
  • 5 Interesting Ways to Clear Your Annual Leave This 2020

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    How to clear your annual leave in Singapore by 2020

    ​The COVID-19 pandemic has left a number of Singaporeans stranded and vacation starved. Thanks to the closed borders and worldwide travel ban, Singaporean employees are running out of ideas on things to do while trapped home. If your HR department has been reminding you to clear your holiday leave. 

    But if you’ve been stuck wondering what to do or where to go, then you’re in luck! Not to worry! As a hr outsourcing agency in Singapore ourselves, we thought it’d be a good idea to compile a list of fun ways to clear your annual leave. Interested to find out what’s on our list? Read on to find out more! 

    1. Go Island Hopping 

    Clear your annual leave by going island hopping

    Have you been lusting for an island getaway? Even though we can’t visit lush islands like Krabi, Maldives, or everyone’s favourite, Bali. There are a number of southern islands in Singapore begging to be explored.

    These islands include: 

    • Lazarus Island: This is a popular spot amongst fishermen and divers. Lazarus island is often described as a cross between Sentosa and East Coast Park. Which reminds us of picnics by the park, kite flying, and cycling. Additionally, Lazarus Island is home to a number of cats. Perfect for cat lovers!

      More information on Lazarus Island here.

    • Kusu Island: If you’re not a fan of the furry felines, you might want to pay a visit to Kusu Island instead. It’s home to tortoises amongst other cultural sights. Kusu island is also home to several shrines and temples.

      More information on Kusu Island here.

    • Coney Island: One of the easier islands to get to is Coney Island because its just at the the edge of scenic waterfront district, Punggol. Singapore couples often visit this island for wedding photoshoots. However, there are wonderful flora and fauna to admire. It’s also a great place to cycle through! Coney Island’s a wonderful island if you’d like a short vacation outside the concrete jungle. 

      More information on Coney Island here.

    Also, more about island hopping in this article by The Straits Times

    2. Staycation in the Green City

    Go on a staycation in Singapore

    Take a break from your bedroom, your home, and your office. A change of scenery can do us a lot of good. In fact, travel is a great way to break our normal, everyday routine. Taking a short vacation is a good way to recharge! There are many benefits to having a staycation. Apart from having some good time off and away from the routine stressors of the day. 

    These benefits include: 

    • New experiences: The best part about new sensory experiences is the ability to sharpen our tastes and develop new perspectives.

    • Gain information and more knowledge: You might never know when any form of general knowledge might just come in handy!

    • Meet new people: Of course you might never know who you’d bump into during your staycation! Casual networking might just lead to a new connection or two. And who knows where that will lead! 

    The global pandemic has led to a global work-from-home stint. Those looking for a new place to work in might find the idea of staying in a hotel room intriguing. Learn more about the benefits of a workcation in this article

    3. Experimenting With New Hobbies

    Start a new hobby during your day off

    Take time off to experiment on some creative new hobbies. Hobbies are not just things we do to kill time. In fact, the aim would be to experiment and pick up productive new hobbies. Before we jump into examples of productive, new hobbies. The first thing we’d like to do is describe what a productive hobby entails. 

    A productive hobby is something that fosters and nurtures your skills. Some examples can include writing, gardening, meditating, and even something artistic (e.g. painting, woodworking, sculpting) to name a few.

    Growing trend in Singapore: Home Gardening

    The Singapore government recognised the nation’s growing need for practical, productive hobbies. NParks recently released a ‘Gardening with Edibles’ initiative that gives all households two free packets of seeds. Those who applied might receive seed packets for edibles such as eggplant, tomatoes, cucumbers to name a few. It’s good fun for parents with kids and singles alike! 

    Learn more about the benefits personal hobbies can bring to your workplace and career here.
    Also, this article by Lifehack for more productive hobby ideas

    4. Volunteering 

    Volunteer your time during your days off

    While you might not be able to fly out of the country for a volunteering stint. If you’re someone blessed with a humanitarian spirit, volunteering can bless you with multiple benefits. However, the key would be to find the ideal cause to volunteer for.

    Some major benefits of volunteering include:

    • Creating new connections with others: Volunteering is a good way to meet new people. Finding people who support the same causes, no matter how small, helps you make new friends, as well as boost your social skills. If you’re shy, volunteering can help you get into the momentum of stepping out of your comfort zone to meet new people.

    • Providing emotional abundance: Volunteering is a “feel-good” activity. And as a “feel-good” activity, volunteering helps combat depression, and a range of other “unpleasant” emotions (i.e. anger, anxiety, stress). In addition, volunteering also provides one with an increased sense of self-confidence.

    • Learning transferable job skills: A number of volunteering experiences can provide you with free training. This allows volunteers to pick up new skills that might be useful to their career path. Can’t decide what kind of transferable job skills to take up?

      Check out this article on transferable skills by BGC Group here

    Interested in volunteering during the holidays? Learn more about the surprising benefits of volunteering here

    5. Prep Your Resolutions for 2021 

    Start thinking about your plans and career goals for 2021

    Spend part of your annual leave planning for your future. We recommend preparing your resolutions for the upcoming year. What are some things that you’d like to let go of?

    What would you like to achieve in the coming year that will hopefully see COVID-19 pandemic subside?

    If a career change is on your to-do list, you’re in luck!

    These links below might be able to help you find what you’re seeking: 

    Still can’t figure out your career goals?
    Browse through our BGC Group blog for articles that might just help you spark new ideas! 

    What are some ways you’ll be spending your 2020 annual leave on? Share them with us in the comments section below!

    Read More: Let this be your most productive holiday ever!

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