
  • Recommended Workplace Safety Measure Precautions for HRs in this COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Image 2021 02 09 T09 25 18

    ​Just when we Singaporeans thought it was finally safe to hang out in larger groups of 8, spot cases of local infections started appearing on local news. And with the festive new year season approaching, we will need to get over COVID-19 fatigue and stay vigilant for the possibility of a further spike in cases. 

    Quite unfortunately, one of our thirty employees working on our manpower project as airport taggers at Changi Airport was reported as an unlinked case of COVID-19. Thankfully for a routine, bi-weekly swab test, his case was quickly contained. In addition, extra measures have been taken to quarantine close contacts and co-workers of our affected employee.  

    As a HR outsourcing agency in Singapore that manages multiple high volume manpower deployment projects in Singapore including the one at Changi Airport,  we have to do our best to ensure the safety of all our employees - especially those working on the frontlines. In light of our first unfortunate incident of COVID-19, we will share about the various safety measures that we actively undertake at BGC Group. 

    A. Upgrading the Precautionary Safety Measures BGC Group Practices


    As the old saying goes, “prevention is always better than the cure”. Responsible  HR solutions are vital at this time, especially when hundreds of our front liners involved in patient services, temperature screening and airport safety are potentially exposed to infectious individuals.

    Previous precautionary safety measures practiced by BGC Group include:

    • Protection gear: All employees employed by BGC Group will have to wear a mask and gloves for safety purposes. Depending on their risk factor, some employees will also have to don face shields as part of BGC Group’s safety management (e.g. employees working in front line sectors).

    • Frequent disinfection: Disinfection is key to preventing the spread of COVID-19. When it comes to our temperature screeners and airport taggers, our employees are required to disinfect all counters and the tracking equipment used. This is to prevent the spread of COVID-19 amongst visitors and employees. There is also a strict wipe down and disinfection protocol that takes place at the end and start of every new shift.

    • Temperature taking: All employees are required to take their temperature as well as conduct a SafeEntry check in before every shift. Depending on the location of the workplace, staff members will be deployed to check that everyone has a SafeEntry pass before a worker is allowed to enter the building and/or working premise. Keep in mind that this staff member may or may not be employed by BGC Group. 

    • Safe distancing measures: Social distancing measures will also be practiced at all times. Employees are advised to maintain at least 1 metre safe distancing between all individuals encountered at work as well as during mandatory breaks.

    • Buddy system practiced: All employees will be required to adhere to a buddy system. There will be no changes made to the people they work with as well as the location of the workplace unless there is a lack of manpower due to unforeseen circumstances.  

    BGC Group will be stepping up our healthcare and safety SOPs further to include the following:

    • Increased frequency of temperature reporting: Instead of temperature taking at the start and end of the shift, employees are now required to conduct multiple temperature screenings every 3 hours. In addition, a more frequent and stringent report on the employee’s health status will be required. 

    • More frequent and habitual disinfection: When it comes to disinfection, BGC Group will encourage its employees to participate in more frequent and habitual disinfection of tools, equipment and surfaces that come into contact with people.

    • Stringent staff monitoring protocols: Co-workers in close contact with any COVID-19 individuals must report this to HR immediately, and embark on a work from home schedule for the next two weeks even when tested negative.

    B. Additional Precautionary Safety Measures for Front Line and High Risk Workers 


    Employees working in higher risk roles and industries are required to undergo additional precautionary safety measures. These are individuals working in high risk sectors such as construction, marine and process sectors, as well as employees working on the airport grounds. 

    As per the Ministry of Manpower’s (MOM) guidelines, front line workers will need to undergo Rostered Routine Testing (RRT). The RRT is a COVID-19 nasal swab test used to test for the COVID-19 infection. This was the case for our employee who was marked as an unlinked case through his routine, bi-weekly swab test.  

    To further protect the group from potential infections. Workers who were served a Home Quarantine Order (HQO) and a Stay Home Notice (SHN) are not required to attend the routine swab test. In addition, workers on a leave of absence or medical leave are also exempted from the routine swab test. Instead, the routine test will be administered to these high risk individuals once their quarantine period is over.  

    C. Safety Measures for Travellers and Individuals Working at Changi Airport 


    As a touchpoint from the external world into Singapore’s community, Changi Airport also adheres to a strict set of safety measurements. Not only is the airport subjected to frequent disinfections, travellers are immediately temperature screened. In addition, travellers who appear unwell will immediately be referred to an on-duty doctor. 

    Vaccination will also be made mandatory as an added precaution for our employees based at the airport and other high risk facilities. As a HR outsourcing agency that manages manpower projects that may involve tens and hundreds of employees each time, we highly encourage everyone we employ to get a vaccination as soon as this is made available to them in Singapore. 

    Learn more about the advantages of the COVID-19 vaccine at the Singaporean workplace here

    BGC Group Complies with the Preventative Standards Outlined by Singapore’s Ministry of Manpower (MOM) 

    To recap, BGC Group will adhere to the guidelines set in place by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) as well as the Ministry of Health (MOH). Extra measurements have been implemented to further protect the health and safety of our employees in the workplace.

    For more information on these safety precaution measures please visit: 

    Read More: Misconceptions About Recruitment Agencies in Singapore Hiring Temperature Screeners Floating Around the Internet

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