
  • IT Projects to Help Boost Your Tech Career in Singapore

    by Job Search & Career Blogs

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    ​Adding personal IT projects to your resume can help boost your career in Singapore’s Tech and IT industry. As an IT recruitment agency in Singapore, we’ve managed to compile a list of interesting IT projects that will help boost your tech career. If you’re looking to stand out from the competition. Adding several of your personal IT and Tech projects to your resume can boost your chances of getting hired.

    Whilst employees in the IT and Tech field do not have to worry about competition in the industry. It is always a good idea to show your current employers of your growing skill sets. Adding a great selection of personal IT projects to your resume also informs the hiring manager of just how dedicated you are. 

    Deciding Which Projects to Incorporate into Your Resume 

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    Before we begin highlighting the different projects you might want to incorporate into your resume. We must first distinguish the proper projects one should add into their resume. According to an article by Purely Functional, it is best to add in projects that show you’re picking up new, unrelated skills. 

    Like any other part of your resume, the best thing to do would be to customize the projects featured according to the job listing. Try to discern the different technical skills a company is looking for from the job listing. And pick the best projects you feel can reflect your proficiency in these technical skills. 


    Still unsure of which IT and Tech projects you’d want to include into your resume? Below are some ways to identify good IT projects: 

    1. How relevant it is to your job application

    This is pretty straightforward. However, as a general reminder, it is always best to pick projects that are relevant to the job position and company you’re applying for. What are some skills listed in the job description? Some investigating into the job role, the company, and job ad might yield the results you desire! 

    Related articles: 

    2. How interesting is your project?  

    Is your IT project captivating enough to capture the attention of your hiring manager? Keep in mind that in order to capture the attention of your recruiter, the project will have to be interesting. Remember the hiring manager has seen hundreds of resumes. You want to stand out! 

    3. Is your project complete?  

    Many individuals who work in the IT and Tech industry are creative. As creatives, it is common for us to jump from one idea to another. Starting a lot of projects without completing them is a bad sign to both interviewers and hiring managers. As mentioned by Purely Functional, adding incomplete projects could lead to tech recruiters asking questions such as: 

    • Why didn’t the candidate finish the project?

    • Is the candidate easily distracted? 

    • Does the tech candidate lack focus? 

    • Is the candidate disorganized? 

    Think carefully about the IT projects that you’ll be adding into your resume. You wouldn’t want to be answering the questions above during the interview. Or worse, be turned down even before the interview. 

    IT and Tech Projects That Will Boost Your Tech Career 

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    Now that you’re ready to boost your resume. These IT and Tech projects below will help boost any fresh graduate’s career in Singapore: 

    A. Projects for Programmers  

    Some interesting projects that budding programmers can take up include taking up projects from GitHub events to name a few. Other projects programmers can partake in include creating a website that shows places on Google Maps, as well as playing around with a Food Log and Meme Generator. Blogging or writing articles focused on trending topics can also be an interesting pet project to take on! 

    On the surface, these projects might not sound like much. But you’ll be utilizing much needed skills such as File iO, database logging, JavaScript interop or HTTP servers to name a few. More ideas for projects that programmers should take up can be found on this website

    Further reading: 

    B. Projects for Cyber Security Specialists   

    Some cyber security projects to help accelerate a cyber security specialist’s career include coaching to improve security awareness. For instance, this can be a project taken up during an internship. Or you could even volunteer to give talks to SMEs who might not be able to afford an in-house cyber security specialist. 

    Other ideas offered in this article by McAFee include crafting a personalised incident response plan. Additionally, writing articles on cyber security can make for an interesting side project. Alternatively, pitching freelance articles to reputable websites can also be advantageous. Keep in mind that cyber security specialists remain in high-demand when a cyber security specialist chooses to take on additional certificates. We’ve highlighted some interesting cyber security courses for you to choose from here

    Are you looking for a job in Singapore’s Tech industry? As an IT recruitment agency we’ve listed some interesting job opportunities on the BGC job portal. Click here to check the website out. Alternatively, browse through the BGC blog for some more tech, IT, and cybersecurity articles. 

    What are some personal tech projects that will help boost your tech career? Share them with us in the comments section below! 

    Read More: How to Start a Career in Singapore’s IT Sector Without Any Formal Degree

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