
  • 5 Ways to Improve Your Hiring Chances While Staying at Home

    by BGC Candidates

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    Unfortunately, the Singapore government has enacted new measures to curb the spread of the COVID-19 virus. But choosing to see the glass as being half full, we believe that the current circuit breaker is a good opportunity to find some time to improve ourselves. 

    In this article, we’ll talk about the things all jobseekers, job candidates, and employees looking for full-time, part-time, and temp jobs in Singapore can do all while staying at home. 

    1. Upskill for Free Online




    To encourage individuals worldwide to stay at home, a number of academies (e.g. LinkedIn, John Hopkins, Udemy) are offering free courses. Whether you’re a complete beginner looking to develop basic skills in programming or a professional looking to refresh your memory

    We’ve compiled a shortlist below, dedicated to the various growing industries in Singapore from tech and cybersecurity, as well as healthcare!

    Free Online Tech and Cybersecurity Courses You May Find Interesting




    Check out more free Udemy courses for tech and cybersecurity here


    Codeacademy is probably one of the most popular places to learn programming online. At Codeacademy users will have the option to dive straight in and take courses to learn everything from HTML & CSS to Javascript, Ruby, and Python.

    Click here to explore Codeacademy


    Khan Academy 

    Khan Academy is the original free online-learning institution. The great thing about Khan Academy is that most courses feature step-by-step videos. Which can be useful to those who require a form of visual aid. The courses in Khan Academy vary but Singaporean employees looking to upskill themselves, or take the plunge into the tech and cybersecurity industry might enjoy the courses offered here. 

    We’ve found that the tech courses available from Khan Academy vary from programming animations and games using JavaScript to creating webpages with HTML and CSS. Pretty cool stuff!

    Pro-Tip: Khan Academy also has courses for kids! If you’re looking to keep your kids occupied during this circuit breaker season, Khan Academy has a number of courses available for them too! 


    Click here to check out Khan Academy

    Free Online Healthcare Courses You May Find Interesting



    Click here to explore more healthcare courses by Alison


    Future Learn:  

    Future Learn is a great place to access courses from open universities. There are a number of courses available ranging from nursing to even dentistry basics online! In addition, working healthcare professionals in Singapore might also be able to find some useful courses on Future Learn. 

    Click here to explore more healthcare courses with Future Learn.

    2. Revamp Your Resume



    When was the last time you updated your resume? Take the time to research and revamp your resume. Here are some ways to revamp your resume: 

    • Address Job Gaps: Employment gaps in your resume can dampen your chances of landing a job interview. One way to improve your hiring chances with a job gap is by addressing the reason for the gap.

      Research shows that candidates are 60% more likely to land a job interview when they provide a reason for their job gap in their resumes. Do note that the reason for your job gap matters here.

    • Clear Out Old Roles: As a recruitment agency, we’ve seen our fair shares of good and bad resumes. However, one of our greatest pet peeves is coming across a resume filled with roles from decades ago. Or a resume littered with short job positions (e.g. fast food cashier for one month in 2008). A little resume cleaning will make your more recent roles stand out.

    • Consider a (Slightly) Longer Resume: In a research conducted by Fast Company, findings show that recruiters spend nearly twice as much time reading two-page long resumes. A slightly longer resume will also give you the space you need to address work gaps, as well as explaining relevant skills in greater detail. This allows you to stand out in a sea of applicants. 


    As a recruitment agency in Singapore specializing in industries such as technology and cybersecurity as well as healthcare, we have some articles you might find useful below: 

    3. Update Your LinkedIn Profile 




    Now that everyone’s working from home, online networking should be your priority if you want to land a job. LinkedIn is a good place to start your online networking attempts. But before you start getting active on LinkedIn, you should try your best to update your profile to stand out online. 

    A study conducted by Fast Company found that job candidates who included a link to their LinkedIn profiles in their resumes increased the chances of getting a callback by 71%.  

    Below, are some ways you can stand out on LinkedIn: 

    • Add an eye-catching headshot: A picture paints a thousand words. Be sure to include a nice headshot of yourself that best describes your professional personality.

    • Craft an interesting summary: Use keywords that are more likely to make you desirable to recruiters and headhunters in your preferred industry (e.g. I taught myself to program in Python). This is your chance to tell potential hirers your story.

    • Get creative: Did you know that you can custom create banners for your LinkedIn profile? Or add videos from YouTube, infographics, and more to your LinkedIn profile? As long as everything presented fits your ideal professional image or a theme, then get as creative as you can! It’s one way to stand out. 

    4. Network Actively Online




    You lose a lot of job opportunities when you fail to network, simply because you were unaware of the open position in the first place. One simple way to network online is by joining Facebook and LinkedIn groups. Having a strong, online presence and branding might also be a strategic way to network online. A simple way to boost your online presence is by actively contributing to a blog online, or even proactively responding to comments on Facebook or LinkedIn job groups. 

    PS: Introverts, promise us that you’ll take advantage of the current situation and take the chance to network online. 

    Recommended Readings: 

    5. Positivity Beats Everything! 




    Have you heard of the old saying, “Tough times don’t last but tough people do”? There is some truth to the saying. No matter how hard the situation goes, it is your positive attitude and constant job search that will help you land your next role. Having a positive mindset might sound like poppycock. However, a 2014 survey conducted by Millennial Beyond and revealed that more than 80% of companies value a positive attitude. 

    6. Craft Your Very Own Personal Brand! 




    Your resume can only go so far. But crafting your own personal brand might be a better way to improve your hiring chances for a long time. Can't figure out what your personal brand should be? Follow the steps below to find out how you can craft your own personal brand: 

    • Figure out your personal strengths: If you're having a hard time trying to figure out your personal strengths, think back to the skills that your friends and co-workers compliment you on. Are you good at copywriting? Is research your forte? Or do your strengths lie in graphic design? 
    • Do what you love: If you're an NF type according to the MBTI test. You might want to pursue a career doing what you love. Try looking for ways to market the skills you don't get to do much at your current workplace (e.g. photography, writing). Dream big! 
    • Take tests: Do you still having trouble identifying some of your skills and strengths that you should market? Try taking a self-assessment test to find out where your skills and strengths lie in! Skills Future Singapore has a great one here.

    7. Enlist the Help of a Recruiter  




    Instead of spending hours and hours pouring over the internet trying to find a job. Why not enlist the help of a recruiter from a trusted recruitment agency to help you find your dream job? However, do understand that this option is going to be competitive. If you don't hear back from your recruiter, you might want to take the time to follow up and email your recruiter for updates. But be patient! Don't hound your recruiter with countless phone calls and emails. You'll hear back with the right job. 

    Finding it hard to keep a positive mindset during this socially isolating season? You might want to check out BGC Group’s recent article,How to Stay Sane When Working From Home in Singapore.

    What are some ways to improve hiring chances during the current circuit breaker in Singapore? Share them with us in the comments section below! 

    Read More: What Our Interns Actually Think of Temporary Jobs: Ben

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