
  • Congrats! You Found the Right Candidate! Now What?

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    It’s not easy being a recruiter or hiring manager. You spend most of your days leafing through resumes and screening candidates. But what happens once you’ve found the right candidate? What should you do then? Well, as a HR outsourcing agency in Singapore, we’re here to help you secure the perfect candidate. This is everything that you’d need to know about securing the ideal candidate in Singapore. Are you ready? Read on to find out more! 

    During the Interview Process 


    Now that your ideal candidate has accepted the interview proposal. It is time to charm them during the interview process. Below are some things to keep an eye out for when you’re charming a candidate during the interview process. 

    A. Examine their body language

    Learn and examine your candidate’s body language. To do this, look at their arm movements, gestures while talking, handshakes, and eye contact. It’s no secret that body language is important. A candidate’s body language can give you insights on how someone is thinking and feeling. However, it’s important to keep in mind that sometimes, body language can be hard to read. Not everyone who fidgets or blinks a lot is nervous. There could be other reasons why this happens. 

    Some good examples of body language cues to look out for during a job interview include: 

    • Body posture: According to an article by Workable, posture is a great indicator of someone’s emotions. For instance, slouching can indicate someone who lacks self confidence. Whilst leaning back can sometimes indicate someone who is getting defensive.

    • Eye contact: Some say that eyes are the windows to your soul. Eye contact is often seen as a sign of honesty and confidence. However, eye contact can be tricky. Someone who doesn’t make direct eye contact does not necessarily mean that they’re shy or being dishonest. It can indicate someone who is anxious — a natural reaction to any stressful situation such as a job interview.

    • Look for non-verbal cues: It is no secret that when someone is stressed out, they might withhold information. If you pick up on some non-verbal cues, it could mean that a candidate is withholding valuable information. Don’t forget to ask some follow up questions to learn more about them. 

    Learn more about examining body language during a job interview in this article by Workable

    B. Find out more information about them! 

    You’d need to confirm if you have the right information about your candidate. Which is why it’s imperative to ask them about their experiences and accomplishments to learn more about the person you’re interviewing. Other information that would be important to find out include: 

    • Work ethic and attitude: Lookout for verbal and body language cues to find out if the person you’re interviewing matches the energy of the company. It’s also important to ask questions about the candidate’s past to figure out how they handle both their workload and pressure, as well as deal with their colleagues.

      We also recommend interviewing other people who know the candidate well for a more in-depth look into their true nature. Get some numbers and start asking your candidate’s past colleagues some questions. 

    • Find out if they’re interested in up skilling: According to an article by the Harvard Business Review, employees with natural curiosity tend to have better job performance. Other additional benefits of having curious employees include better team performance due to open communication. Finally, employees who are curious will continue picking up new skills and knowledge to stay relevant in their industry.

    As a HR outsourcing agency in Singapore, we have written several articles to help you out during the daunting interview process. Some related articles you might want to check out include: 

    After the Interview Process 


    Ok, so you’re done interviewing your ideal candidate. Now what? Well, now that you’ve identified your ideal candidate after the interview. Here are some crucial steps that you and your HR team should work on: 

    A. Speed through your hiring process

    If you’ve optimised your hiring process, the post-interview process should go about smoothly. However, it’s also important to figure out how your ideal candidate perceives your company culture and branding. Now’s the time to go on a deep dive — this can be done through employee surveys, to find out what needs to change and what can stay. 

    We’ve mentioned this in a previous BGC Group article. However, for those unaware, tech conglomerate Google recognized the problem with complicated hiring processes. Which is why the company has decided to create a separate “Careers” page to get the hiring process started. It might sound like a lot of work. But all this work can help ensure that your candidate will say “yes” to the job offer. 

    Learn more about how to speed your hiring processes in this BGC Group article

    B. Keep the communication going 

    The interview process is one of the most daunting processes to the candidate. It is no secret that there is a lot going on under the surface. Which is why it’s crucial to keep the communication going with your ideal candidate. You’d want to keep them interested every step of the way to ensure that your candidate doesn’t feel left out.  Failing to communicate well with your candidate can result in your ideal fit leaving for another company. This is especially true with in-demand job seekers, often found within the Tech and IT field. 

    C. Consider other alternatives 

    Of course if your hiring manager and HR team both have their hands tied with other duties. It would be great to outsource your hiring and HR processes to companies that you find eligible. That way, you can find the right candidate without thinking of the different ways it takes to get the candidates to seal the deal. 

    Learn more about the benefits of outsourcing your hiring and HR processes in this article

    Know of any other post-interview processes that are crucial to keeping your ideal candidate interested? Share them with us in the comments section below! 

    Read More: 5 Overlooked Tips for Candidates Starting New Jobs in 2021

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