
  • 4 Ways To Attract Tech Talents In A New Location in 2021

    by HR & Management

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    The world is steadily getting more and more connected through technology. This rings true as well when it comes to sourcing and recruitment. Before, when hiring top-tier tech talents in other countries is a pipe dream. Right now, it is already a part of short to mid-term strategic plans of global companies.

    With countries opening up their doors to globalization as well, it is no longer farfetched to see companies expanding their offices in strategic locations. They no longer limit themselves to just one place. For them, it makes more business sense to be in multiple countries. However, for HR Managers, this poses a big challenge. Thankfully, as an HR outsourcing agency in Singapore, we understand the plight. 

    Recruitment strategies in one country may not necessarily work in another. There are also recruitment marketing challenges to contend with - how you attract top candidates in one place, may not cut it in another. Expanding to another place brings with it new sets of challenges. This can include: 

    • New industry competition

    • New competition to tech talents

    • New sets of biases and values

    • New culture

    These are all the things (and perhaps more) that every HR Manager and recruiters need to have a plan around to make the company’s move successful. We will talk about a few tips to help you figure it out.

    1. Do A Competitor Analysis

    ​Know who your direct competitors are. Especially those who directly compete with you for the same tech talents that you’re planning to hire. You don’t want to jump in and join the recruitment war for tech talents without first knowing who or what you’re up against. More questions that can help you, but the ones listed below will get you started in the right direction. Ultimately, you need to know what’s working by looking into other companies in your new location that has done it successfully. You can still add your unique flare, but make sure it’s just enough.


    2. Understand The Local Talent Market

    Get into the nitty-gritty of knowing who you’re trying to go after. Every talent market has its unique preferences and will have different sets of values. You need to understand what those are first before you go in with guns blazing and pitch what it is that you’re offering. First impressions matter. You must get that right. Getting this right at the start could assure you of a successful entry into the local talent market. It pays to invest your time doing this research rather than in the middle of your sourcing run where things are getting hectic fast.


    3. Optimize Your Careers Page for Your Local Tech Talents


    Your current careers page may be raking in thousands of job applications per month. But this may not immediately translate when you’re recruiting for the local talent market. For one, they may be attracted to a different tone and messaging. They may also prefer different sets of perks than what you’re currently offering. By using the information you have gathered while doing your research, create a different careers page geared towards attracting local tech talents. Make sure to highlight what they value the most.

    Additionally,  you need to keep in mind that these talents may not trust your company early on. Some will be excited to join a relatively unknown company, but you need to establish your employer’s reputation and positioning from the get-go. You can do this by being transparent. Communicate every information about your company and your tech jobs that are not covered by an NDA or are not proprietary. Make it easy for your target talent market to know you and your hiring process. The more they know about you, the easier they trust you.

    4. Go Social And Share Your Culture

    Social media is big these days. Not so long ago, HR Managers were apprehensive about using it as a platform for sourcing. But, that’s not the case anymore. Social media is a great platform to showcase your company culture. And a great company culture could mean that they will join your company rather than a multinational one. Research the different famous social media platforms that your target talent market is using and craft a game plan on how you can optimize for those. Don’t just blitz it with your job vacancies. Your primary goal is to be known first. Doing these things may take time, but it’s all worth it in the long run.


    5. Partner With a Local Tech Recruitment Agency


    If you’re hiring for tech talents fast and you don’t have the time and resources to do the things above, then you need to partner with a local tech recruitment agency to get you started right away. There’s a lot of benefits when you partner with recruitment agencies, but you need to know who it is that can help you. If you’re mainly hiring for tech talents, it would be best if you partner with an agency that specializes in tech hiring. Let’s say you’re an HR Manager and your company recently decided to hire tech talents in Singapore.

    What do you need to know about your potential agency partners to make sure your partnership is successful? We list them below! 

    A. Know their history and track record

    You need to find a partner who has been doing it successfully for a long time. Not only have they established themselves with companies, but also with the local talent market. Jobseekers trust them and when they hire for you, job seekers will be assured that you’re a trustworthy company.

    B. Ask for their hiring process

    A clear understanding of their hiring and endorsement process will help you work-around your process to make it more streamlined. You can also tell them what it is that you prefer. A good recruitment agency is flexible and will find ways to accommodate your needs.

    C. Ask for sample profiles

    A good tech recruitment agency will have a proven database of both active and passive job seekers. Set up a meeting with them and discuss your requirements. They will be able to show you sample profiles that fit your needs.

    D. Know what they value

    Lastly, you need to know what your potential tech recruitment agency values. You have to know that they care about your success as much as you. Look for a partner, not just a fleeting business transaction.

    As HR Managers, you need to be ready to expand your talent network. The world is now connected more than ever because of technology and eventually, hiring for tech talents in other parts of the world will become commonplace. 

    Care to share some tips on how to attract tech talent? Share them with us in the comments section below.

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