
  • My 2 Month Internship at BGC

    by Amelie Chan

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    Wonder what goes on behind the scenes at BGC Singapore? As a trusted recruitment agency, we're always on the lookout for interns to help us with our ever growing workload. Read to find out Amelie's experience as a content marketing intern here at BGC!

    When it reached the end of the semester, the only topic that my university friends could talk about was internships. People were bending themselves backwards amidst the finals season and applying to 10, 20, or even 30 internships positions a day. In this competitive environment, I started stressing and questioning whether I should take a break during the summer holidays or start applying to internships like everyone else.

    A Video Production Position

    I told myself that I would apply to only marketing internships and try my luck. This is because I already have my eyes set on a marketing major. In a few days, I saw an email from NTU regarding a marketing / video production internship that fit perfectly after my exams. I contemplated for a bit as I did not have a major in either video production or mass communication, so I was not sure if I would do well.

    However, a few months ago, I started video editing for my own dance projects. After some practice, I started freelancing for some of my influencer-type friends. I even won dance video competitions for pieces that I edited myself. Gradually, I realised that video editing is something that I really enjoy and received a lot of positive feedback. I was building on a new skill and knew that I would gain a lot from this practical experience, so I applied.

    During the interview process, I met the manager of the marketing team - Jasmine. She gave me a friendly vibe and was very engaging in the interview. This made me feel welcome and more inclined to intern at BGC. So when I received notice of acceptance, I was eager to take up this new opportunity.

    Stepping out of my Comfort Zone

    I did mentally prepare myself for the workload before my internships started. I was ready to experience more of the working culture, an avenue for me to step out of my comfort zone. This would be my first time doing video production for a company instead of freelancing. I was excited to gain exposure on directing and planning out new ideas for promotional videos.

    However, I have to admit that I was relieved when HR told me the first two days of work were work-from-home. I don’t know if I was ready to interact with my new colleagues in the team as a new environment sometimes scares me. I hoped that everyone would be approachable at the very least.

    On the first day in office, I was nervous as everything was foreign and I was even unsure of how to get to the office! I remember the questions flowing through my mind while walking to the office building on my third day. “Am I going to get along with my colleagues? Will I be able to do my job well? What will the office be like?”

    Thankfully, my team and colleagues were the most welcoming and friendly people. I immediately felt the relaxing and cordial work environment upon stepping into the office. People around me were dressed comfortably and sat together in an open office. My team members were always looking out for each other and willing to help me out whenever necessary even though I was only an intern. I was excited after the first day as I knew that the upcoming two months would be fun in such a welcoming and conductive environment.

    Getting to Work

    Being a video production intern meant I would be required to film and edit. The hybrid work mode works for me as I could film content when I went to the office in-person while I could plan and edit videos when I am working from home. My supervisors were able to communicate and guide me efficiently by using tools like Microsoft Teams as it allows both video calls and messaging.

    I would always have various tasks everyday as I have different videos to edit or new ideas to plan for the coming weeks. When I work from home, I would always start my day by looking through my Social Media Calendar and checking my plans for the day. Maybe I have to check on the audio that I was going to use or update myself on the latest trends on TikTok. Sometimes, I get on a call with Sophie and Jasmine to share my upcoming video plans that I could execute in the office. When I work in the office, I start filming and editing. For example, I have recently been working on filming outfit videos for interviews and a day in the life of an intern.

    Takeaways from this Internship

    I would like to thank the entire marketing team for their help during this internship. I really appreciate a team that is willing to give me constructive feedback and share useful tips about the working environment. Jasmine is a delightful manager that is willing to share what she knows and always gives people a second chance. I am also thankful for Sophie, as she is a teammate that is always accepting of my ideas and eager to execute them with me. I appreciate Deana for being so friendly and welcoming and lastly Bowie, my intern buddy for having fun and going to breaks with me.

    BGC has a caring, friendly and flexible working culture that allows for an avenue of growth. The environment also encourages teamwork where one supports their team. My team has been super supportive and educated me when I make mistakes. I never feel that waking up early and going to work is very mundane as the people around me treat me like a part of the group and we always have fun conversations and jokes during lunch times.

    In this position, I have been able to be creative and showcase my ideation with everyone’s help. Even though this is only a 2 month internship and I am only about halfway there, I have already been able to gain a lot of valuable experience. I learned the importance of trust, teamwork, and responsibility amidst the working world and am really glad to have learned this at BGC.

    Read More: My Life as a Content Marketing Intern

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