
  • How to Handle Job Gaps in Your Resume During the Covid-19 Pandemic

    by BGC Candidates

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    Copy Of Gabriel's Bgc Blog Banners   2020 03 25 T145636

    Not only has the Covid-19 virus brought fear into our lives. It has also disrupted career paths for some of us. During this time of uncertainty, there is one thing that we can do to change our future outcome. Prepare for the future as best as we can, right now.

    As a recruitment company in Singapore, we understand the issues that come together with job gaps. In this article, we’ll be discussing how you can handle job gaps in your resume whether or not they were caused by the current Covid-19 pandemic. 

    1. Group Freelance and Temporary Work Together


    For those who’ve started to freelance after they were laid off or left their jobs. Freelancing might be a great option to help you continually earn money and innovate your skills. It’s also a good way to bridge resume gaps. 

    If you’ve spent some time freelancing for different clients. Try to group these experiences together and combine the dates. You could even describe the different clients you’ve worked with in bullet points, the range of skills you had to utilize, or even the results you’ve managed to deliver. We’ve included an example in the image attached below. 

    Doing so will not only give your resume a cleaner look. It also allows potential employers to get a better understanding of your achievements, as well as make you appear less like a job hopper.

    2. Invest in Upskilling 


    Investing in your professional development is a good way to gain skills that’ll make you more desirable. One way to figure out what kind of skill you should be taking on is by networking. Talk to individuals in the field you want to pursue and ask them for their tips and insight.

    Fortunately in Singapore, there are multiple ways to upskill, especially if you’re a mature worker. Programmes such as SkillsFuture and WSG’s Professional Conversion Programme are great examples of upskilling programmes.

    Learn more about upskilling in Singapore with these articles: 


    Additionally, there are other ways to help you upskill yourself. Coursera and SkillShare are some notable examples. However, paid websites such as JSTOR and Audible are now making their content more accessible and free due to the current Covid-19 pandemic. 


    3. Curate Positions Accordingly 


    Depending on the job, you might want to give up mentioning previous experiences in your resume. An entry-level job that you’ve worked in more than a decade ago should have no place in your current resume. Especially if it’s accompanied by a long job gap.

    Pro-Tip: Try to keep your resume file updated as much as you can. Include as many new skills and activities as you can. Learn more about writing a good and clean resume here

    4. Use the Time at Home to Change Careers 


    Or perhaps you can make the most of your time at home by trying out something new. This time away from work might be perfect for pursuing alternative career options. It is also a great time to experiment and find out what you may or may not like.

    Some ways you can change careers include:

    A. Consider Part-Time Work 

    Part-time work is a good way to slowly reintroduce yourself to the working scene. Depending on the position, a part-time job can be a rewarding way to earn extra money.

    Recommended Readings: 


    B. Freelance

    Freelancing is no longer for creatives. In an era where many are working from home, healthcare professionals (i.e. nurses) can also try their hand at freelance work. Think of it as a way to temporarily fill an employer’s need for nursing staff. In Singapore, you’ll be able to find freelance nursing jobs at both public and private hospitals, as well as nursing home and aesthetic clinics.

    Recommended Readings:

    C. Job Sharing  

    Job sharing is a new way of looking at part-time work. Basically, the term job sharing refers to splitting a full-time position into two part-time roles, for two different people. Think of it as a casual position with the responsibilities of a permanent position. Which is a good way to gain more experience, if you’re looking to step into the working world. 

    Recommended Readings:


    5. Create Your Own Experience  


    If there is a gap in the market that you can fill, why not create your own business. Perhaps you can advertise or sell a skill on an online marketplace (i.e. Etsy, Carousell, etc). Working even for a few hours a week might help boost your employability. 


    6. Consider Entry Level Positions 


    For employees with a larger gap in their resume (e.g. 3-5 years), applying for an entry-level position in an industry you’ve had plenty of experience in might be a more viable solution. Just be sure to describe your skills and amount of experience in your cover letter as well as during the job interview.

    The only downside is that you’ll be accepting a potential pay cut. Or reporting to someone who is younger and has less experience than you. 

    In a time when employability is uncertain, it is fair to have concerns about getting back into the workforce. Having a gap in your resume is not necessarily the end of the world. All it means is that you might have to take a step or two back, to get back into the game. 

    Read More: CV Tips For Mature Employees


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