
  • Wong Chin Lam

    Chief Operating Officer
    Wong Chin Lam

    Chin Lam is our chief ops strategist (or as we would call him, our “wise old man”) who comes from a rich lineage of general, supply chain and ops management in MNCs across various industries. In past roles, he’s led huge change management and relocation projects that’s turned businesses for the better.

    Chin Lam thoroughly enjoys watching his team grow by enjoying what they do, overcoming setbacks, and achieving common goals together. Continuous growth is the theme he’s set for BGC Group, and he expects his team to set aside all differences and help one another improve.

    Be yourself and believe that you can do whatever you want to. Comfort is your greatest enemy and success will come if you can embrace failure”.

    When Chin Lam isn’t applying Confucian theories at work, (we think) he’s probably reading more theories at home, at the movies, or spending quality time with the family.

    A great attitude, ownership and right intention is key, especially if you want to be on Chin Lam’s team. You’re expected to embrace challenges, learn fast, and give your all.

    We’re pretty sure it’ll be fun – he’s happy to help you uncover your strengths and use them to the fullest in this exciting industry that we’re in!

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    Wong Chin Lam
    A subsidiary of Omnibridge Holdings