
  • IT skills that Employers will Pay a High Premium for in 2021

    by HR & Employer Blogs

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    ​The tech world is an in-demand industry, with the potential to grow very quickly after each year. A new round of changes was brought in just this 2020 due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. A majority of employees moved from the office to working remotely, with many utilising apps such as Zoom and Google Hangs for meetings. With all these changes, it is no wonder that employers are seeking new and improved IT and tech candidates equipped with numerous skills to tackle new challenges. 

    As a tech recruitment firm in Singapore, we believe that employers should keep an eye out for the top IT skills for 2021 that everyone should be aware of. Ready? Scroll down to find out more! 

    Importance of Premium IT Skills 

    It’s no secret that the IT and tech industry is constantly changing. According to an article by CIO Asean, more than 500 IT certifications have decreased in value, leading to a large skills gap. Additionally, most skills within the IT, tech, and cyber security industry will need to be vetted through certifications and courses. However, in this article, we’ll be focused on premium IT and Tech skills that do not necessarily require any certification, for 2021. 

    Premium IT and Tech Skills to Look Out for in 2021 

    It is important for both employers and candidates to learn about the different premium IT and Tech skills for 2021. This knowledge allows both parties to look out and gain the skills needed to stand out from a saturated pool of candidates and organizations. Here are some premium IT and Tech skills you might want to look out for in 2021: 

    1. Remote IT jobs  


    Remote working, or rather, a remote IT job might not be a specific skill set itself. However, the ability to work remotely requires a list of skills, in order to complete tasks remotely. The Business Wire notes that the recent pandemic has led companies to realise that a number of employees are not equipped with technical knowledge and skills such as video conferencing to name a few. A range of soft skills will also be required in order to complete remote IT jobs on time. Skills such as being able to be self-motivated are needed to thrive during remote work. Learn more about the remote working skills needed to succeed. 

    2. Software development skills (e.g. DevSecOps)


    Software development refers to the processes that computer programmers use to build various computer programs. The U.S. Bureau of Labour Statistics estimates that by 2028, software developer roles are expected to increase by 21%. One of the many reasons for this growth in demand is due to the increasing demand for both mobile apps and computer software. In addition, according to research by Stack Overflow, more than 75% of software developers learn new technology, to pick up new skills every year.

    DevSecOps is a skill that is a combination of various software development and operations processes. The role of DevOps is to bridge the gap between the IT staff and developers. Benefits associated with DevOps is to shorten the time taken to fix the problems, as well as lesser software failures. DevSecOps takes it further by adding security processes into the process. 

    Find out more about DevSecOps in this article by CSOnline here

    3. RStudio


    Whilst we’re not exactly familiar with the different intricacies of programming languages, some online sources claim that RStudio will be a booming skill in 2021. Those familiar with the programming language R will be familiar with RStudio, which is a free, open-source Integrated Development Environment (IDE). It is available to run on browsers equipped with Windows, Mac, and Linux.

    Those interested in more information regarding RStudio can access the website here

    4. Smart Contracts


    As a tech recruitment firm in Singapore, we’re no strangers to smart contracts. For those unaware, the term smart contract refers to a digital agreement and/or transaction in the form of a program or code. This is a useful skill to have, as smart contracts allow individuals to exchange things such as money, property, and anything valuable without the help of a middleman. 

    If this sounds like something up your alley. Learn more about smart contracts and the skills you’ll need in order to code one with Coursera here. Alternatively, click here to read an article on smart contracts by Block Geeks

    5. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning 


    Artificial intelligence will still be here to stay in 2021. Allegedly, more than 70% of the devices used in our everyday lives currently have AI built in them. Artificial Intelligence’s meteoric rise is due to the multiple beneficial features it brings along. Some examples include augmented intelligence (IA), and the ability to automate certain processes. In addition, it is estimated that by 2023, Artificial Intelligence will be utilised by 40% of operations teams in larger organizations

    Artificial Intelligence will also be utilised in industries such as Healthcare, Finance, Cyber security and more! If this sounds like something you’re interested in, you might want to check out this article for more information on augmented intelligence

    Check back with us to find out more updates to this article. Don’t forget to keep a lookout for the BGC Group 2021 salary guide! Bookmark this page, you might want to come back to this article in the near future! Alternatively, check out the BGC Group job portal for potential jobs in the tech, IT, and cybersecurity field here

    What are some IT skills that you believe will be in high demand for 2021? Share them with us in the comments section below! 

    Read More: Why it's Hard to Find the Ideal Tech Talents in Singapore

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