
  • Job Agility Could be the Secret to Success for Millennial Employees in Singapore

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    Long gone are the days when employees have to stay in their respective jobs for years before they progress further up the career ladder. Nowadays, it’s all about career mobility either through full-time, part-time or temporary jobs.

    According to Channel News Asia, 34% of professionals in Singapore have little to no intention of staying with their current employer for more than a year. However, the survey results also showed that Singaporean employees are the least confident when it comes to applying for jobs. 

    What is job agility?

    Job agility is simply another word for career mobility. Someone who is career mobile can be described as someone who constantly pushes themselves to grow and develop their skills by taking on fresh professional challenges instead of stagnating in their comfort zone.

    The term career mobility can also refer to the movement of employees across pay grades or a complete change in occupation. Promotions are also a form of career mobility.

    Career mobility benefits both millennial and mature professionals looking to switch their jobs. Most individuals want to learn, grow, and develop their skills. And the best way to do this is to work in different roles in order to train and develop unique skills. 

    Additionally, individuals who are career mobile are often liked by both employers and recruiters. Here are the three main perks of career mobility: 

    1. Diverse and Exciting Roles

    Stagnant roles are the reason why employees choose to jump ship. Recruiters are also less likely to hire someone if their resume is stagnant. A resume that features an established career path highlights the applicant’s strong skills and interests. Additionally, employers want to hire job seekers with vast experience in different industries.

    An individual with job hopping experience also shows recruiters how hungry they are for new learning opportunities. Check out our article, “5 Reasons to Hire a Job Hopping Millennial in Singapore” to learn more about the reasons why employers want to hire candidates with diverse work experience.

    2. More Competitive Pay  

    One major benefit to job hopping is that you’ll receive higher pay. Remember, the more skills and relevant experience you have, the more ground you have to negotiate for higher pay. Employers are aware that title promotions are not enough to ensure employee retention. In fact, research shows that employees are more likely to look elsewhere if monetary compensation isn’t enough.

    3. Larger Network

    To some, your colleagues are like your second family away from home. In a competitive job environment like Singapore, networking is a vital tool for landing the job of your dreams. Different employers, organizations, and industries provide access to different connections. If you’re willing to invest the time and energy it takes to build a reputable and loyal network. It could prove to be useful in your future career.

    Check out these articles for some networking advice from BGC Group:

    So, should you stay or should you go?

    Whilst companies in Singapore are starting to accept the idea of job mobility, more traditional companies might have trouble accepting job seekers who choose to career hop. Whether or not you’ll be successful when it comes to job hopping also depends heavily on the industry of your choice.

    For instance, job hopping is popular in industries such as:

    • IT/Web Development

    • Professional Services (e.g. consulting, marketing, training and development, retail)

    • Media and Entertainment

    • Education

    • Government

    Whilst industries such as law, medicine, as well as manufacturing and industrial prefer loyal employees who’ve stayed in the industry for several years. As such, employees in these industries might be more hesitant to invest in you. Employees who choose to move from organization to organization in these industries might be seen as insecure, flaky, or even as a troublemaker.

    However, Singapore’s Ministry of Manpower is taking steps to help destigmatize career mobility. For instance, older and mature workers in Singapore will have the option of working less physically demanding jobs. Additionally, companies will be encouraged to enhance the quality of their employee’s jobs through constant upskilling courses.

    Despite this, we must warn you that you should always switch jobs with caution. Before switching to your next job, ask yourself these questions:

    • What do you want from your career?

    • How long have you worked in your current organization?

    • Have you made the most out of this position?

    • Have you mastered the skills your current role requires?

    • Have you exhausted all avenues for learning opportunities?

    • Why do you want a new job opportunity?

    • Is job switching common in your industry?

    Final Thoughts

    When planned and executed correctly, job agility can be used to advance your career, and expand your career options. Additionally, some employers might be able to appreciate the drive individuals with career mobility have.

    If you think short term roles filled with ample learning and training opportunities is the way to go, submit your details to BGC Group and we’ll help match you to your ideal temp position. Alternatively, click here to browse through our job portal.

    Do you believe that job agility is the secret to success for millennials? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below!

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