
  • How to Survive Working From Home and Social Distancing as an Extrovert

    by BGC Candidates

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    For employees in Singapore, remote work seems to be the “new normal” for people across the globe. And while the situation sounds ideal for most introverts, social distancing can also lead to isolation and loneliness to some of our more extroverted friends and colleagues. 

    As a HR outsourcing agency in Singapore, we have a number of extroverted employees and colleagues. So we empathise with some of your struggles, fellow extroverts! Here’s how you can identify whether the current work from home routine is making you stressed out and how you can deal with it, as an extrovert. 

    1. ESTJ “The Supervisor” 




    ESTJs are someone who thrives with routine and systems. As organizers, the ESTJ likes to get things done in a logical and timely manner. Since these individuals rely a lot on routine, the current remote work situation might not be as terrible to those attuned to it. However, an ESTJ might find themselves to be less productive during this work-from-home season. 

    Under extreme stress, someone with this personality type might find themselves doing: 

    • Feel isolated from others 

    • Hard to communicate their emotions and feelings with others 

    • Rely on their inferior function: introverted feeling. This might turn the ESTJ into a micromanager, making them see things in only black and white. 

    • Emotional and highly sensitive 


    What to do?

    If you’re an ESTJ under extreme stress, here are some ways to destress: 

    • Call your friends: There are plenty of video calling apps (i.e. Zoom, Skype, Houseparty) available online!

    • Set a routine: Now that the circuit breaker has been extended to June 1, you have time to set a routine that you’ll get used to. What do you enjoy? What are some things you’d like to learn during the circuit breaker season? Jot down the things you’d like to incorporate into your day and plan out your week.

    • Reach out to people: It’s tempting to withdraw and isolate yourself when under stress. But reaching out to your close friends and discussing the problems you’re dealing with, is a good way to destress. 


    ESTJ Resources: 

    If you’re looking to do a little soul searching. Below is a list of resources you might find useful: 

    2. ESTP “The Entrepreneur” 



    ESTPs are sociable, active, and thrill-seeking personalities. Since the ESTP appears to be the life of the party, individuals with this personality type require a considerable amount of social interaction to stay happy. An ESTP thrives when they’re engaging with others or involved in a fun activity. Individuals with this personality type might find themselves feeling isolated and succumbing to routing during the current work-from-home season. This leads the ESTP to stress. 

    Under extreme stress, someone with this personality type might find themselves feeling:

    • Chronic anxiety. This might result in the ESTP making numerous plans that they might not be able to achieve. 

    • Becoming more withdrawn and distracted. 

    • Feeling paranoid about being unable to accomplish their goals

    • Lose their carefree persona, choosing to become obsessed with figuring out their next move. 


    What to do?

    If you’re an ESTP under extreme stress, here are some ways to destress: 

    • Exercise: ESTPs are active individuals, always on the go! Exercising might help alleviate the sense of restlessness ESTPs might feel during this circuit breaker season. 

    • Connect with friends: ESTPs are social beings. Like most extroverts, they get energized from meeting and connecting with their friends. Just because we’re social distancing in Singapore, does not mean that you have to stay isolated and alone. Use one of the more popular video conferencing apps to connect with your friends.

    • Indulge in online games: Games are a great way for ESTPs to destress and connect with people during this work-from-home season. Additionally, it’s a good way for these adventurous personality types to dive into new adventures. We recommend fighting games for ESTPs


    ESTP Resources: 

    If you’re looking to do a little soul searching. Below is a list of resources you might find useful: 

    3. ENTJ “The Commander” 




    The ENTJ is a charismatic, analytical, and goal-oriented personality type. These independent and competitive individuals dislike wasting time. Unfortunately, the circuit breaker might cause things to move slower than usual for the ENTJ. Under extreme stress, the ENTJ might find themselves feeling:

    • Hypersensitive and emotional (like their shadow function, an ISFP)

    • Withdrawal and wanting to be alone

    • Sensitive to criticism 

    • Making impulsive decisions


    What to do?

    If you’re an ENTJ under extreme stress, here are some ways to destress: 

    • Plan a vacation: Sure none of us can’t leave the house right now. But since planning is your forte, take the time to plan a fun trip. So, find some time to read through multiple hotel and restaurant reviews. Or figure out what some of the sights you want to see are!

    • Have a one-on-one: ENTJs under stress will start to feel emotional and isolate themselves socially. As an Intuitive, having a one-on-one with a friend might keep you and your thoughts grounded in reality.

    • Get moving: Of course, a great way to deal with stress for these goal-oriented personality types is to get up and get moving. Thankfully there are a number of ways to exercise despite the lockdown. Some examples include HIIT at home or jogging at the nearby park.

    Check out these websites if you’re looking to build a sweat:


    ENTJ Resources: 

    If you’re looking to do a little soul searching. Below is a list of resources you might find useful: 

    4. ENTP “The Debater” 




    ENTPs are known as being an ideas man. These personality types are less interested in putting their ideas into action. They live in a world of possibilities, looking to resolve challenges and difficulties. During the circuit breaker, the ENTP might fall into routine or engaged in unstimulating tasks. Under extreme stress, the ENTP might find themselves:

    • Experiencing tunnel vision

    • Succumbing to volatile emotions

    • Worrying excessively 

    • Withdrawn from social interaction and activity 

    • Become uncharacteristically introverted and reserved 

    • Might become hypochondriacs, worrying about every minor bodily change 


    What to do?

    If you’re an ENTP under extreme stress, here are some ways to destress: 

    • Soothing environment: Much like the INTP, the ENTP wants to be left alone on days when they’re overly stressed out. Try to let them de-stress in an environment filled with songs or tv shows of their choice.

    • Deal with your feelings: ENTPs have a knack for becoming emotionally explosive when under extreme pressure, just like their introverted counterpart (INTP). Instead of burying your emotions, embrace them. Talk to someone you trust to help you through the process.

    • Indulging in vices: Under extreme stress, the ENTP might indulge in one of their vices. Binge drinking, eating, shopping, or anything the ENTP individual finds pleasurable, will be done in excess. 


    ENTP Resources: 

    If you’re looking to do a little soul searching. Below is a list of resources you might find useful: 

    5. ESFP “The Entertainer” 




    Loud, vivacious, and often the center of attention. The ESFP is a personality type that craves attention and wants to go out doing something fun and sociable. At the workplace, the ESFP can usually be found in fast-paced and adventurous industries such as healthcare. These social butterflies are often attracted to careers where they can apply their outgoing personalities. However, the slow-paced work-from-home environment might cause these extroverts to find themselves stagnating.

    Under extreme stress, the ESFP might find themselves:

    • Feeling overwhelmed and trapped

    • Shut other people and friends out 

    • Feeling tired all the time. An anomaly for someone usually bursting with energy

    • Fall ill (e.g. anxiety). The ESFP is someone who fails to recognize stress and will usually keep working until they fall sick. 

    • Sees flaws in others but themselves 


    What to do?

    If you’re an ESFP under extreme stress, here are some ways to destress: 


    ESFP Resources: 

    If you’re looking to do a little soul searching. Below is a list of resources you might find useful: 

    6. ESFJ “The Provider”




    ESFJ personalities are warm, organized, and loyal individuals. Fortunately, compared to the other extroverts, ESFJs enjoy having their own independence. It’s possible that these personality types might enjoy working from home, as it allows them to achieve their goals without any distractions. However, the ESFJ might find the lack of social interaction and the deep dive into their responsibilities stressful and exhausting. Under extreme stress, the ESFJ might find themselves:

    • Turning cold and logical

    • Acting dramatic

    • Focus wholly on their responsibilities instead of the emotions of their close friends and family members 

    • Self-isolating from their loved ones at home

    • Imagining others to have bad intentions when there isn’t 


    What to do?

    If you’re an ESFJ under extreme stress, here are some ways to destress: 

    • Plan a work-from-home routine: ESFJs are routine-loving individuals. Working from home might make these diligent individuals detract themselves from their usual routine. Which is why it’s important for these individuals to recreate their usual daily schedules. For instance, ESFJ individuals who enjoy working out at the gym after work should aim to workout from home to keep up to the routine.

    • Build a self-care routine: Bubble baths, face masks, or hosting a social virtual night with friends. Whatever you deem as self-care, try to build a self-care routine to help take some of the stress off. Learn more about ESFJs work-from-home routine here.

    • Draw the line between work and play: During this work-from-home season, the ESFJ might find themselves working hard, which can potentially cause them to burn out. Instead, these sociable personalities should complete their work tasks on time (as per usual) before spending time with their loved ones at home.

      Learn more about how to avoid the dreaded job burnout whilst working from home in Singapore here


    ESFJ Resources: 

    If you’re looking to do a little soul searching. Below is a list of resources you might find useful: 

    7. ENFP “The Campaigner”




    You’ll know when you’re in the company of an ENFP. These charismatic personalities are sociable and warm people. However, unlike most extroverts, the ENFP needs a break from socializing to feed their rich inner worlds. But when left alone for long periods, an ENFP working from home might find the lack of human interaction and connection emotionally draining. Under extreme stress, the ENFP might find themselves:

    • Becoming obsessed with bodily sensations, turning into a hypochondriac 

    • Feeling numb and unemotional 

    • Repeating the same tasks over and over again 

    • Failing to be adventurous and exploring new ideas and hobbies 


    What to do?

    If you’re an ENFP under extreme stress, here are some ways to destress: 

    • Schedule lots of breaks: ENFPs work better when they expend their energy for short bursts of time. Instead of spending your energy over a large period of time, find time slots that you work best in! 

    • Call your close pals: The ENFP enjoys one-on-one social interactions. Calling your close friends and having deep conversations might just be the energy booster you need as an ENFP!

    • Express your concerns: If you feel overwhelmed with concern and anxiety, having an outlet to express yourself is one way to overcome it. Choose an outlet most comfortable (e.g. painting, journaling, drawing) and get expressing!

    ENFP Resources: 

    If you’re looking to do a little soul searching. Below is a list of resources you might find useful: 

    8. ENFJ “The Protagonist”



    As natural-born leaders, the ENFJ is an empathetic and ambitious individual. Communication is one of their main strengths - with many ENFJs assuming the role of a “teacher” in their daily life. The ENFJ might find life under the circuit breaker to be mundane and repetitive. This might cause the ENFJ to be stressed out. Under extreme stress, the ENFJ might find themselves:


    • Obsess over their mistakes 

    • Be critical and lash out at others 

    • Falling physically ill, the ENFJ might experience physical symptoms such as headaches, upset stomach, and tense shoulders.


    What to do?

    If you’re an ENFJ under extreme stress, here are some ways to destress: 

    • Watch a lighthearted film: ENFJs are emotional barometers. A good way for an ENFJ to destress is by watching a comedy or a lighthearted film that requires little to no thought.

    • Have a change of scenery: If you’re on the edge of burnout, a change of scenery or room in which you work might help you out.

    • Exercise: For these energetic individuals, exercising and being outdoors might help them spend their excess energy.  


    ENFJ Resources: 

    If you’re looking to do a little soul searching. Below is a list of resources you might find useful: 

    Final Notes: 

    Whether you're an introvert or an extrovert, many employees are slowly realising the value of office life. The one major lack in remote offices is the lack of communication and physical office interaction. And with it, the hallway or breakroom chats, as well as your sense of belonging in an organization. It's important to keep in mind that positive office interactions lead to a sense of camaraderie and better rates of productivity.

    Even if we don't see it as such, the office is our second home. The friendships we made with our colleagues added passion to our daily responsibilities and routine. Take that interaction away from the workplace and a job becomes just a routine task. Therefore, try your best to take part in social activities both online and offline, with your colleagues and teammates.

    Learn more about the importance of social interaction at the workplace here!


    How are you surviving the current work-from-home as an extrovert? Share your tips in the comments section below with us! 

    Read More: The Best Careers For Extroverts


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