
  • BGC HR Back to Basics: What Do These Programming Languages Mean?

    by BGC HR

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    If you’re a hiring manager or HR executive looking to hire someone for your IT team, programming languages can sound both complicated and intimidating. As an IT recruitment agency, we understand the confusion and problem some hiring managers and HR executives might face when it comes to differentiating programming languages. Today on BGC HR Back to Basics, we’re breaking down what the different programming languages mean, what they’re used for, and the resources you can use to learn more about the different languages. 

    Are you ready? Read on to find out what the differences between some of these programming languages are! 

    1. Python




    Python is an open-source language ⁠— which means that this is a program available for commercial and public use for free. As a HR executive, you might have heard of Python. It’s no surprise as this is one of the most popular programming languages out there. Python is a popular programming language. It is simple to learn and allows users to work with it quickly. 

    Who uses Python? 

    • Python is commonly used by those working in the Tech and IT industry.

    • This programming language is often used by Programmers, Back End Developers, Software Engineers, and Python Developers. 

    Where can I learn more? 

    2. Java




    As an internet user, you’ve probably seen the word ‘Javascript’ on one of your many online adventures. Java is a programming language that’s similar to C++. This programming language makes it ideal for web-based and application development. Oftentimes, Java is used to develop the backend of websites and Android applications

    Learn more about the many uses of the Java programming language here.  


    Who uses Java? 

    • Java is a highly popular programming language since its inception in the early 2000s. This is why it can be found in a number of different industries such as Banking and Finance, IT and Tech, as well as Retail. They can also be found in the Communication and Education industries.

    • Java is mostly used by Software Engineers and Java Developers.

    Where can I learn more? 

    3. HTML and CSS




    HTML is not a programming language. However, it is a popular language used to create web pages. In fact, HTML is responsible for this webpage you’re reading! If you’re an avid Wordpress user, you’ll know that HTML is also used to dictate the proper formatting of text and images. On the other hand, CSS is responsible for the style of the document (i.e. font type, font colour, page layout, etc). 

    Whilst HTML is not a programming language, it is widely used in a variety of industries (i.e. Marketing, Design, and Tech). There are many benefits to picking up HTML, even if you’re not someone who works in the Tech and IT industry. They include: 

    • Design aesthetically pleasing email templates

    • Keep up with the design demands of your WordPress 

    • Make the lives of your IT and Tech colleagues a lot easier 

    • Master your design skills for resumes, portfolios, and personal websites

    Learn more about the cool benefits of picking up HTML here


    Who uses HTML? 

    • HTML and CSS are relatively popular and easy to use. It’s often found in the Tech and IT, Design, Marketing, Customer Service, and Management industries. However, HTML and CSS are often found in industries that utilize web dev and email programming.

    • HTML and CSS are often used by Web Developers, Technical Editors, Software Developers, Front End Web Designers and Marketers. 


    Where can I learn more? 

     4. C Language




    This is another programming language that might be familiar to some HR executives and hiring managers. C is a programming language often used to create operating systems and other low-level applications. C is often described as the “God language” by many in the IT and Tech industry. Which is no surprise since C language is the base language most programmers learn. In fact, it has been described as one of the top 10 programming languages. In addition, despite its age, C language is still popular amongst new programmers

    Learn more about C Language here


    Who uses C Language? 

    • C Language is relatively popular and can often be found in industries such as Tech and IT, Engineering, Management, and Healthcare services to name a few.

    • This is a programming language often used by Software Developers, Computer Engineers, Business and Systems Analysts, as well as Web Administrators to name a few. 

    Where can I learn more? 

    5. C++




    We cannot talk about the C programming language without bringing up C++. C++ can be described as an extension of the C programming language. This means that it’s possible to code C++ in the same style as the C programming language. C++ is a language often used to create computer programs, games, applications, and graphic animation to name a few. Additionally, despite being popular, C++ is an intermediate-level language as it is a hybrid language. In fact, this programming language is relatively popular as its allegedly one of the safer languages due to its security features. 

    Learn more about C++ here


    Who uses C++? 

    • C++ is often used by those working in the Engineering, Design, and Information Tech industry.

    • This is a programming language often used by Software Developers, Software Engineers and Program Analysts to name a few.

    • Fresh computer science graduates. C++ is often the first programming language taught in Universities. 


    Learn more about the best tertiary courses Software Developers in Singapore should take


    Where can I learn more? 

    As always, remember to keep a lookout for more updates on this article in the future! Or let us know which of the many programming languages out there you’ll be interested to learn more about, below! 

    Which of these programming languages are you familiar with as a HR executive or hiring manager in Singapore? Share them with us in the comments section below! 

    Read More: BGC HR Back to Basics ⁠— What is Phishing?

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