
  • What Makes A Good Leader During the Pandemic

    by BGC HR

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    Leaders are individuals equipped with knowledge, values, assets and skills that lead the rest of us to greater heights. These are the people that we look up to whenever faced by any trouble. As employees, we put faith in our leaders. But what makes a good leader? 

    As an HR recruitment agency dedicated to hiring the best employees in Singapore. We definitely know a thing or two about what makes a good leader. Whether you’re a boss looking to become a better leader or an employee looking for skills to work on. This is the article for you. Let’s get started! 

    The Importance of Good Leadership Skills 

    Anyone can be a leader regardless of their title or designation at work. A team member can step up to take the lead of a project whenever they’re given the opportunity to do so. A manager or supervisor might need to refresh their leadership skills after a morale loss within the company. Even your office buddy can take the lead in your organization’s events or so. Every employer has the responsibility and the potential to step up when required. This is why we believe that it is important to understand the most valuable assets and skills that good leaders possess. 

    1. People Skills

    As a leader, you are required to talk and inspire people. To bring teams to great new heights and motivate people to the best of their abilities. Good social skills are required to make your employees feel comfortable around them. But what makes someone a good “people person”? 


    The answer is communication skills. In order to inspire people, one should have effective communication skills to influence and guide teams or people. As such, it is important that leaders are able to communicate effectively to their team about the goal and the necessary steps to make it happen.However, communicating effectively does not come off as second nature to most. Especially as when you’re an introvert. 


    Below are some tips on how you can communicate effectively: 

    • Non-verbal Communication: When communicating a message to another person, the receiver interprets the message through visual, vocal and verbal expressions. Eye contact is an example of visual messaging. This is why eye contact is expected, maintained and moderated during conversations. It demonstrates how focused you are on both the subject and the conversation on hand.

    • Confidence: No matter your skill or title. Confidence shows both your colleagues and subordinates that you believe in what you’re saying. And that you’re capable of following it through. Some ways to show that you’re confident can be as simple as not fidgeting when you are talking or avoid making statements that sound like a question. Confidence is the key to allowing people to trust you with what you are saying and doing.

      Related article: How to Appear Confident During an Interview

    • Empathy: Communication is a two-way street. And one of the ways to show that you’re a good communicator is through empathy. Empathy can be expressed simply through listening and understanding where your employees or counterpart is coming from. Even if you disagree with their point of view. 

    2. Authenticity


    A leader does not translate to someone cold-hearted in order to get things done. Being authentic is just as important as being a leader as authentic leaders have the ability to leave a lasting impression on their employees. The more authentic you are,  the better the relationship between you and your employees will be. The relationship improves as authenticity leads to transparency.

    Here are some tips on how you can be authentic at the workplace:

    • Self-reflection: We encourage everyone to conduct self-reflection at the end of the day or the workweek. Use this opportunity to assess your own strengths and weaknesses.

    • Take Accountability: To be accountable is to take ownership for the actions and mistakes you’ve done. It takes a real leader to accept and observe from their mistakes. Learn more about taking accountability at the workplace.

    • Consistent: Chaos leads to disorder. One way to prevent and subvert chaos is by sticking to your own beliefs and principals. Being fickle minded will translate to uncertainty amongst your employees. It will lead to skepticism in your skills and abilities. 

    3. Collaboration Skills 

    The ability to collaborate and interact with your employees is a valuable skill. Employees require interaction. Get to know them on a deeper level, understand the problems they face and empathise with them. No system can run without its faults. Getting to know ground level support and engaging with all the different teams is vital to the longevity of the company.

    In addition to collaborating with your employees, good leaders will make time to connect with their employees. Even if it is just for 5 minutes a week. Schedule time to connect either through meetings or even over lunch now that the COVID-19 restrictions are easing. 

    4. Humility

    Humility is a skill that many leaders look over. Being humble is not a comfortable skill to have in a professional setting. However, it can be cultivated. 


    Below are some ways to cultivate humility:

    • Recognising your faults: The first step to cultivating humility is to understand that even leaders make mistakes too. The ability to recognise your faults and admit it strengthens your character and fosters trust amongst your employees.

    • Acknowledge your employee’s strengths: To be a humble leader, you must shift the attention away from yourself. One example would be to thank your employees for their time, energy and contribution for every ‘company win’. It is up to the leader to decide if this thanks should come in the form of a monetary benefit or otherwise. This helps boost the spirit of camaraderie amongst your employees.

    • Be self-aware: It requires a great deal of honesty and humility to even ponder on this question. Being self-aware allows us to understand the certain lack of skills that we have. Not only does this require deep diving into your soul. It also requires input from others on your leadership skills. 

    Learn more on how good leaders cultivate humility here


    If you like the advice we’ve presented. Do check out our other leadership articles on the BGC Group blog here. 

    Read More: The Asian Way to Dealing With Micromanagers in Singapore

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