
  • How to Stay Sane When Working From Home in Singapore

    by BGC Candidates

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    Copy Of Gabriel's Bgc Blog Banners   2020 04 01 T194445

    The world is struggling due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Everywhere you turn, there is nothing but news regarding the COVID-19 pandemic either in your country or overseas. Thanks to the global COVID-19 pandemic, many employees all over the world are now forced to work from home. 

    Whilst this might sound like an ideal situation to some. Social isolation and loneliness can lead to detrimental health effects. Below are some ways to stay positive during this work-from-home season in Singapore: 

    1. Adopt a Pet 

    If you’ve been following us on Instagram, you would know that BGC Singapore’s Instagram sometimes features the adorable Miko. Her owner, our Digital Marketing Executive, Clara says that one way to overcome boredom when working from home is by interacting with a pet. It’s pretty hard to stay depressed and negative when you’re working with a pet that’s cuddling either on your lap or desk. 

    Don’t have a little critter of your own? You might want to check out this Bored Panda article for some adorable pictures of pets accompanying their WFH owners!

    2. Video Call Colleagues 

    Sometimes, we don’t know what we’re missing until it’s gone. We think that working from home will give us extra time to sleep in or getting stuff from home done. But it can get pretty lonely when working from home. One way for BGC Group’s tight-knit marketing team to stay connected is by holding video calls to mimic the noisy office environment. Remember, working from home doesn’t mean that you have to be alone.

    Looking for some video calling and/or video job interview tips during the COVID-19 pandemic?

    3. Schedule Breaks Throughout the Working Day 

    Think back to when you physically work in the office. Your day isn’t made up of just working. It is broken down into travel time, lunch breaks, water and coffee breaks, as well as bathroom breaks. Which is why it’s easier for most of us to be much more productive when working from home.

    We take our lunches in front of our computers and desks, for up to 10 hours a day, when working from home. Of course, this is a recipe for an impending burnout. Instead of working tirelessly throughout the day, try scheduling breaks every time you’ve completed a task. Try rewarding yourself with a short exercise break to get your endorphins flowing. Grabbing a snack, watching a YouTube video, or getting out of the house.

    Pro-Tip: If you’re finding it hard to concentrate and be more productive with your work, try downloading the app Forest. The smartphone game allows you to grow virtual forests for

    For more tips and tricks when it comes to productivity. Check out our article for more tips and tricks on how can stay more productive when working from home here.

    4. Set the Mood 

    The mood at home can be too cushy. Whilst the mood in an empty office might be too cold. Setting the mood can be a great way to prevent boredom or general feelings of getting burnt out. Some ways you can set the mood include:

    • Listening to your favourite music out loud! Happy, poppy songs help dispel boredom and keep the environment at home pleasurable.

    • Light up some candles. Our HR department recommends lighting up a few scented candles to help set the ambience at home.

    • Dress for the job. One way to stay motivated when working from home is by dressing up like you would for work. Instead of just working from home in your pyjamas.

    • Work outside the bedroom. Trying to complete work from the bedroom might be a little difficult since we’re used to doing non-work related activities (i.e. sleeping) in there. In fact, one of the best areas to work in, when working from home is an area filled with natural light. 

    5. Talk to a Professional When Things Get Tough 

    Living and working home alone can be deadly. Loneliness and social isolation are scientifically proven to be as bad for your health as smoking. The recent pandemic has led to an increase in the number of calls to suicide and mental health hotlines

    Some FREE mental health resources for Singaporeans include:

    • Samaritans of Singapore: A phone hotline (1800–221 4444) for people in crisis, thinking of suicide, or affected by suicide. Learn more about Samaritans of Singapore here.

    • TOUCHline: A helpline (1800–377 2252) for youth-related issues. It provides counselling and advice for cyber wellness and youth-related issues, to both parents and their children. Learn more about TOUCHline here

    • AWARE: This helpline (1800 774 5935) aims to help women in crisis, or women facing issues. Learn more about AWARE here.

    • Help123: With so many youths spending time online, cyberhealth and cyber wellness is an issue that both parents and children will have to take seriously. This is a great helpline (1800 6123 123) for those looking to talk about issues concerning online bullying. Learn more about Help123 here.

    6. Get Some Exercise  

    Getting moving and your blood pumping is a good way to keep your spirits and emotions up. Walking, running, and even Muay Thai are some quick workout examples that can be done from the comfort of your own home. All you need is a pair of running shoes, some boxing gloves, and an hour to spare. 

    7. Create Boundaries  

    Once the workday is done, it’s time to leave work behind for good. This helps you to create a mental boundary between work and play. For those who cannot resist checking your work emails or your organization’s various social media accounts after hours. We recommend temporarily disabling your social media accounts during the work from home season. 

    In addition, for those who seem to have great ideas after hours, try jotting it down into your work notebook. Try not to turn on the computer. Treat it like a “bad screen” that you can only access during work hours. However, setting boundaries can be tough for employees with overbearing bosses and supervisors. One way to overcome this is by setting strict and clear boundaries with your supervisors. Leave twenty to thirty minutes to entertain your supervisors after work. But not anymore after that! 

    8. Figure Out When You’re Most Productive  

    Some people do well in the morning. Others, embody vampires and prefer working late at night until the wee hours. You need to figure out when you’re best productive. This helps you split your workday accordingly, to ensure that you’re able to find the right timing where you work best. 

    As a writer who finds it hard to stay productive in a full 8-hour block. I break my day into sections, allowing some time for rest when I’m faced with a writer’s block. Working in large blocks, without reserving some time for rest, is not the best way to go about the day. It also affects the quality of work that you put out. 

    What are some of the ways for you to stay sane when working from home during this COVID-19 pandemic?  

    Read More: How are Companies Managing Work From Home Arrangements & Employee Morale During COVID-19? : A Radio Interview with CNA 938 Live

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