
  • Yvonne Koon

    Operations Team Lead
    [email protected] Yvonne Koon

    Like other team mates in the nerve team, Yvonne has tried her hand at recruitment, payroll, HR and now she’s involved in improving operations at BGC Group since 2016. From managing the contracts of hundreds of outsourced employees, she leads projects to digitalise back-office processes to cut time spent on redundant, time-consuming paperwork – the bane of all human resources professionals and recruitment agencies.

    Day to day, Yvonne can be found juggling multiple improvement projects or leading training sessions to keep the team up to date with new implementations to the We Care portal. Our job seekers (and trees) have Yvonne to thank for ensuring the smooth implementation of digital contracts signing – with everything online, they do not need to be physically present. The next big thing that she’s busy with would benefit our employers immensely (so keep watch!)

    She reckons that despite the Nerve team being rather compact – it sure packs a punch with a flat-line hierarchy and ready access to an experienced boss. Future team players ought to take it from Yvonne – at BGC Group, functional ideas are what count, not your seniority. You’re absolutely welcome to challenge your boss here. Just make sure you come prepared with a feasible backup plan!

    If you’d like to join Yvonne at BGC, you’re ready to “meet people from all walks of life, and also discover that money is not always the driving reason for someone to need a job.” Need more elaboration? Hint: try breaking the ice with a K-drama or movie hook!

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    Yvonne Koon
    A subsidiary of Omnibridge Holdings