
  • 12 Signs That You Won't Get The Job in Singapore

    by Deana Zafir

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    Blog Covers   2019 07 01 T172110

    There’s very little in life that’s more terrifying than a job interview. Whether you’re applying for a job independently or through a recruitment agency in Singapore. You’re always walking away with mixed feelings. Did you end on a good note? Will you get the job? Or did they interview a much better candidate right after your interview session?

    As someone who currently works at a recruitment firm in Singapore and attended my fair share of interviews in my lifetime. I’ve spent some of my nights worrying and overthinking if I’ve shared too much, or shared too little. All this anxiety does is lead to unnecessary stress. 

    However, there are many indicators that will tell you if the interview went well, or not. Just look out for these telltale signs on whether you were successful or not - 

    1. It’s Been More Than Two Weeks Since Your Interview 

    As a general rule of thumb, if you haven’t heard any news on the role from your recruiter after more than a week or the timeline they have given it may be best to give up hope that you’ll be landing the job. Hirers who are excited to get you on board usually try to get back to their ideal candidates on their status as soon as they can. Or within a week after interviewing you. 

    2. The Ads Are Still Running, Months After Your Interview

    Why are you still holding out for the job months after the interview? If you were the ideal candidate, they would be falling over themselves to extend you that offer. However, if the ad for the specific job (with no multiple positions available) that you have applied for is still running months, it could be that they have not managed to find an ideal candidate. Or if the ad has been reuploaded, months after your interview. It’s probably a sign for you to move on. 

    3. They Interview You Less Than Twice  

    Most companies have multiple steps in their interview process. For instance, an organization might hold two interviews with the candidates. One with the HR department, and another with the hiring manager or team.

    4. You’re Being Ghosted 

    Maybe you’re stewing at home until the tension gets too much. But you’re met with either a “who dis”. Or worse, two blue ticks from someone who is supposed to be your consultant. Don’t take this to heart. Most of the time, the recruiter or hirer is simply too busy to send a rejection email either before or after the job interview. 

    5. Your Interviewer Appears Distracted 

    One tell-tale sign that your interview didn’t go too well, is the lack of attention the hirer is paying. To anything that you’re saying. Or maybe your interviewer seems slightly distracted. Unfortunately, a distracted or bored interviewer means that you’re probably not the employee they’re looking for. 

    6. They Never Contacted Your References  

    Maybe they’ve asked you for two or three professional references. But when you check with your professional contacts, it seems like the recruiter never contacted them. Companies don’t want to waste their time calling references of candidates who won’t get the job. It is highly likely that they’re dead set on another candidate.

    7. The Interviewer Fails To Ask For More Details 

    Unfortunately, this is a major sign that the interviewer is not keen on moving on to the next stage with your application. It’s important to note that hiring managers often suffer through a tedious hiring process because they have a position that they desperately want to fill.

    Wise job seekers know to take the time during the interview to probe and ask more about the job and the hiring timeline, before the interview session ends. Take note of the answers and extra details that the hirer is giving you. Things like what to expect at the next round or a timeframe they will get back are good signs. If they lack details and seem to be giving non-committal answers, your best bet would be to carry on searching.

    8. You Never Discussed Your Salary 

    Career experts often debate about the proper time to bring up the salary question. Some say that it is best to be upfront and tell them your expectations first hand. Others claim that recruiters who beat around the bush and don’t ask for your salary upfront, might not really be interested in you.

    Remember, hiring a candidate is a lot like buying something long term. If they want you, they’ll want to know if they can afford you by asking for your salary expectations. 

    9. They Tell You That They’re Still Looking At Other Candidates 

    This sucks but does not necessarily mean you are out of the running yet. It could mean that you are one of the first few they have met and that they’re still shopping around for qualified candidates. Or they’re just trying to find a way to soften the blow of rejection.

    10. The Word “Overqualified” Was Used  

    In the working world, there is such a thing as being too good. There are stereotypes for overqualified candidates, unfortunately, and it is hard to erase. Why? Because hiring managers are worried that you’ll get bored at your job. Recruiters are more likely to hire a candidate who is underqualified as opposed to someone who is overqualified. Because it is cheaper to hire and train someone who is less qualified. 

    Find out more: 

    11. You Show Up Unprepared  

    Let me tell you a story about the time when I attended a job interview without preparing. The moment the interviewer asked me to perform my elevator pitch. I panicked and left the interviewer bawling my eyes out. Why? Because I wasn’t prepared to answer her questions and end up feeling uncomfortable and negative about the whole interview.

    Preparing for interviews is the key step to acing it. Here are some resources to help you with your job interview:

    12. You Get The Rejection Email

    Well, this one’s pretty straightforward right?   

    Have you encountered any of these signs in your job interviews before? Let us know if we’re right in the comments section below!

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