
  • Online Employment Scams are Still a Thing! Here's What to Watch Out For

    by BGC Employee

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    ​It’s strange to hear that employment scams are still common and rampant in a day and age where everyone is capable of using modern technology. However, job and employment scams are still quite rampant in the current day and age. 

    As a HR recruitment outsourcing agency, we feel like it is our duty to teach fellow job seekers about the pitfalls of employment scams. Below, we discuss the reasons behind online employment scams and how to identify scammy job ads. 

    What is an online job employment scam? 


    The aim of job and employment scams are to trick individuals into handing over money or soliciting important information, all in exchange for a job. Generally, scammy job advertisements will feature and advertise positions that seem almost too good to be true. These positions are often marketed as high paying positions and tend to feature low effort jobs. 

    Other crucial information that scammers try to achieve from job employment scams include: 

    • Banking and financial information: Any company that asks for your banking and financial information before signing a contract is a sketchy one. Of course the main aim here would be to collect a job seeker’s banking and financial details for personal gain.

    • Phishing scam: There is a floating theory that most fake job application scams are conducted by recruitment companies. If this is true, it seems like the outcome of faux job application scams are not as malicious. However, there are many different reasons behind false job application scams, and some might be more malicious than expected! 

      The aim of faux job application scams is to collect both your personal data and information. Which makes these scams a form of phishing scam! At times, false job application scams can be used for the purpose of identity theft.

      However, proper education can help you identify phishing scams. One way to do this is by learning how to identify scammy job ads! Here at BGC Singapore, we’re no stranger to phishing scams. In this article, we list the different ways how everyday employees in Singapore can identify phishing scams.

    • MLM/ Pay for product scam: Singaporean fresh graduates are no stranger to MLM schemes. The term MLM refers to “multi level marketing”. The main aim behind this “scam” would be to sell young and enterprising jobseekers kits for the purpose of reselling them. Often, these kits would carry exorbitant prices. Several Singaporean fresh graduates have complained about their experiences with MLM job interviews. Unfortunately, it seems like most fresh grads were not aware that they were being recruited for an MLM scheme until the face-to-face interview itself.

      According to this article by The Balance Careers, there are a number of similar job scams. In these scams, candidates are often required to purchase softwares, training programs, and training materials. Some might also refer to these MLM/pay for product scams as “career consulting scams”

    • Trial employment scams: Finally, one of the more popular employment scams are the trial employment scams. In this scam, unsuspecting jobseekers are made to work, as part of a trial. During the trial period, the employee might be asked to purchase several products, courses, or software.

    Of course this is a short list of the many potential employment scams available online. Learn more about the different types of online job scams that Singaporean job seekers should keep an eye out for here

    What are some red flags to watch out for? 


    Fortunately, there are a number of red flags to watch out for. Research and education is one way to educate yourself on the red flags to watch out for.

    However, as an employment agency in Singapore, we’ve listed some of the details to lookout for below: 

    • Unbelievable benefits: If it’s too good to be true, it probably is. One red flag to lookout for is the unbelievable benefits and salary offered. Take the time to inspect and research the job if you feel like it sounds a little too unrealistic. It’s one way to find out if something is real or not.

    • You get the offer right away: Let’s say you’ve been headhunted online. And after a little prepping, you’ve managed to ace the interview! Only to be offered the job right away. Even though you might have crushed the interview, this could be an indication that it’s a scam.

    • You’re using the wrong job portals: Websites like Craigslist, Gumtree and Carousell might be easy and efficient ways to look for available jobs, and browse other offers as well. However, it’s best to scrutinise the job advertisements featured on these websites. Keep a lookout for the proper reference numbers and Google both the people and agencies featured on the website.

    • It just seems suss: Lack of information, spelling and grammatical errors are just some of the things to look out for in a scammy job advertisement. However, our intuition is the best judger of things. If you get a bad feeling about a job, it’s best to leave it alone. 

    As an employment agency in Singapore, we’ve written some articles on online employment scams. Below is a list of articles that you might find useful: 

    What are your thoughts on our latest online employment scams article? Share them with us in the comments section below! 

    Read More: 6 Tips for Gen Z Job Seekers Looking to Break into Singapore Workforce

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