
  • Common Mistakes Hiring Managers Make When Recruiting via Social Media

    by BGC HR

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    Social media is more than just a great way of connecting with family, friends, as well as worldly news affairs. In Singapore, is also a useful tool when it comes to recruitment. 

    As a hiring manager, it is easy to overlook some of the miniscule details that come with good social media recruiting. However, as a reputable recruitment agency, we understand some of your pain! 


    Here are some common recruitment mistakes hiring managers make when sourcing for talents via social media: 

    1. Relying solely on Facebook 


    If you’re looking to tap into the Generation Z market, you might be doing it wrong if you’re only relying on Facebook. Generation Z, is currently the youngest group to enter the workforce, relies heavily on social media.

    Despite their large use of social media apps and websites, Gen Z individuals spend more time on fewer social platforms than their millennial counterparts. And if you’re looking to catch them on Facebook, you’re looking at the wrong social media platform. Only 36% of Gen Z individuals use Facebook at least once a week.

    Instead, try turning your focus to social media websites such as Snapchat, Instagram, and YouTube. 

    2. Not making authentic connections 


    Websites such as Linkedin are a popular way to network at any time of any day. Howeever, despite the ease of connecting and networking with some of the top talents available out there. It can still be hard to make authentic connections.

    Why authentic connections matter

    In a world saturated with a number of different companies, it is hard to make an impact on a website like Linkedin. Unless your organization has a large marketing department, you cannot fight big and established brands when trying to recruit socially.

    Which is why smaller organizations should rely on the “human touch” to make waves amongst potential candidates available online. A great example is the conversation Sainsbury has with a Twitter user (image below). It’s a simple way for Sainsbury to connect with both the customer as well as other Twitter users. 

    How to build real connections on social media  

    1. Be yourself: Audiences, especially Gen Z individuals appreciate honesty and transparency online. 

    2. Be engaging: Just by scrolling through Linkedin will make you realise that top hirers and recruiters often make a brand of their own online. Share quotes and snippets of self-help or career related passages from some books. Or add your own opinion to some of the top stories out there.

    Don’t forget that you need to engage with the content available online to be engaging. Which means that if someone you believe to be a top talent is posting photos of their cute pets online. You should refrain from posting cookie cutter comments such as, “Looking for a career related opportunity? Contact me at 6XXXXXXX for more information!”. 

    Check out some great examples of enagaging content on Linkedin below:


    Picture: An example of a viral status on Linkedin

    3. Be consistent: Now that you’re sharing status updates, news, and industry insights online. The one thing you’ll need to keep doing is to stay consistent with your updates. You can’t expect your audiences and candidates to remember you and the organization you’re representing when you keep appearing in and out of their consciousness. 

    3. Forgetting that candidates are consumers too


    Picture: A simple image depicting a mass walk in interview at BGC Group is still an engaging visual

    Job candidates are a lot like consumers. A positive candidate experience can be the make it or break it for job seekers deciding between two different offers. To market jobs successfully to candidates, the human resources team will have to work with the marketing team to market the company’s internal brand and culture to the public.

    Some things that contribute to positive candidate experience include:

    • Create candidate approved content: Content creation is key to candidate attraction and engagement. However, you’d need to identify what good content means to your ideal talent in order to attract them. You don’t have to create content in order to appeal and attract your ideal candidate. Curating content is also a great way to generate a following. Plus it’s pretty easy to do too!

    • Monitoring branding on Glassdoor and Google reviews: Like any other product or service out there, review is king! These websites allow employees to leave reviews about your company’s internal culture and hiring process.

    • Focusing on quality: Standing out amongst the crowd takes tact and research. Some companies choose to stand out by spamming their consumer’s social media feed with content to block their competitors’ from appearing. However, it is far more effective to post less on social media, but with a focus on quality. Doing this allows candidates to easily engage with you and your brand online as well as engage and follow you. It’s a slow burn, but it’s organic and at least the followers you’ll earn are talented candidates interested in your organization. 

    Don’t forget to promote your company brand! It’s crucial to help distinguish your organization from the crowd. A good way to get your branding out to the general public include, creating compelling video content. Try to stick to video content instead of dabbling in text-based content. Additionally, Generation Z individuals find short lived content such as Instagram and Snapchat stories

    Learn more about what candidates value in a career with this article, “How to decide between two job offers in Singapore”

    4. Not creating high quality and creative visuals  

    Picture: An example of a high quality recruitment ad

    In an age where we’re constantly bombarded by posters, promotions, and images online. Creating high quality visuals instead of resusing stock images makes your employer branding seem a lot more relatable and realistic. In fact, candidates and consumers respond to visuals 40% more than they do written content.

    High quality visuals are not only limited to refinely photoshopped images. Images of company events, iconic company faces, and of your employees having fun are good to share on social media too! It gives viewers some insight into what your company offers. Sometimes, it’s best to not leave too much to your candidate’s imagination. 

    Still having trouble with recruiting the perfect talent? Outsource your recruitment and hr related headaches to BGC Group. Visit our employer page here to drop an inquiry!  

    Read More: 5 Major Mistakes Slowing Down HR Productivity

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