
  • Fresh Graduates, Now is the Time to be Open if You Want to Land a Job

    by BGC Candidates

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    The graduation season is upon us. Unfortunately for fresh graduates in Singapore, graduating in the year 2020, landing a full-time, part-time, or casual position related to their degree will be tougher than usual. 

    In fact, as a trusted recruitment company in Singapore, we’ve noticed that job listings have gone down, by 40% in 2020. Additionally, Singapore’s private sector observed a 30% drop in hiring activities — with most companies putting hiring on hold. 

    However, as a provider of jobs, we believe that there’s always a way out despite the recession. So, fresh graduates in Singapore, here’s how you can survive the current economic climate and land a job: 

    1. Lower Your Salary Expectations




    Whilst some sources might advise fresh graduates to consider staying in school to avoid dealing with job hunting during the current recession, we beg to differ. Instead, we recommend fresh graduates to lower their salary expectations when job hunting in 2020. 

    If you’re a fresh university graduate looking for a realistic salary guide, check out BGC Group 2020 Salary Guide here. Unlike other salary guides available out there, BGC Group’s salary guide is tailored to the current COVID-19 economic conditions. 

    2. It’s Hard Across All Sectors 




    Some might believe that landing a job will be easier for fresh graduates with skills in industries such as healthcare, technology, and cybersecurity, to name a few. However, from a hirer’s perspective, job seekers in all sectors are taking a hard hit. Fortunately, there are ways for job seekers to seem more hireable right now — including upskilling through a medley of courses available online.

    Recommended Readings: 

    Learn more about improving your hireability potential whilst working from home during the current circuit breaker here

    3. Take on a Temporary Role 




    Whilst it might be tough to land a full-time job in the current economy, taking on a temp job position right now might be the correct move for Singaporean university graduates. As a recruitment outsourcing agency, we’re currently seeing twice as many job applicants of all age groups. To put it simply, fresh graduates are now competing with other displaced workers with a myriad of job experience. 

    Temporary roles are a good way to gain experience and get ahead in the job market once the circuit breaker is lifted. The critical benefits of a temporary job role include: 


    • Trialing out your ideal career: Sometimes, your dream position might not be the right one for you. Unlike a full-time position, a temp job allows you to experiment, pick up the proper skills, and get fully acquainted with the job responsibilities.

      Recommended Readings:

               Real Talk: I Left My Dream Job AND REGRETTED IT

               The Best Careers For Extroverts

               The Best Career Fields For Introverts

    • Get your foot through the door: One major benefit of a temp position is the ability to network on the job. Networking might not come easy to some people. However, due to the circuit breaker, you might only need to network online. This can be beneficial for introverts or fresh graduates who are painfully shy.

               Recommended Readings: 

               3 Ways Introverts Can Network for Job Opportunities

               The Best Websites for Networking in Singapore

    • A full-time position: Not only are temp positions a good way to get your foot into the door. It’s also a great way to land a full-time position.

               Recommended Readings: 

               How to Convert a Temp Job to a Full-Time Gig

    4. Consider a Traineeship Programme 




    Landing a traineeship program is akin to landing a full-time job. An apprenticeship is a great way to gain valuable knowledge and experience in a competitive field. Basically, it’s a headstart that you get paid for.

    The benefits of an apprenticeship program for fresh graduates in Singapore might include: 

    • Receive skills training and insider tips from industry professionals around the country 

    • Earn money whilst learning 

    • Enjoy the same rights as the other employees

    • You will end the traineeship both qualified and certified at either a national or an international level

    If you’re looking for a reputable traineeship program in Singapore, you can consider the SGUnited traineeship program set to open on June 1, 2020. The traineeship program will be open to graduates from institutions such as the Institute of Technical Education (ITE), Polytechnics, as well as Universities.

    Currently, more than 280 organisations across the country, in industries across the private, and the government sector. Additionally, there will be more than 4,000 apprenticeship opportunities to compete for. 

    Aside from a prospective job in the current economic climate. Other perks to the SGUnited traineeship program include:

    • 12 months to learn and acquire new skills from the program

    • A stable traineeship allowance for the next 12 months 

    • The opportunity to work with reputable companies and institutions such as Singtel, DBS Bank, the National University of Singapore (NUS), and Nanyang Technological University (NTU) to name a few. 

    • In some cases, the opportunity for a full-time position

    Learn more about SGUnited’s traineeship program in this MOM press release here

    5. Incorporate Technology into Your Role 



    There is a growing fear amongst employees that artificial intelligence and automation will replace them. But as a leading recruitment outsourcing agency in Singapore, we beg to differ. Instead of replacing human effort, artificial intelligence and tech can be used to supplement VARIOUS roles in a company. Think about it, most employees have already incorporated various tech tools such as Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative Cloud, and Google Analytics into our daily lives. 

    Not convinced? Here are some reasons why you should consider incorporating tech tools into your daily lives:

    • Ease of using technology tools such as blogs, videos, and podcasts 

    • Multitasking and completing various tasks with ease 

    • Adopt useful tech skills that might make you an in-demand job candidate 


    Some ways to build up your tech skill sets include:

    • Picking up tech and IT-related courses you might find useful to your career

    • Building a professional relationship with the tech and IT teams in your organization

    • Reading IT and tech-focused blogs and websites (i.e. BGC Singapore and A Very Normal Company)

    • Keeping up with the latest IT and tech trends 


    Recommended Readings: Give Your Career a Boost with Tech Know-How



    Have we managed to convince you to set more realistic expectations as a fresh graduate job hunting in Singapore this 2020? Let us know in the comments section why or why not, below! 

    Read More: Covid-19: Help, I Lost my Job! What Should I Do?

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