
  • How to: Interview Tech and Cyber Security Candidates in Singapore

    by BGC HR

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    A job interview is not only tough on the candidate. It can also be a challenging time for hiring managers. Now imagine filling a cyber security role, it can turn into an especially difficult task for HR personnel when they have little to no understanding of the role as well as the right candidate for the job.

    As an IT recruitment agency in Singapore, we understand the gripes hiring managers and HR staffers face when it comes to hiring tech talent. In this article, we will discuss how recruiters can prepare for a cyber security and tech interview.

    1. Talk To Professionals in the Field


    ​Well, in order to be an expert in any subject matter, you need to first gain information. And the best way to gain information would be to go on the ground and talk to professionals in the cyber security field.

    Networking is imperative for the HR staff to source and find a cyber security professional willing to sell this information. Who should you develop relationships and network with? Well, as a HR professional, you’ll need to connect with experts such as senior stakeholders, influencers, senior professionals, and IT trained recruiters within the field. 

    Keep in mind that when you’re talking to professionals in the field of cyber security and tech, you’ll need to ask these questions:

    • The skills needed to fill certain roles. For instance, the skills needed to fulfill the role of a cyber analyst will differ from that of a programmer. 

    • Find transferable skills for the tech and IT field.

    • The different long term skills that can still be relevant in the future.

    2. Find Out Your Candidate’s Soft Skills


    ​As an IT recruitment agency, even we find it hard to assess a candidate’s soft skills, especially during the application process. But they’re notoriously important in order to figure out if the candidate is the right one for your organization.

    These questions below might be one way for you to assess your job candidate’s soft skills in an interview

    "What do you do outside of work to develop your skills as a developer?"

    This is one way for you to assess whether or not your interview candidate is innovative. In fact, innovation is considered to be one of the top ten soft skills employers should look out for! The innovation skills prized by hiring managers is actually just a candidate’s ability to think creatively as well as create different solutions to problems. Additionally, with innovation, the team’s communication skills and motivation can benefit greatly. 

    "Tell me about a time when you had to deal with a supervisor and/or colleague who keeps opposing your ideas? "

    Teamwork and the ability to collaborate are important soft skills, a hiring manager should look out for. Contrary to popular belief, a developer does not usually work alone. They work with others either in their own teams or collaborate with other teams.

    "Imagine I know nothing about programming. Can you explain DevOps to me?"

    It’s important to find out if your job candidates are clear communicators. Communication is key for the developer for two reasons: (1) they need to communicate with other developers, and (2) they need to communicate with colleagues who may not have any knowledge in tech and programming.

    "What tools do you use to check your work? "

    The ideal tech, cyber security, or developer should have a keen eye for detail. A small but overlooked detail can set a program release back weeks. Or in the case of a cyber security expert, a tiny overlooked detail can result in hundreds of dollars lost due to a cyber threat. Alternatively, you may ask your candidate, how often they check their work. As a habit of double and triple-checking is key for any position.

    "How do you deal with constructive feedback?"

     Everyone has an idea of what that they want to be included in a computer program....especially CTOs. Can your candidate handle a chief technology officer with an opinion that's different from theirs? In a role that relies a lot on teamwork, constant communication, and collaboration, the ability to handle constructive feedback matters. 

    Learn more about the different questions a hiring manager should be asking their candidates in this article

    3. Research Reputable Cyber Security Qualifications 


    ​Experience matters but as an IT recruitment agency in Singapore. We believe that sourcing for the right tech candidate boils down to finding an individual with the right qualification. And with the internet, it’s easy to keep up with the latest qualifications needed. Keep Google updates, browse through reputable cyber security and IT recruitment blogs. Head over to networking and student forums. Your main aim is to find out as much as you can, in order to say yes to the right hire. 

    Can’t figure out what cyber security or tech courses to look out for in candidates? You might want to check out our past article, “Kickstart Your Career in Singapore’s Tech Industry with These Courses”

    4. Talk Shop


    ​Singapore is facing a shortage of cyber security, tech and IT talents. Which is why you’ll need to upsell the different benefits to ideal candidates. Is the salary range competitive? Or are there a lot of opportunities for candidates to upskill themselves? 

    Find out what different cyber security, tech, and IT professionals you’re hiring (i.e. junior/entry-level, mid-level, or senior-level professional) want from their ideal company. This is your best bet to attract the best cybersecurity, tech, and IT candidates in Singapore!

    And if you're looking to hire cyber security, tech, and IT talents? Reach out to our IT recruitment specialists at BGC Group to find out what we can do for you. 

    Read More: What Fintech Companies Look For in Candidates

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