
  • Is Your Current HR Payroll System Working For You?

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    Is Your Current HR Payroll System Working For You?

    Today, HR work is a lot more complex than it has ever been. There’s so much that goes into the proper management and care of employees. These days, human resource executives are responsible for everything — from hiring and recruiting to training, job evaluations, mediations, payroll and more. With so many tasks to keep up, most human resources teams and executives rely on the help of a good HR payroll system. 

    But how do you know if the current HR payroll system you’re using is great for you? In this article, we’ll be discussing the different factors that a good HR software system should have. Ready to learn more? Let’s get started! 

    Benefits of a HR Payroll System


    ​To first understand the qualities of a good system. We must first understand the benefits that a great HR management system brings to the organization. It is no secret that a good HR software can take the pressure of daily responsibilities off your human resources team. But what benefits do they bring? 

    Some useful benefits of a good HR payroll system include: 

    • Automates data entry and repetitive tasks: Data entry is a daunting and time consuming task. Despite automation sounding like a scary term, don’t worry! Robots are not planning to take over your jobs. A good HR payroll system helps automate certain tasks (e.g. inputting employee’s personal details). In addition, most HR systems allow employees to handle clerical tasks on their own. Freeing up more time for your HR employees. Other things that a good HRMS software can automate include payroll, vacation and leaves, as well as time attendance.

    • Added security: Not all HR software systems come with built-in security. However, the ones that do come with added security, can block access to sensitive company data. This reduces the potential for security breaches and hacker access to private employee data.

    • Go paperless: Kill two birds with one stone when you switch to a good HR system — get your organization to save money and go green! A good payroll system can help your organization save money on office supplies by reducing the amount of paper used. This can be done through e-signatures and online payrolls to name a few.

    • Improve employee performance: Not only does a good HR system help automate menial tasks for your HR team. It does the same for the other employees in your organization. It helps save their time when it comes to a number of everyday tasks (e.g. leave application and time attendance). This leaves your employees with more time to complete the rest of their responsibilities. 

    Learn more about the benefits of a good HR software system with these BGC Group articles: 

    Four Qualities of a Good HR Payroll System 


    Already using a HR payroll system? Well, now’s the time to figure out if your current software is up to date. Below, we’ve listed some qualities that your software system should have: 

    • The software is easy for both your HR team and candidates to use: There is no point investing big bucks in a software that is too complicated for everyone to use. Remember, the software should simplify everyone’s workload, not muddle it! Before investing in a HR payroll system, test it out on your employees, both mature and young. ​

    • Less clicks to get you where you want: Less clicks means that the software has streamlined your workload. It also means that the HR system is streamlined. If you’re wondering what the benchmark for a good HR management system is. It should be one that features a compilation of all your required functions (i.e. timesheet, leave calculation, payroll) to name a few. To put it simply, your current or next HR payroll system should have all the services and functions required by the whole team. Keep in mind that HR managers spend up to 14 hours a week completing menial admin tasks. As such, choosing an automated system that simplifies and shortens time spent on menial HR tasks. 

      Pro-Tip: It would be ideal for the team to get together and list the different services that they wished were automated. This could also be a great team building and socialising exercise! 

    • Manages all your pesky math calculations for you: Finance and expense tracking and calculation can be some of the toughest and nail biting things to manage. Which is why we recommend looking out for a software system that allows you to automate manual payroll responsibilities. How urgent is the need for managing all the different pesky math calculations?  Well, according to a recent report, it seems like executives handling payroll spend more than 5 hours completing the different payroll tasks. Shockingly, this adds up to 21 days a year, every year. Imagine losing that much time! 

    • Is affordable: What use is a great HR payroll system when it is not affordable? Let your organization not only save enough time and energy but also money. There are many benefits to utilising an affordable HR system. It allows your organization to spend more money funding training other employees and upskilling them. Isn’t that a wonderful trade off? 

    Introducing WeCARE: Singapore’s Trusted HR Payroll System 

    As a HR outsourcing agency, our aim is to make the lives of HR executives everywhere easier. As HR specialists ourselves, we understand the different gripes faced by HR executives worldwide. Which is why BGC Group has come up with our very own HR payroll system — WeCARE. Learn more about what WeCARE has to offer here

    What are some HR gripes that most HR executives deal with? Share them with us in the comments section below! 

    Read More: Up-to-Date Tools HRs Need For This Work-From-Home Season

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