skills. Additionally, retail and f&b staff roles will often offer flexible hours. This could be a job that you can continue throughout the length of your Poly course. Think of all the pocket money you’ll be making! 

    2. Hotel Concierge  


    For those looking for a role that’s a little more atas, why not try out a hotel concierge job? Bigger brand name hotels might be more inclined to pay you more. If you’re someone who travels a lot you’ll know that concierge duties range from checking customers in and out, answering phone calls and customer queries, and greeting anyone who enters. 

    At times, you might need to act like a tour guide. Tourists might need help with directions, or tourist recommendations. This makes the concierge job slightly more interesting compared to other administrative and receptionist positions. 


    Skills You’ll Learn


    Some skills you’ll pick up include: 

    • Effective communication skills 

    • Local knowledge

    • Professionalism 

    • Organizational skills 

    • Critical Thinking 


    Learn more about the skills you’ll learn as a hotel concierge here


    Why You Should Try It 

    The hospitality industry is a popular choice for fresh graduates and students alike. The industry has been gaining popularity due to the high hourly pay associated with it. But there are many benefits (other than pay) that you can gain when working in the hospitality industry.

    They range from:

    • Not a standard 9-5 job: If you’re someone who needs constant change in order to stay entertained. This might be the perfect role for you.

    • Great place to network: You know who uses hotels rain or shine? Businessmen making a work pitstop in Singapore. This might just be the perfect opportunity for you to network.

      Introverts, don’t worry! We’ve got the perfect networking guide for introverts here.

    • You learn to be a people person: As a hotel concierge, one of your unwritten responsibilities is to make the day a happy one for visitors. Whilst this might be challenging, once you’ve mastered it, it’s a soft skill you can bring to the next workplace! 


    3. Administrative Assistant 


    If you’re looking for a taste of the corporate environment, then an admin role might be the part time job for you! The duties and responsibilities of an administrative assistant varies greatly according to different offices. However, the role remains to be a popular one because it lets people come in contact with high ranking professionals. Additionally, it is also easier to climb up the career ladder if you’re good at your admin job. 


    Skills You’ll Learn


    Some skills you’ll pick up include: 

    • Paper management (a.k.a. filing) 

    • Touch typing

    • Research skills 

    • Bookkeeping software (i.e. Quicken, Excel, Turbo Tax) 

    Thanks to rapidly evolving technology in the industry, you will also learn to pick up popular admin software and CMS systems. The types of software admin assistants might be pick up include:

    • Scheduling software: Microsoft Outlook and Google Calendar 

    • Spreadsheet software: Excel and Google Sheets 

    • Publishing and design software: Adobe Creative Cloud (i.e. Photoshop, InDesign, Premiere Pro, Illustrator) and iMovie 


    Learn more about the skills you’ll learn as an administrative assistant here.


    Why You Should Try It

    The number one draw about the admin industry is that it is a reputable starting job, that many are excited to share on their resume. Admins are required in a range of different industries including Advertising, Fintech, Banking, and even IT). But aside from that and the bountiful networking opportunities, this is a good position for those looking for a head start in their corporate career. An admin role allows you to observe and study the industry up close and personal. This is also a position that exists virtually anywhere in the world. 

    Find out more about how you can use a part-time admin job in Singapore as a stepping stone to greatness here


    4. Attraction Crew 


    Imagine spending your break working as an attraction crew for some of the best theme parks around! How fun will that be? The great thing about this industry is that there is a range of positions suitable for both introverted and extroverted personalities. Examples include ticket ushers and casual entertainment (i.e mascot roles).

    Skills You’ll Learn


    Some skills you’ll pick up include: 

    • Customer service skills

    • Guest engagement skills 

    • Ability to operate theme park rides 

    • First aid skills (depending on your company) 

    • Excellent communication and active listening skills 

    Learn more about the skills you’ll learn as an attraction’s crew here. 


    Why You Should Try It

    Aside from working in a fun and exciting environment. You’ll be enjoying benefits such as discounted tickets and invites to exclusive activities held at your workplace. A perk you wouldn’t want to ignore especially if you’re working here as a holiday position. 


    5. Call Centre Executives 


    If you’re a millennial, this might not be the right position for you. However, Gen Z kids who thrive on verbal and telephone communication might want to consider working as a call centre executive during their Poly break. This is a job for introverts looking to break out of their shells and brush up on their communication skills. Those looking for a well-paying temp position in Singapore can also consider a job in a call centre as they tend to pay well. 

    Not only that, call centres are also good places for Poly students to get a taste of the corporate world. Often times, there is a dress code to adhere to. Of course the similarities don’t end there. 


    Skills You’ll Learn


    Some skills you’ll pick up include: 

    • Effective personal communication skills 

    • The ability to tailor experiences according to different individuals 

    • Effective multitasking abilities 

    • The ability to foster strong connections with customers 

    Learn more about the skills you’ll learn as a call centre executive here


    Why You Should Try It


    Call centres are a great stepping stone position towards your dream career. They’re a great way to network and earn gainful experiences from. Additionally, working in a fast paced environment like the call centre might be all the prepwork you need before embarking on your own professional journey! 


    What are some other good part time jobs for poly students on break in Singapore? Let us know in the comments section below! 


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