
  • All the 2021 Cybersecurity Courses to Take in Singapore

    by BGC HR

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    Top Cybersecurity Courses for Singaporeans to Take

    As 2021 draws to a close end, many amongst us are seeking different ways to upskill ourselves before we set new resolutions. The tech industry is a good place to start if you’re looking to switch careers, industries, or even pick up new skills to feel more accomplished. 

    However, as more workplaces operate digitally due to the COVID-19 situation, cybersecurity courses are a great way to gain relevant skills. As a tech recruitment agency in Singapore, we’re in the know when it comes to some of the latest courses and programs to take. For those looking to get a head start when it comes to their new year’s resolutions, don’t forget to check out the BGC Group job portal for some new openings. 

    Without further ado, let’s begin discussing the different courses related to the cybersecurity industry. 

    1. National University of Singapore 

    Various Cybersecurity Courses 

    The National University of Singapore (NUS) has a range of cybersecurity courses available. Choose from a range of short courses and seminars to cybersecurity exams. The courses here are not too long either, ranging from 3 to 5 days at most. Additionally, we’ve noticed that the courses here are for both cybersecurity professionals and the layman looking to understand the industry more. 

    NUS has a wide medley of cybersecurity courses such as: 

    • Essential Security of Smart Things 

    • Cybersecurity Risk Awareness

    • Fundamentals of Cybersecurity 

    • Platform Security 

    The University also has a range of Cybersecurity exams for those looking to upskill: 

    • Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP Exam Only) 

    • Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP Exam Only) 

    • Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP Exam Only)

    Learn more about the range of cybersecurity courses on offer at National University of Singapore

    2. Nanyang Technological University  

    SG United Skills Program 

    Nanyang Technological University (NTU) has an SG United skills program to help newbies become successful cybersecurity specialists. This is a 6 month program that will cover a range of topics including Information Technology Support, Information Security Risk Assessment as well as Data Analytics and Reporting to name a few. Much like the courses on offer at the National University of Singapore, this cybersecurity program can be taken by those completely new to the industry. 

    Students who undertake this program will have to focus on several aspects of the course module such as: 

    • Industry Focused Curriculum: During this portion of the course, students will be able to learn from certified master degrees. This is a great way for students to learn industry relevant experiences for future use at the tech workplace.

    • Real-World Projects Portfolio: This is a project based section of the program. During this portion of the program, students are expected to learn essential soft skills. This allows students to learn how to prepare themselves for the real-world work environment.

    • Industry Networking: Probably the best part of the program is the ability for students to network amongst industry experts. Networking allows students to get a heads up on open job positions before it is advertised online.

    • Graduate Career Support: Once done with the course, students will be able to gain graduate student assistance. This might sound uninteresting to some. However, NTU states that this allows students to gain access to potential job openings in SMEs. 

    Learn more about the SG United Skills Cybersecurity Program on offer at Nanyang Technological University

    3. PSB Academy City Campus  

          Various Cybersecurity Courses 

    If you’re on the lookout for a range of cybersecurity courses for both the beginner and the intermediate in the industry. The PSB Academy website advertises a variety of courses. These include, the Foundation course, Diploma, Bachelor’s and Master's degree. 

    A quick run through of the courses available on the PSB Academy website include: 

    • Foundation Certificate in Engineering and Technology: In this program, students will be able to pick up knowledge on the foundational basics of cybersecurity. Additionally, the course allows students to tackle the technical understanding of engineering.

    • Diploma in Network Defence and Forensic Countermeasures: In this course, students will be equipped with specific skills to combat the ever increasing threat of cyber attacks. According to the website, students undertaking this diploma will be able to grasp the basics of Cybersecurity. As well as specialization in Network Defence and Digital Forensics. 

    • Bachelor’s Degree in Cybersecurity: PSB Academy offers two degrees within the cybersecurity industry. Both cybersecurity courses are available on a full time and part time basis. In both courses students will be able to learn about the computer systems involved.

    • Master’s Degree in Cybersecurity: For students looking to get an intermediate and more advanced look at cybersecurity, PSB Academy also offers both a Master’s degree and Graduate Certificate in Cybersecurity. These courses are designed for working professionals looking to expand their skill sets within the cybersecurity field. 

    Learn more about the various programs and courses on offer at PSB Academy

    Further Education Within the Tech Industry

    The tech industry in Singapore comprises more than just cybersecurity. There are a number of courses for those looking to expand their education, skills, and interest in the tech industry. Learn more about the different tech courses on offer in Singapore at the BGC Group blog. 

    Looking for a job within the cybersecurity field? Check out the BGC Group job portal for various openings within the field. Alternatively, drop your resumes with BGC Group to be matched to a suitable job position

    Read More: Best Part-Time Tech Courses for Busy Professionals in 2021

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