
  • Tristan Chew

    Tristan Chew

    Tristan is the mastermind and captain of the BGC Group ship, with over 20 years of experience in recruitment and staffing.

    Not one for books or administrative madness – Tristan knew early on that entrepreneurship and talent development was his calling. The excitement of breaking new frontiers is his pulse.

    Having come a long, humble way from door to door sales, Tristan’s noteworthy achievements to date is getting BGC Group successfully listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 2017.

    If he isn’t out skiing in a winter wonderland, Tristan will be dreaming up ideas to meet his big, hairy, audacious goals for BGC’s businesses in recruitment solutions and cyber security services.

    To him, work should always be fun because people always tend to do better when they are enjoying themselves. That is why he enjoys surrounding himself with team mates who are open, passionate, and driven to make a positive contribution to the company and perhaps… even the world.

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    Tristan Chew
    A subsidiary of Omnibridge Holdings