
  • How To Convert A Temp Gig Into A Full Time Job Offer In Singapore

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    How to transform a temporary job role into a full time job in Singapore

    So you’ve fallen in love with your brand new temporary contract job and you think it’s something that you’ll be doing for a long time.

    Hold on, there’s a catch! Your job is a temporary gig that will end in a few month's time.

    It Singapore's current economy and with the growing millennial interest in flexible positions, it’s increasingly common to see companies offer great temporary contract positions. So if you’ve managed to land a temp job opportunity in a company that you love to hang onto in Singapore, don’t fret!

    There are a number of pros to having a temporary job. They allow you to learn more about the company, as well as a better understanding of your role and the people who work there. Additionally, a temp job in Singapore can be considered as a several-month-long, on the job interview.

    As a recruitment agency that has helped hundreds of job seekers land rewarding job offers in temporary roles here in Singapore, we have some our candidates feed us their tips on how they have successfully turned their temp contract gig into a full-time job offer.

    Read some of their tips below:

    1. Having a strong ability to adapt fast

    Have a strong ability to adapt fast puts you at the top of the list when hiring full time staff

    When you’re new to the job, there’s a whole lot that you have to learn. And despite what your new colleagues think it's normal to feel a little lost and confused about your role in your first few weeks.

    But being able to adapt and get along really well with your new coworkers might just help you convert the job, to something full-time.

    Show your employers that you’re the right fit by:

    A. Undertaking your tasks and work duties independently

    B. Getting along well with your new colleagues and supervisor

    C. Handling new technology and software well

    D. Understand what it means to be respectful at the workplace. Avoid discussing sensitive topics at the workplace and passing on gossip.

    However, the ability to accept new changes and be social with new people is not something that comes naturally to some of us.

    Follow the steps below to learn how you can adapt to a new workplace:  

    A. Ask for help if you’re unsure to do anything at work

    B. Ask questions and take notes. You don’t want to infuriate people at work with repeated questions.

    C. Acknowledge the mistakes you’ve made. You’re bound to make some! It’s ok! Own up to it.

    D. Read the employee handbook...and everything else the HR department has made available to you. You want to immerse yourself into the new workplace and understand every crook and cranny as best as you can.

    2. Not acting like your job is temporary

    If you want to be converted, you need to stop acting like your job is temporary

    You want to show that you can be just as responsible and professional at a temp job, as well as a full-time gig. Be punctual to work, and show your employers that you excel in your job by completing tasks on time and with little to no mistakes.

    Understand that the job might require you to put in the extra hours at times. Choose to stay and complete your tasks instead of skipping out on your responsibilities.

    When employers feel like they can count on you as a temp hire, there is a strong likelihood that they’ll want to convert you to a full-time position.

    3. Having your supervisors know that you would LOVE a full time job opportunity in Singapore early on

    Have you let your supervisors know you'd like to work full time?

    Hiring managers and supervisors are not mind readers. If you’re on the lookout for a full-time position or hoping to convert your current temp role into something more permanent, let them know.

    Better yet, try to bring it up during your interview. Most of the time, the hiring managers will let you know if there’s a possibility that you’ll be able to convert to a full-time role, in the near future.

    If you’re looking for a full-time job, it’s always best to accept a role with the awareness that it will convert to a full-time gig. And whilst it’s good to bring up your intentions during your interviews, there’s no harm letting your supervisors and managers know that you’re interested in staying, once you’ve started your temporary job.

    4.  Setting impressive KPIs and actually acing it!

    Setting impressive KPIs and achieving them puts you ahead in being converted

    Whether or not your employer has agreed to you working full-time, it’s always best to set a KPI, that is both impressive and achievable. You want to show your employer the reason why you’ll be a good asset.

    Outstanding performance aside, employers want to see that you’re committed to your work. Additionally, they’re also interested in seeing how open your attitude is to learning, as well as your ability to improve.

    If you’re allowed to set a personal KPI, understand that:

    A. Plants and weather are not the only things that depend on the seasons. Your work and your ability to achieve your KPIs depend heavily on the different seasons as well. As a temporary hire, it’s best to review that the goal set for you is achievable during your short time at work.

    B. KPIs are milestones and that measure the progress of a changing plan.

    C. You will need to review your KPI with your manager. A KPI should be created with the input

    5.  Being ready for full time job interviews nearing the end of your contract

    Once your temporary tenure is done, you might need to attend a second interview. Depending on the company, your interview could be anything from a casual conversation with your reporting officer to a full-blown interview session with a hiring manager.

    If you already have a good relationship with your reporting officer, then it looks like the odds are in your favour! Don’t have a great relationship with your colleagues and supervisors yet? Just like a sword, good relationships are forged tirelessly.

    6.  Networking with people outside your team too

    You might be doing a great job in a specific role, but if your department isn’t hiring, they won’t be able to offer you anything permanent. This will be easier for those whose work depends on them mingling with other departments.

    Take that opportunity to network within the other departments. The more you network, the more opportunities will be made available to you!

    Networking might not come easy to some people. Don’t be afraid to ask your colleague or manager to help with introductions. Additionally, be a sport and take part in any company activities. It’s a great way to meet other like-minded individuals within the organization.

    Learn more about networking in Singapore companies with these articles:

    Have you managed to successfully turn your temporary gig to a full-time position? Tell us your tips and tricks in the comments section below!

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