
  • Find Out Your 2022 Career Luck and Fortune Based on Your Chinese Zodiac

    by Deana Zafir

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    Image 2022 01 17 T07 28 59

    If you’ve been a BGC Group candidate in Singapore for the past few years. You’ll know this recruitment company’s penchant and admiration for astrology and personality tests has grown over the past few years. And with Chinese New Year right around the corner, it seems like now is the right time to release our yearly zodiac themed article. 

    In this article, we’ll talk about what 2022 has in store for your career based on your zodiac signs. And if you’re curious about the sources, we'll be referencing several Feng Shui and zodiac handbooks for 2022. Ready to find out what the stars have in store for you? Let’s begin! 

    Year of the Rat 

    Years: 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996 and 2008 

    Individuals birthed in the year of the Rat will experience a year filled with ups and downs for their career. In 2022, you may find yourself focusing on the small losses instead of the big picture. To prevent these small losses, it will be best to find ways to maximise your career opportunities. It is no secret that the best way to maximize your career opportunities is through upskilling. We’ve compiled a list of articles related to upskilling in Singapore below.

    Articles for you to check out: 

    Year of the Ox 

    Years: 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997 and 2009

    Those born in the year of the ox will experience great interpersonal relationships that will have a positive influence with their career. This means that our fellow Ox's should spend some time in 2022 networking. Additionally, collaborating with your co-workers can lead to great successes. We’ve compiled a list of articles related to networking in Singapore below. 

    Articles for you to check out: 

    Year of the Tiger 

    Years: 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998 and 2010 

    Hello Tigers! It seems like 2022 will be a great year for you when it comes to your career. You may find yourself struggling to take on new tasks and challenges at the workplace. One way to alleviate anxiety at the workplace is by understanding and improving the industry related skills that you have. We’ve compiled a list of articles that can be helpful to you below. 

    Articles for you to check out: 

    Years: 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999 and 2011 

    People born in the year of the Rabbit will find themselves in good luck this year. According to the stars, this luck will extend to your career. Thus giving you many successes in 2022 - especially in terms of promotion and salary increments. However, success can only be achieved with the help of mentors and colleagues. Much like individuals born in the year of the Ox, you should spend some time this year networking. We’ve compiled a list of articles that can be helpful to you below. 

    Articles for you to check out: 

    Year of the Dragon

    Years: 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000 and 2012 

    Unfortunately, things may be a little challenging for our Dragon folks this year. According to the stars, individuals born in the year of the Dragon may struggle from mood swings and wacky emotions. Perhaps the upcoming changes and transition from work from home to a flexible office schedule might be a little nerve wracking to you. Not to worry though, we’ve compiled a list of articles that can be helpful to you below. 

    Articles for you to check out: 

    Year of the Snake

    Years: 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000 and 2012 

    It seems like the career luck will also be extended to individuals born in the year of the Snake. In 2022, you can expect your career to flourish. There could be opportunities for promotion as well as salary increment for some of you. However, this can lead to busy schedules as well as an increase in stress levels. Bookmark any of the articles below for an easy reference on how to destress at the workplace. 

    Articles for you to check out: 

    Year of the Horse 

    Years: 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002 and 2014 

    Individuals born in the year of the horse will also experience abundance at the workplace this 2022. Much like the other lucky signs, those born under the Horse zodiac will find themselves presented with an opportunity for pay increment. On top of that, those in leadership positions will receive a beneficial career boost. 

    Of course, there will be some challenges at the workplace. These challenges can include boredom and feeling tired of the same repetitive tasks at the workplace. Thankfully, as a recruitment agency in Singapore, we have some solutions to help mitigate boredom at the workplace. We’ve compiled a list of articles that can be helpful to you below. 

    Articles for you to check out: 

    Changing Your Fate and Career Luck in 2022 

    When it comes to luck and astrology, nothing is really set in stone. There are many ways to change your “bad” career luck before the beginning of the Lunar New Year. Traditional Chinese astrology and Feng Shui practitioners may advise you against offending Tai Sui (A.K.A God of Age). Others may encourage you to wear auspicious colors (e.g. red, green, blue) to strengthen the elements in your Chinese astrology chart.

    Whatever your chosen medicine is, it is important to remember that being proactive trumps luck and fate. 

    Looking to change your career luck? Drop us your resume at the BGC Group homepage for a chance to change your fate. Alternatively, visit the BGC Group blog for more ideas on how you can change your career and fate.

    Read More: The Best Careers For You Based on Your Chinese Zodiac

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