
  • 6 Important Tips on Engaging Talented Job Seekers in Singapore

    by BGC HR

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    Like people on online dating websites, most job seekers understand the term “ghosting”. Ghosting is a common phenomenon for them. Most job seekers often go for multiple interviews, only to never hear the outcome from hiring managers and other employers.

    However, there seems to be a growing trend of job seekers ghosting employers as well. Research shows that 94% of job seekers are ghosting employers. Additionally, 6 in 10 employers in Asia Pacific are facing challenges when it comes to retaining employees. Fortunately, most issues can be fixed.

    Here are 6 ways companies can avoid being bailed out by a potential hire from a reputable manpower agency in Singapore: 

    1. Keep communication going during the candidate's job search


    In any relationship, be it personal or professional. The key to strengthening it is communication. Job hunting is both a busy and nerve wracking time for most people. Which is why it helps to keep communication lines open.

    In the modern digital world, most people expect a response within a few hours. Or at most within 24 hours. The least employers or hiring managers can do is to keep the lines of communication open as best as they can. Not only will this put the candidates at ease, it will keep them engaged and less likely to drop out during the hiring process. A simple (yet engaging) idea would be to text candidates with current updates about their job application. 

    Consider tapping into technology tools such as email reminders or chat bots to make help accessible to candidates. Eventbrite has come up with an ingenious email reminder that deters candidates from dropping out of the application process before completing it.


    Pro-Tip: Focus on making all forms of communications personalized to the candidate. This will let them believe that they’re fostering a deeper and more valuable relationship with you. 

    2. Streamline your hiring process to make it easy for job searchers

    Tedious hiring processes leads to bored job seekers. Unless you’re representing top organisations with countless benefits, much like Google or Amazon. Keep in mind that due to the strict talent competition, a tedious hiring process might cause you to lose our on talented candidates. 

    Google, one of the most competitive tech hirers out there, recognized this problem. The corporation has decided to create a “Careers” platform to get the hiring process started. Listed in the platform is all the information needed and job openings that interested job applicants can find.

    Unbeknown to most organizations, the recruitment process gives candidates a deeper look into the inner mechanics of the company. In other words, candidates vet whether or not they’re suitable for the company through the recruitment process. 

    Learn more about hiring tech talents like Google, Amazon, Apple, and Microsoft here

    3. Use recruitment agencies to fill your job vacancies

    Recruitment agencies are one way to get reputable candidates for your organization. Most companies don’t realise that recruitment agencies provide additional security when it comes to retaining your new hires.

    There are numerous benefits to utilising the help of a recruitment agency. Hiring a candidate through a recruitment agency is probably the best way to find and retain employees - and very especially, talented job candidates in your ideal sectors (i.e. Tech and IT, Finance, Retail). Great recruitment consultants are experts at mass screening, profiling, and filtering mass volumes of candidates fast. Recruiters from recruitment agencies are often connected to talents in their specialisms, and come with insider’s tips and knowledge of the trade, more so than in-house recruiters within your organisation.

    Ultimately, the one benefit a recruitment agency is able to provide is a guarantee. That way, even when your candidates drop out, the recruitment agency will be able to provide you with a pool of qualified others.

    Learn more about the myriad of benefits recruitment agencies provide here.

    4. Have a social media presence to grow your employer brand

    Treat your candidates like consumers to entice them into joining your organization. One way to do this is by building a reputable social media presence to create a brand that job seekers can engage with. 

    Websites such as Linkedin, Instagram, and Facebook are great ways to both connect with potential job seekers as well as build your social media presence. Blog posts with content sharing interview tips and tricks specific to your company, how-to-guides, upcoming industry events are valuable to potential candidates.

    Additionally, Instagram and Facebook are platforms useful for sharing snippets of your company culture with the candidates. By constantly sharing content and building your social media platforms, you’re continually engaging with both potential and current job candidates. Content also helps candidates help better understand your organization and gives them an idea on why you’re their preferred employer.

    5. Personalise everything about what makes your job vacancy special  

    We don’t need to remind you that candidates dislike being spammed with job alerts, when your organization is looking to fill an empty spot. Both millennial and gen z want personalised content, and this includes job ads. Instead, create personalized emails, addressing the receiver by their name.

    Alternatively, you can create and send out personalized emails filled with curated content specific to the receiver’s interest. The same logic can also be applied to any recruitment process; organizations can set up recruitment profiles that allows candidates to receive notifications and emails regarding their interview process.

    This also keeps from leaving candidates in the dark, keeping them engaged throughout the process. 


    6.  Pay close attention when interviewing  your prospective employees

    There are two things that recruiters need to know about job seekers. Firstly, it’s not always easy to land interviews. Secondly, job interviews are also a way for candidates to vet your company and its culture.

    It’s crucial for hiring managers and in-house recruiters to take note that job seekers use this time to determine whether or not they want to work with the organization. Tailor your answers to their questions and enquiries, to keep your interviewees hooked. Try to keep the initial interview stages light hearted and interesting, you want to learn more about the inner mechanics of your candidates. But they’re there to learn more about your company too! Think of the job interview as a shared learning process. The more enjoyable it is, the less likely the candidate will ghost you!

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