
  • How You Can Impress Future Employers By Taking a Gap Year After Your A-level Studies

    by Deana Zafir

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    Taking a year off after your A-level studies might sound like a foreign concept to some. But more and more Singaporean students are slowly opening up to the idea. A gap year might seem like a bit of a “time-waster” to some, as you’ll be pushing your University studies back one year.

    But there are numerous reasons for you to take a gap year that your future employers and even hirers from recruitment firms will appreciate! Below, we’ve listed some of the reasons why you should take a gap year.

    1. Travel and Earn with a Work-Holiday Visa

    If you’re looking to get out of Singapore but still have enough work experience for your resume, then you should consider going on a work-holiday scheme, overseas. Choose to cure your wanderlust with a medley of gorgeous destinations ranging from the scenic New Zealand and Norway to the busy cities of Australia.

    Work-Holiday Visa Schemes for Singaporeans:

    • New Zealand

    • Australia

    • Norway

    • Japan (WWOOF)

    • New Zealand (WWOOF)

    • Korea (WWOOF)

    • France (Au Pair)

    However, there are some requirements that you’ll need to fulfill in order to receive a work-holiday visa in Australia. They include:

    • Enough money to support themselves in the country

    • Have a travel ticket or sufficient funds for a ticket out of Australia

    • Functional English (either an IELTS qualification or graduate from an English speaking high school)

    We’ve also listed some of the ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ many ask before deciding if they should go overseas.

    2) Pick Up New Skills For Your Resume

    Have you longed to pursue your interest in diving? Or maybe you’ve always wanted to be the master of languages, thanks to your interest in Japanese anime and K-Pop. No matter your interest, there’s bound to be a course out there for you!

    Your gap year is a prime opportunity to learn new skills. Take it as an opportunity to try everything and anything you’ve always dreamed of but never had the time to do.

    Skills You Might Be Interested in:  

    • Open Water Diving with PADI

    • Gain some barista skills

    • Learn Singapore Sign Language

    • Cooking skills, to impress your dates

    3) Learn More About Different Cultures When You Volunteer Overseas  

    Volunteering abroad is another great option for you to do if you’re looking for something that will help boost your resume. In fact, 65% of HR executives surveyed said that candidates with overseas volunteering experience stand out in their resumes.

    You don’t always have to teach when you’re looking to volunteer abroad. In fact, you can tailor it to your future career or University course. Apart from imparting you with a number of useful soft skills, you’ll also have plenty to talk about with your employer at work. An added bonus since most employers want to work with people they find interesting and can have genuine conversations with.

    More tips on how you can land a job post-graduation quickly hereYou don’t always have to go overseas to gain a rewarding experience. There are a number of places in Singapore that you can choose to volunteer with.

    4) Trying Out Temporary Positions to Make Better Career Choices

    If you’re looking to kill two birds with one stone, without leaving Singapore, this would be your best option. Temporary jobs are a fun way to build some soft and hard skills for your resume. It’s also a useful way for you to try exciting new careers you might be interested in and deciding whether or not, you’re great for the position.

    Other benefits to a temporary job include:

    • Useful experience for your resume

    • Extra cash for your travels or when school starts

    • Build your network which can come useful in the future

    Read more about the benefits of having a temporary job in Singapore here. Alternatively, you can check out some of the highest paying positions in Singapore that don’t require a degree.

    5) Catch Up on Life

    It’s no secret that living in Singapore in this day and age can be tough. Most of us Singaporeans spend our day working only to come home and be distracted by our smartphones or catching up with the latest Netflix hits. We tend to forget to stop and smell the roses and catch up on things that truly matter. Maybe you’ve stopped pursuing your hobbies, or you’ve stopped catching up with your friends and family.

    Why not take the time to catch up with what truly matters in life, with a gap year?

    6) Better Mental Health

    In Singapore, suicide is the leading cause of death for millennials. And the reason for it is stress. After spending more than a decade studying and cooped up in schools, taking a gap year to focus on yourself might be useful.

    To some, A-levels can feel like a bubble and it’s easy to get trapped under it. Being a student in Singapore is hard, very hard. But by getting out of that situation temporarily, and having the freedom to dictate your life for a short while, might help change your mindset.

    So, if you find studying overwhelming, try taking a gap year, and you’ll be ready to return to University with a fresher outlook. There’s no wrong way to spend a gap year...unless you’re planning on never leaving your couch or laptop for a whole year.

    Struggling with your mental health? Here are some Singapore-based resources for you to check out:

    Are you ready to begin your gap year?

    No matter your decision, it’s important to remember that you will need funds to support yourself during your gap year. You can choose to either start a part-time or temporary job now to fund your future or choose to work during your gap year.

    At BGC Group, we’re always on the lookout for students with A-level qualifications. We have a number of jobs available ranging from work at some of Singapore’s popular attraction sites to Government jobs.

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