
  • Do Contract Workers in Singapore have Job Security?

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    As a job agency in Singapore, we are aware of the current labour market trends. It is our responsibility to take note of these trends and report them to job seekers in Singapore. Presently, the majority of Singaporean employees are aware that the current economy is an unstable one. 

    However, jobseekers still refrain from seeking contract job roles in Singapore. This can be spotted across all industries in the country. As such, this article aims to explore the different reasons why Singaporean job seekers should apply for a contract role. Additionally, as recruiters, we plan on answering the age old question, “Do contractors in Singapore have job security?”. 

    Contract Employees are More Skilled  


    This is a controversial statement to make. However, based on prior observations of employees within the Tech and IT industry, it seems like contract employees are a lot more skilled. It makes sense because to survive in the growing tech industry, you’ll have to be resilient and adaptable. 

    Additionally, going from one contract job to another allows you to absorb a myriad of different skills. Contract positions are often roles that need to be filled quickly. This flexibility allows contract employees to pick up and learn more skills! 

    An article by Page Personnel, claims that a contract role is a great way to highlight and gain transferable skills. For instance, someone working as a HR staff will be able to pick up valuable skills such as mastering certain HR tech systems. Not to mention, an array of valuable transferable skills. Click here to learn more about the importance of transferable skills

    There are other benefits of working in a contract position in Singapore. They include: 

    • The ability to network comprehensively: It is no secret that searching for the right job in the current economy boils down to your connection. Taking on short term contract roles allows you to meet some very important industry contacts. Eventually, this can lead to a long term position in the future.

      Learn more about the importance of diverse networking in this BGC Group article.

    • Explore your career path: Unfortunately, not all of us know what we want to do (as a job) in our lives. Having a short-term contract position allows you to sample a variety of different roles. Afterwards, you have the ability to decide on your next career move, either based on your expansive experience.

    • Unique and adventurous career path: In the Tech industry, contract employees are often hired based on the different companies’ project needs. If you’re a skilled employee, this might be the best option for you. Not only will you be able to cut out the mundane tasks from your daily job. You’ll also be able to work on an array of projects. This will help you diversify both your resume and portfolio! 

    From the ability to pick up new tangible and transferable skills. To the ability to gain an expansive experience. There are multiple reasons why we recommend new job seekers to take on a contract position. However, many job seekers and employees in Singapore are unwilling to take on contract positions. It is possible that Singaporean employees find contract employment to be a risky option. Especially during these turbulent times. 

    Is Contract Employment A Safe Option? 


    As mentioned, one of the many reasons why Singaporeans choose to avoid contract employment is the fear of being unable to land a full-time job. However, we’ve observed that contract employees are in higher demand during the recent COVID-19 pandemic. This is especially true when it comes to both the Tech and Healthcare industry. 

    There is a misconception that contract employees are only for job seekers or employees new to the working world. However, we should take a page out of the Tech and Healthcare industry. And realise that contract positions are also for specialists and job seekers looking to be experts in a specific field

    As companies start to tighten their purse strings, it is no surprise that temporary positions are on the rise. According to Page Personal, some high demand contract positions in 2020 include IT Scrum Masters, IT Development Manager, HR Executives and Executive Assistants.

    If you’re looking for a contract or temporary position in Singapore. We highly recommend checking out these articles listed below: 

    Alternatively, you can keep an eye out for updates and more temporary job opportunities on the BGC Group job portal here

    Contract Jobs — Best Option for Millennial and Gen Z Employees


    It is no secret that Millennials and Gen Z employees stay in their jobs for no more than three years. A study conducted by Deloitte found that the reasons for this constant change includes, the allure of skills development, the need for new challenges, as well as the desire to find a job that aligns well with their values. Similarly, Gen Z employees are also eager to job hop in an attempt to advance their career to great new heights. 

    To understand what companies are willing to offer Gen Z and Millennial employees, you might want to check out the article below! 

    Further Reading:

    In short, if you’re looking for a job that will provide you with the ability to develop specialised skills, flexible work arrangements and an adventurous career. Contract positions might just be the best option for you. 

    What are some other benefits of a temporary contract position in Singapore? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below! 

    Read More: Looking For Your First Full-Time, Part-Time, or Casual Job As A Student?

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