
  • How to Communicate with Recruiters

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    Communication matters especially when it comes to the recruitment world. Recruiters are often told to build upon their communication skills in order to effectively communicate with candidates. However, not many are willing to learn and take on the challenge of communicating effectively with recruiters. 

    As a recruitment outsourcing agency, we spend a lot of our time communicating with both candidates and clients. Thus, we’re aware of the mistakes some both clients and candidates make when trying to communicate with recruiters. Are you ready to learn more? Let’s get started! 

    The Importance of Communicating Effectively with Recruiters 


    There is a lot more to effective communication than just great speaking skills. Listening skills are also an important factor when it comes to communication. But more on that in a bit! 

    It is no surprise that there are many benefits to communicating effectively with recruiters. They include: 

    1. Provides clarity and great direction 

    One major benefit of effective communication for both candidates and clients is the ability to deliver a clear objective to your recruiter. This allows the recruiter to source for either the best job or candidates for both the jobseeker and the client. In other words, this helps the recruiter manage your expectations. 

    2. More productive 

    With greater clarity and direction, it is safe to say that the recruiter will be more productive. Effective communication allows people to understand their roles a lot more. In addition, with effective communication, there are less workplace issues and conflicts to worry about. As such, with more distractions eliminated, there is a higher chance for more productivity and work to be done. 

    3. Prevents and resolves potential problems 

    As mentioned above, clearer communication and direction reduces and prevents conflicts from taking place. It is no surprise that miscommunication leads to conflict. When it comes to teamwork, many tend to forget that different people have different personalities. This can cause numerous problems. When an individual communicates in a calm and clear fashion, all parties involved in the discussion might feel heard. Additionally, a calm environment allows everyone involved to feel calm and seek an ideal solution. 

    4. Builds trust 

    Effective communication fosters a sense of trust and camaraderie with one another. When you’re able to do this, it sets an example to the rest of your team and/or job seeking friends. It’s always a great plus when you’re able to build trust with the people you’re working with. 

    5. Transferable skills

    As a job seeker, effective communication skills are some of the best skills to cultivate. In fact, we believe it is a great transferable skill to cultivate! Candidates looking to be more hireable during this competitive post-pandemic period can learn more about transferable skills here

    Learn more about the benefits of effective communication here. Learn more about effective communication channels HR executives should use in this BGC Group blog post here

    How to Communicate Effectively with Recruiters 


    Now that we understand the benefits of effective communication. Let’s learn the many different elements that make up an effective communication. Effective communication is a skill that is valuable to many — whether you’re a job seeker, client or recruiter. Below, we list the different effective ways to communicate with recruiters: 

    1. Listen actively 

    Active listening is not a skill that many have been gifted with. You might consider yourself a good listener. But what do your colleagues, clients, friends and family say about your listening skills? The difference between basic listening and active listening skills is that the latter refers to the conscious effort made to hear someone else’s words to understand the message. The ability to read emotions as well as body language (i.e. nonverbal cues) is also present in active listening. 

    Learn more about active listening and its benefits here


    2. Follow up consistently  

    Dear clients, we want you to know that there is no such thing as too much communication! Working with a specialist recruiter to find the ideal talent for your organization. Keep in mind that sometimes, the interview process for hard to find roles (e.g. cyber security, tech, finance, and healthcare) might take some time to fill. Consistent communication throughout the interview process can help the specialist recruiter manage your expectations! 

    Learn more about the benefits of outsourcing your hiring needs to a specialist recruiter here

    3. Give feedback  

    Don’t be afraid to give your recruiter feedback regarding the new hire. It is in everyone’s best interest when you follow up and let the recruiter know how your new hire is fitting in, in the workplace. If there are any adjustments that you’d like to be made for future hires, do not hesitate to let the recruiter know. This is one way for any organization that you choose to outsource with to understand your growing expectations. 

    Pro-Tip: Do not be afraid to ask questions. As an organization dedicated to hiring the best talents, we’re always open to hearing out questions from both our candidates and clients! 

    4. Keep a record of important events! 

    Keep a record of anything that you might find to be opportunistic, a form of feedback, or even antagonistic. You might never know when it’ll be important to refer to these events! 

    As a trusted recruitment agency, we’ve written multiple articles to help both companies looking to outsource their hiring needs. As well as job seekers looking for hiring and career advice! Learn more from our articles available on the BGC Group blog here

    What are some essential communication skills that you think we’ve missed out on? Share them with us in the comments section below! 

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