
  • Best Part-Time Tech Courses for Busy Professionals in 2021

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    ​Never forget that your tertiary education is not the end of your student life. To stay relevant and in-demand during the current times, it’s always best to up skill. And the best way to pick up new skills, knowledge and ideas quickly is through professional courses.

    As a recruitment agency in Singapore, we’re always researching some of the best courses for working professionals. Not only is it a good way to educate job seekers. It allows recruiters and hiring managers to keep an eye out for niche skills that are growing in demand. Are you ready to learn more? Let’s get started! 

    Benefits of Tech Upskilling


    A. For job seekers in Singapore...

    Unless you’re someone working in the Tech and Cybersecurity field, most of us will often pass up the opportunity to upskill. The reasons are many — from not having enough time or seeing it as pointless. However, we’re here to remind you that the benefits to upskilling are a-plenty! 

    They include: 

    • More hireable: Employers and hiring managers want to hire skilled employees. It is no secret that multi-skilled job seekers will have better options out in the working world. So more skills equals more job opportunities.

    • Beat the competition: Mature job seekers might have experience on their side. However, they still have to compete with passionate and younger job seekers. Upskilling allows mature employees in Singapore to stay relevant in the ever changing workplace.

    • Higher salary: More skills lead to better opportunities and higher salaries. How? Well, more access to roles and various career opportunities, gives you more skilled experience. In addition, if you’re looking to switch careers and industries for a better pay check, upskilling can help facilitate that change! 

    B. For hiring managers in Singapore...

    Sure, upskilling provides job seekers with a number of benefits. But hiring managers can get their fair share of benefits for sponsoring employees who choose to upskill too! 

    Some of these benefits include: 

    • Better company morale: Employees who are given more training and upskilling opportunities can feel happier and more purposeful in their jobs. Keep in mind that this is a multi-fold benefit. Better company morale leads to a higher retention rate, as well as customer satisfaction. The reason behind this is simple. Upskilling opportunities makes your employees feel cared for. 

    • Attract new hires: Employees are not only on the lookout for monetary benefits. Keep in mind that upskilling opportunities make employees happier. Happy and satisfied employees are the best advocates for your brand. This means that they’re more than likely to recommend the organization to friends, family members, and other people in their professional network. 

    Best Part-Time Tech Courses to Learn This 2021 


    1. Machine Learning 

    machine-learning-courses-singapore.png (click here)

    Duration: Approx. 60 hours 

    Skills: Machine Learning (ML), Logistic Regression, Machine Learning Algorithms, Artificial Neural Network, Datamining 

    Recommended for: Those working in the Tech field, or anyone with a background in a coding language

    According to an article by Forbes, the demand for both machine learning and artificial intelligence skills is set to grow until 2025. Some well-known job positions that utilise these skills are software developer, data scientist, data engineer, and network engineer to name a few. Participants will be able to pick up a number of skills from this course. As well as learning the best practices through a series of case studies. Overall, a relatively good course for those looking to build their foundational skills in Machine Learning. 

    2. Artificial Intelligence  


    Institution: ITE Singapore (click here)

    Duration: 3 hours 

    Skills: Basic understanding of Artificial Intelligence

    Recommended for: Human resources, anyone looking to understand the basics of Artificial Intelligence

    Much like Machine Learning, the demand for Artificial Intelligence is due to increase by 2025. Understanding the course is the key to deciding whether you’d like to attempt it in the future. Some key benefits of picking up the “Inspired by Artificial Intelligence” course by ITE Singapore include learning AI ethics and bias, and discovering both the unexpected and expected results of AI implementation. In addition, participants will be able to understand the role of Artificial Intelligence in mobile applications and games to name a few. 

    3. Python Programming 


    Institution: Singapore Management University (SMU Academy)

    Duration: June 2021 to August 2021

    Skills: Python

    Recommended for: Anyone looking to pick up a well-known coding language

    Coding and programming is no longer a skill reserved for employees working in the Technology and Cybersecurity field. There are many reasons why we recommend picking up a coding language — most of which can be found in this BGC Group article here. If the idea of picking up a coding language scares you, rest assured that Python isn’t as intense as the other programming languages available out there. 

    Why learn Python: 

    • Easy to learn: Python is regarded as one of the simpler coding languages to learn. It allegedly takes several days to pick up the basics of Python.

    • Career opportunities and growth: According to an article by TechGig, Python is a coding language that leads to a number of career opportunities in the future. This is especially true for employees looking to find ways to automate the minute and boring aspects of your daily responsibilities.

    Keep a lookout for more updates to come! We’ll be updating this list as the year goes by. In the meantime, check out the BGC Group blog for other related articles! 

    What are some Tech and IT courses that job seekers and hiring managers should take up in 2021? Share them with us in your comments section below!

    Read More: IT Projects to Help Boost Your Tech Career in Singapore

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