
  • 4 Reasons Why Tech and IT Employees in Singapore Leave Their Jobs

    by BGC HR

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    Tech professionals in Singapore are often comfortable with the jobs they’re in. Which is why it is incredibly hard to woo IT employees as a hiring manager. As an IT recruitment outsourcing agency, we’ve written a number of articles to help clueless HR executives and hiring managers to search for the best IT and Tech talents in Singapore. Before we begin, you might find more relevant IT and Tech content in the BGC Group articles here.

    Alternatively, we hope that our IT and Tech articles can be used as a guide by young graduates in Singapore looking to break into the industry here. If you’re a fresh graduate looking for an IT job in Singapore, you might want to check out the BGC Group job portal for more information. 

    If you’re looking to woo or retain cyber employees in Singapore. It is important to first understand why these usually loyal individuals leave their companies. Below, we’ve compiled the 4 main reasons why Tech and IT employees leave their jobs. 


    1. Salary 


    This is the most obvious reason. It is no surprise that employees of all industries will be interested in switching companies if they’re looking for higher compensation. However, research shows that approximately 60% of IT and Tech professionals are satisfied with their salary. Salary satisfaction is something that younger IT and Tech professionals seek out. Perhaps hiring managers can consider this the next time they try to woo newer tech professionals looking to gain more experience and a higher salary. In Singapore, employees in the Tech and IT field can expect to earn somewhere between $2,200 (IT Support Engineer) to $15,000 (Cybersecurity Specialist) a month.

    If you’re a hiring manager on the lookout for new IT and Tech personnel, please download the BGC Group 2020 Salary Guide here

    2. Lack of Opportunities  


    It is likely that Tech and IT employees might change careers when there is a lack of career growth and opportunities. Professionals in the industry might find it better to work for a company that provides more options to upskill and take on more courses. Hiring managers must understand that cyber employees are interested in constantly upskilling and reskilling. It’s the only way for them to stay relevant and be up to date with their job. The lack of opportunities to do so might cause Tech and IT employees to feel bored, which might influence their decision to leave. 

    3. Job Dissatisfaction 


    Employees working in the IT and Tech field who are dissatisfied with their jobs might be more inclined to leave their job. There are many different factors that can result in job dissatisfaction among cyber employees. This can vary from bad working conditions to low compensation. 

    However, here are three main reasons why cyber employees are dissatisfied with their jobs: 

    • Unknown: Employees who are not recognized for their efforts will not find their workplace a satisfying place to be. There is a simple way to make cyber employees feel less alone in the workplace. Learn their name, and invite your cyber employees to more work events to socialize. Additionally, it can be useful to understand the different skills and experience cyber employees need.

    • Boredom: Not all of us will be lucky enough to find careers curing cancer or solving world peace. However, even everyday jobs can be tough, especially when the work turns boring or mundane. If you’re looking to retain your Tech and IT talent, then it’s important to understand why cyber employees might find their workplace boring and mundane. The answer might be due to overworking, dealing with too little work, lack of career growth, poor management, or an unsupportive boss. 

      Learn more about why employees find their work mundane and boring here

    • Unclear KPIs: Ambiguous KPIs are just one of the many mistakes that managers make with their cyber employees. Employees won’t be able to judge their track record or determine if they’re succeeding at their job if the KPIs used to track their work are unclear. And this is a problem that many managers in the Tech and IT field make. In fact, a 2018 study revealed that more than 60% of cyber security employees want more clearly defined responsibilities.

    • Burnout: Chronic stress at the workplace can lead to a serious health issue known as job burnout. Some common symptoms of burnout include feeling listless and exhausted, reduced work efficiency, and negative feelings associated with work. 

    At BGC Group, we take burnout very seriously. Learn more about how Singaporean employees can combat burnout here

    4. Lack of Direction  


    There is nothing more demoralising than working for a company that has little to no direction, especially as a cyber employee. Identifying a directionless company is simple. These organizations often have: 

    • No clear plan for the future: Having a management team that flits from one direction to another symbolises a directionless company.

    • Employees unaware of long term goals: Behind every employee who is unaware of their long term goals, is a manager who is just as clueless. This can lead to process constraints— a term used to describe an employee who cannot perform their job due to lack of information.

    • Lack of communication: Additionally, when the management team fails to communicate its goals adequately, employees are left to complete their job in total darkness. To prevent this, companies should always communicate their direction, financial circumstance, and the major challenges they’re facing with their employees. 

    No matter how encouraging the potential a company has. Employees are unlikely to be happy and stay at their jobs for long when it is evident that the company is a sinking ship without an exit strategy. 

    Learn more about the different companies that employees avoid in this Glassdoor article

    In Singapore, experienced cyber employees are in a unique position. They’re in high demand which leaves them the luxury of being slightly pickier during the job search. As always, this list is not exhaustive. Keep an eye out for more updates to come! 

    Was this article helpful? Let us know in the comments section below! 

    Read More: How to - Interview Tech and Cybersecurity Candidates in Singapore

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