
  • How to: Finding Your Purpose After ORD

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    Written by: Xin Wei Lau

    Let's say you’ve finally finished up your 2 years of National Service (NS). You might be finding yourself excited that it's all finally coming to an end. But some amongst you might feel afraid and unsure. Well, not to worry! As a top recruitment agency in Singapore, we've prepared some useful tips for you!

    Before writing this article, I’ve asked my friends who recently ORD-ed for their advice and searched on forum platforms for opinions of other fellow men who ORD-ed. This article only serves as a guide for you, you can take it with a pinch of salt and take it as learning something new. With that, let’s dive right into the 6 different paths that you can take after you ORD.

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    1. Go to university for further studies

    This is a very common route for most people who have ORD-ed. Some might already have registered and got themselves a place in a local or overseas university. Some might be considered to further their education in private school.

    You also choose to complete their studies part-time. This allows you to earn money as well as gain your formal education. If you're worried about "wasting more time", pursuing full-time studies at your university of choice would also be useful. Just make sure that you are choosing the degree that you really like.

    Below are some articles to help you decide on your perfect major and future occupation:

    2. Explore and find your passion

    If you don’t know what you like yet, take some time to think about it. You might not want to go to university just yet because you don’t know what course you would like to pursue. Why not try out for some part-time positions or unpaid internships just to experience what life is like on the other side? Or how about checking out some courses on Coursera to find what piques your interest?

    Exploring and finding your passion is a slow burning process. As a recruitment company in Singapore, we have a number of articles to aid you with this step. Visit the BGC Group blog to find out more.

    3. Start up your own business

    The pandemic has sprouted a number of small businesses. How about considering investing in your very own small business? You may choose to start up a business with your fellow batch mates. Or friends who you've met during your time in national service. You've spent the past few years learning their working ethics, and building your rapport.

    You can choose to start small. Think about what you’re good at, what you enjoy doing, and whether you have the capabilities to handle them. But do bear in mind that it will be beneficial for you to obtain some marketing, social media, and design skills before you begin so that you can save some costs.

    4. Enjoy your time and relax

    Given that you’ve just spent 2 years in a gruelling and strict environment, it would be advised to go and let down your hair (quite literally, you can grow your hair out long now). Go travel, around Singapore for now, and explore the wonders in Singapore. Since Singapore ReDiscover Vouchers are still valid till the end of 2021, it would be a good opportunity for you to visit the attractions in Singapore while you still can. Lastly, you can catch up on the sleep that you are greatly deprived of before starting your working life where you have to get up early in the morning again.

    5. Try out internships

    Another option that you can think of is to go try out internships. Yes, you still can get an internship after NS, though it is very unorthodox. This path is an option for those who don’t really know what they want to study or do in life. The benefits of doing internships are, one, it provides you paid professional work experience in a safe and structured work environment. Two, you will be attached to a mentor which will help to train and advise you. Lastly, during the internships, you can also practice and hone your industrial skills and knowledge.

    Do bear in mind that, again, you are never too old to start learning. There are multiple mid-career employees and mature workers who take on internships.

    6. Brave the working world

    For some, they don’t see the point in pursuing further studies, and would very much prefer to gain the working experience as soon as possible. This is also because they don’t want their steady NS income stream, albeit it being just sufficient, to come to a halt when they get their pink IC back. Most people would try to source for jobs that are close to their previous education, for example, people who possess diploma certificates would choose to look for jobs in their respective field of studies. This is because there is a higher chance of you clenching the deal, over other jobs that are not related to what you studied in the past.

    For some, this might be your very first job. How should you go about choosing the job that fits you and your current situation the best? Here are some pointers to take note of:

    • Does it provide a good opportunity to learn and upskill myself?

    • Will it make me more marketable?

    • Where else would this career lead?

    • Are the skills learned transferrable to other industries?

    Your first job may be the job that you’ve been thinking about for the longest time or just a job that provides you a steady career and personal growth. Most importantly is that you see potential in that job and don’t just choose it haphazardly.

    If you are currently looking for a job, why not consider looking for a job here at BGC Group! We are a bunch of friendly people who are willing to lend a helping hand to guide you through the necessary skills while working here! Here are some benefits of working here with us!

    • Family-oriented staff: Here at BGC Group, we treat everyone like family, with that same level of respect and care for one another. We do not discriminate against anyone, and we try everyone equally.

    • Trustworthy team players: Withour family-oriented culture, you can count on us to have your back.

    • Comfortable work environment: We believe strongly in supporting one another in our journey here at BGC Group, when you join us, you will never be alone (not in a creepy way)!

    All in all, it is good to have a plan for yourself after you complete your NS. You can always ask the people around you and find out more before trying out the different options in life. Or drop your resume to see what we have on offer. Check out the BGC Group job portal.

    Read More: The 2021 Guide To Surviving a Tough Jobs Market

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