
  • 8 Reasons Why Tech Candidates Decline Your Job Offer

    by BGC HR

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    Reasons why tech candidates reject job offers in singapore

    Hiring tech staff can be a frustrating and challenging process for government, private companies and startups in Singapore. This is because a new hire is not just a potential addition to your team. A new employee will positively impact your ability to meet your set goals, both short-term and long-term.

    As a tech recruitment company, we are aware of the problems that come with hiring tech talent. Let us assume you have come to the end of a lengthy recruitment process and found your ideal candidate. They seem to be a perfect fit for your team, so you offer them a position at your tech company, and they decline it. You’re probably wondering where you went wrong.

    Times have changed. Employees no longer have the upper hand in the hiring process, at least not compared to previous decades. As much as unemployment rates are through the roof, workers now know they deserve more and actively reject job offers. The onus is now on companies and corporations to figure out why candidates are declining job offers and continue the search. Below is a list of potential reasons why tech candidates decline job offers in Singapore.

    1. Bad recruitment experience


    We have all heard of the saying, “First impressions last.” During an interview, it's not just the applicant who is in the hot seat. Your company's work environment, the way you conduct interviews, and those in charge of leading the interviews will impact the candidate's decision as to whether they will accept or decline the offer.

    If a candidate shows up for an interview and has to wait the whole day before being interviewed without any communication, chances are, the candidate will think twice about the position. Why? Because the way you conduct your interviews is a reflection of other business operations and activities. Candidates may also decline job offers because the recruitment team was rude and downright condescending.

    2. Bad public image


    A bad public image can ruin the chances of an IT recruitment team finding a highly skilled tech employee from the already small pool of tech talent in Singapore. This is because word of mouth is more powerful than companies realize. In addition, people are always talking. They are always sharing their experiences working at different companies or their nightmarish interviews with them. This might scare away potential employees who do not want to work in a toxic environment.

    3. Negative reviews from other interviewees and previous staff


    We are living in modern times where everyone is connected. With the new advancements in technology and several platforms for communications, people are always talking. This can either spell bad or good news for your company. Sites like LinkedIn and Glassdoor allow users to leave reviews of their experience with companies you either worked or interviewed with. If a potential interviewer sees only negative reviews about your company or notices that many employees quit before a year-end, they will re-evaluate their decision to accept a position at your company.

    4. Lengthy recruitment process


    Lengthy recruitment processes are some of the top reasons tech candidates reject jobs. Of course, no one is saying you should rush your recruitment process, so competitors do not take good candidates. However, it would be best if you kept in mind that the tech talent in Singapore is very small.

    On top of that, applicants rarely ever apply to one company. Instead, they apply to many to make sure they have options. So the longer your recruitment process drags out, the lesser your chances of retaining the top talent.

    5. Non-inclusivity


    Aside from salary and benefits, tech candidates are always keen to observe the level of inclusivity in the companies they are applying to. Why? Because as attractive as a salary might be, applicants need to know they will be comfortable in their place of work.

    Applicants want to know if your company is inclusive and not just the mandatory employment quotas. Inclusivity covers race, gender, social class, among others. If your company seems discriminatory, a candidate may be adamant about accepting a position with you.

    6. No opportunities for growth and elevation


    The fact is that people are always looking at the bigger picture, be it in their personal or professional life. When it comes to career, individuals are constantly asking themselves, 'Where do I want to be in five or ten years and does this job I am applying for aligning with my vision?'

    If the candidate realizes this is a job with zero prospects of promotion, gaining a new skill or certification during the interview, they will most likely reconsider your offer. In the tech world, new technologies are constantly being introduced, especially with the advancement of AI. Therefore, Tech employees want to learn as much as possible to build their resumes and demand.

    7. The job demands more than what was advertised


    This is a prevalent problem when it comes to IT recruitment. Most people cannot differentiate between the different tech professions. For example, some companies expect the software developer to be the same as the web developer or the mobile applications developer, which is not the case.

    If a candidate realizes during the interview that the job requires more skills than they may possess, they will decline the offer. The applicant may have these different skills in other cases, but the company is unwilling to adjust the salary because the job description is more demanding.

    8. Inflexibility


    Gone are the days when people were willing to work very long hours, overtime and holidays or weekends. This is especially true for Gen Z. Young people are eager to work hard but have time for their personal lives and rest.

    Tech talent requires even more flexibility because they can do most of their work remotely. The success of remote working was also highlighted by the global pandemic that hit the world pretty hard and called for lockdowns. Employees now know they can work just as well, and even better, from home.

    If the position at your company is rigid and demanding, a tech candidate may look for a more flexible one. There are many other reasons a tech candidate may decline your attractive job offer, but this gives you some insight into changes you can make to improve your IT recruitment success rate.

    Looking to hire tech candidates for your company? Drop BGC Group an enquiry for more information.

    Read More: How to Hire and Retain Top Tech Talent in Singapore

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