
  • The Best Handover Checklist for HR Employees in Singapore

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    ​Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, business remains as usual for some employees. However, there might come a day when someone in your HR team is ready to pass the baton onto a new employee.

    But this handover process must be dealt with carefully and with good planning. It is important to keep in mind that regardless of the circumstances that caused the employee to leave their job. The handover process should still be done. This is to ensure a smooth transition can take place. 

    As a HR outsourcing agency, we believe that it is in our best interest to help detail the handover checklist all HR employees in Singapore should take note of. Read more about it below! 

    The Importance of a Good Handover 


    Whether or not a replacement has been found for you. A good handover or good handover notes can be useful to new team members looking to settle into their new role.

    Some companies might’ve also set up a succession plan — a process for identifying and developing new employees before an older, more mature employee leaves. However, we believe that a proper handover will still need to be planned whether or not your organization has already appointed a replacement.

    A good handover should cover all the bases, as there are consequences to an improper and under planned handover. Some consequences of a poor HR handover include: 

    • Delays: When someone is unfamiliar with new work responsibilities. It would be common for delays to occur. This can be especially troublesome when it comes to handling both client and employee inquiries. 

    • Power struggles: It is no secret that when someone in a mature or leadership position leaves, there is an obvious gap that many employees want to fill. In an event that there is no succession plan set in place, employees might compete amongst each other for the role. This could also lead to employees potentially hoarding responsibilities in an attempt to look better.

    • Lack of standards: In this article, it is speculated that when an employee exits a company without a proper handover plan or notes. Without the proper training and notes, a new employee might find themselves with a heavier workload. This can in turn cause resentment, a lack of motivation, or just the inability to perform at a higher standard. This might lead to a slip in response time, or customer service.

    • Hiring mistakes to fill in the gaps: In some cases, there could be a mad rush to get a role filled in. This can in turn lead to someone hiring an employee who might not be up for the job. Especially when there isn’t a handover plan or notes set in place. One way to oversee this mistake would be to hire someone within the company. Or outsource the hiring process to a specialist recruiter, in order to find a good candidate to fill in the gaps.

    Now that we understand the consequences of a poorly planned handover program and/or notes. Let us list a handover checklist for HR employees in Singapore. Don’t forget to bookmark this page or send this to someone who might find it useful! 

    Handover Do’s and Don'ts for HR Employees in Singapore 


    A. Discuss the details with a manager or supervisor 


    Get the process started by having a detailed discussion with a manager or supervisor. This allows both you and your supervisor to determine how the handover should go about exactly. During this time, your manager might ask you to extend your stay within the company for a few extra days. You might need to help train another employee or a new person during the handover process. 

    B. Plan a formal handover document 


    Now that you have clear expectations of what both your manager and successor needs. It is time to plan a formal handover document. In your document you might want to include details such as: 

    • A description of day to day tasks and responsibilities. Don’t forget to detail the different responsibilities and activities that should be part of your successor’s priorities.

    • A list of essential documents and files that will be handed over. When planning this portion of the handover, don’t forget to include details of the various spreadsheets, files, project deadlines, and status updates that might be needed. Keep in mind a calendar detailing the different upcoming events and deadlines.

    • The relevant passwords and login information that your successor might need. If this is an uncomfortable task for you (i.e. cyber security threat), try informing your colleagues of the different programmes and accounts that your successor might need access to.

    • Key list of contacts. In addition to the points mentioned above, it might also be useful to keep a key list of contacts. This can include customers, clients, and managers to name a few.

    • Housekeeping needs. Finally, the handover document can also include the location of keys, stationary as well as other tools and bits.

    • A highlight of the support and training resources available. It is best to plan for the long term. A handover process might be annoying to some but think of it as a way to give someone the best possible chance of surviving in the company.

      During this portion of the handover you might want to think of: 

      A. The different training materials and programs you’ve found to be useful during your time there.

      B. Relevant training programs and opportunities you believe to be useful to your successor. 

    C. Add a personal, human touch to the process 


    If your organization has managed to name a successor in time. You might want to make the effort to add a personal touch to the handover process. Let’s say you’ll be spending a few days or weeks in the office with your successor. Try to make the effort to help them during this time. Here are some things to be mindful of: 

    • Leave the floor open for questions: If your successor is a new employee. They might spend the first few days being shy. This can make it hard for the newbie to ask you some of their burning questions. Help them alleviate this problem by being friendly and inviting towards the employee.

    • Invite them to experience the company culture: Other than focusing on the technical and work aspects. Try to find ways to introduce the new employee to the company. Let them know of the usual lunch spots and invite them to join the team for lunch. It might sound simple, but to an anxious new employee, this could be a lifesaver. 

    Further Reading: 

    As a HR outsourcing agency in Singapore, we’ve written several blog posts that might help alleviate some of your HR woes! Browse through the BGC Group blog here for more HR themed blog articles! 

    What are some handover factors that we’ve missed out on? Share them with us in the comments section below! 

    Read More: Should Singaporean Employees Quit During the Current Recession?

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