
  • How to Kill Time Productively On Your Morning Commute

    by BGC HR

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    Blog Covers   2019 07 10 T143431

    If you live in Singapore, there is a high chance that your morning commute to work involves public transport. Instead of spending your morning ride doing sifting through YouTube or praying that the MRT will not break down.

    Plug in your earphones, fire those Spotify tunes, and follow our guide for more information on how you can kill time productively during your morning commute. Trust us! We're one of Singapore's top recruitment agency.  

    1. Sharing Useful Resources on Linkedin  

    If you’re already killing time by going through your Facebook newsfeed, why not transfer the habit over to Linkedin instead? Scan through your Linkedin homepage to find an article that you believe will be most useful and interesting. 

    To keep your audience engaged, take three minutes of your time to include a quick note, comment, or reflection from the article. Sharing content that is helpful and trustworthy might help you gain quality connections. Additionally, your content might inspire your close connections, as well as, generate conversation amongst other distant connections. 

    2. Browse Through Career Inspired Content  

    Some websites allow you to like, comment, or receive news notifications. Commenting on them using a personal social media account might allow you to make new business connections online. (FYI: For more ideas on how to network online, click here).

    Additionally, check out the list of websites below, for more inspiration: 

    3. Engage in Conversation and Catch Up with the Latest News on Reddit 

    Click here for more information on which subreddits to follow

    4. Check Out Useful Video Content  

    One way to help time pass by quicker is by watching video content available online. From our very own BGC Huddles to TED Talks, online video content helps you fill your time with new ideas and inspiration.

    If you’re unacquainted with our very own BGC Huddles, let us elaborate. It is a monthly series where we pick out some of our colleagues to share and discuss their ideas. As we’re a manpower outsourcing firm in Singapore, we tend to focus on career-related topics.

    Not sure what to watch? Check out our list below for ideas on what channels and websites to watch during your next morning commute:

    • TED: TED is a nonprofit organization that seeks to share ideas and inspiration through a series of talks. All their talks are free and available online. Click here to visit their website.

    • BGC Huddles: Videos of millennial employees discussing various career and work-related topics. Topics range from “how to decide university and/or poly major” to “misconceptions about introverts at the workplace”. Click here for more information on BGC Huddles.

    • Academic Earth: Free comprehensive college courses. Academic Earth features an ongoing series of original videos. Content here ranges from university majors such as Business, Computer and IT, to Liberal Arts and Psychology. Click here to visit the website. 

    5. Listen to Podcasts 

    Watching video content can be tiring to some. At times, we prefer to listen to binge-worthy content instead. Enter, podcasts. They’ve been gaining immense digital popularity lately and businesses are tapping into it to improve their prospects.

    There are many different benefits to listening to podcasts. They include:

    • Training your multi-tasking skills

    • Becoming a better listener 

    • Learn more about the world and gain empathy 

    • Gain new interests 

    • A different form of entertainment 

    Learn more about the benefits of listening to podcasts here

    6. Plan Your Work for the Day 

    Time management is a valued skill that many strive to learn, but few manage to. Planning your work for the day is useful as it helps you manage your time and benefits you. Of course, there are many benefits to time management. They range from:

    • Less stressful workdays

    • More free time at work

    • Less effort 

    • Less friction and life problems 

    Planning your work for the day does not have to be a very difficult task. In fact, all you have to do is identify the end-day goal that you wish to achieve, and the tasks required to achieve the goal. 

    7. Edit Your Social Media Websites  

    Alternatively, you can also edit your social media websites by joining specific groups related to specific skills and industries that you might be interested in. You can do the same with Facebook groups as well.

    What are some of the things you do to kill time productively on your morning commute? Let us know in the comments section below!

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