
  • The Importance of Diversifying Your Network in Singapore

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    ​It is no secret that having a large network can lead to better job opportunities. However, a diverse social network can lead to better advantages. Cultivating a diverse social network can also foster new ways of thinking by connecting a job seeker to the different people whose viewpoints, insights, resources, and lived experiences differ from theirs.

    As the best recruitment agency here in Singapore, we realise that most job seekers do not understand the importance of cultivating a diverse social network. In this article, we’ll discuss the different benefits of having a diverse network. As well as the steps needed in order to diversify your network. 

    Benefits of a Diverse Social Network 


    There are multiple benefits to having a diverse social network. In addition to landing a good job, other benefits of having a diverse social network include: 

    A. More Connections Lead to Better References  

    References can make or break your next job offer. It’s always good to have a reference from your boss, supervisors, and colleagues. However, it’s better to gain references from a trusted individual in your social network. It’s even better if the references come from someone that the hiring manager or someone in the organization is aware of! It’s simple really. The more people you know, the more likely you’ll find a willing contact to speak positively about you and your skills!

    B. Diverse and Varied Networking Leads to Better Knowledge 

    It must be said that both employees and job seekers with a diverse and varied social network often have broader perspectives. BGC Group has spoken about how diversity can provide an organization with different perspectives and insights. Especially when you have individuals from different backgrounds, race, educational level, skills and characteristics.

    In addition, networking gives you better access to a better flow of information. This information can include market shifts, industry innovations, and more to name a few. 

    C. Surprising Opportunities  

    Not only does networking lead to better job opportunities. Having a diverse social network can also lead to surprising job opportunities that you might not have heard of! It’s no surprise that meeting other people frequently can lead to some surprising job opportunities. Other than job opportunities, these surprising openings can also include podcasts and interview openings. 

    However, it’s important to note that not all these surprising opportunities might be useful for you. Sometimes, we come across opportunities meant for other friends and connections. Being a connector and bringing other people together can lead to other surprising benefits and opportunities. 

    D. Make More Friends  

    One of the most overlooked benefits of networking is the ability to meet and make new friends. Some of us might not realise just how fulfilling having a varied social network can be. Not only will you leave with a wider social circle, job seekers with a more diverse social network have better communication skills. 

    Keep in mind that it’s normal to feel shy when you first start your job. Overwhelming shyness can however lead to a reluctance of going to networking events and meetings. However, as you practice talking to more and more individuals. You’re able to move past your fears and find yourself being able to get out of your shell and become more adept at networking. 

    Are you ready to learn the different steps to cultivate a diverse social network? You might want to check out some of the steps listed by BGC Group below for more information! 

    How to Cultivate a Diverse Social Network  


    As a recruitment agency in Singapore, we’ve written several articles on how job seekers can network in Singapore. Young Millennial and Gen Z job seekers might not be aware of how entry-level jobs such as administration can be a stepping stone to greater job opportunities in Singapore.

    But let’s just jump right into it! Here are some ways you can cultivate a diverse social network: 

    1. Get Uncomfortable 

    Stepping out of your comfort zone and into the unknown can lead to nifty connections. Have you seen the film Yes Man? Instead of thinking too much, just saying yes and jumping into any new experiences can lead to some cool experiences. 

    According to the Harvard Business Review, the best way to step out of your comfort zone is by first making a list of priorities that you wish to accomplish. It’d be even better if you could jot down specific goals you have in mind! An example of stepping out of your comfort zone can include attending up skilling courses as well as networking events in any industries you’re interested in. Don’t forget to go into these events with an open mind and talk to as many people as possible! You might never know who you’d end up bumping into!

    Interesting articles for jobseekers: 

    2. Seek Out Collaborations! 

    Whether you choose to believe it or not, every single job seeker has a certain set of skills that other individuals might seek out. Keep in mind that even if your social networks within your industry might not value your skills. There can be others from different industries that might find your skills valuable. 

    One way to do this is to create your own group curated carefully. The group should feature individuals from different industries. Keep in mind that you should look for individuals that can contribute different skills. If this is tough for you, joining a book club or a hobby group can lead to new beginnings!

    3. Be Sociable Online

    One useful way to network is by helping other people. Some individuals use LinkedIn to search for jobs. Connecting them to people you might know can lead to beneficial collaborations. Similarly, if you know someone in your extended social media network that has received promotions, new jobs, or salary increments. Try to congratulate them! Showing your enthusiasm and being openly sociable online can lead to stronger bonds and connections.

    As a trusted recruitment agency, we consistently release tips and tricks for job seekers in Singapore. Bookmark the BGC Group blog page for upcoming releases. 

    What are some of your favourite networking tips and tricks you’d like to give younger job seekers? Share them with us in the comments section below!

    Read More: The Best Websites for Networking in Singapore

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